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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Welcome to the VHL, Jamesb95! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  2. Welcome to the VHL, Sinnoh! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  3. Welcome to the VHL, galle! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  4. Welcome to the VHL, Terry Bernadino! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  5. If it didn't include them before it does now. I checked off to include all forums now. It had a huge pile in there but not every single one. probably because we wanted to avoid locker room ones and updates in the past but that doesn't matter anymore.
  6. I’ll look but I’m 99% sure that section just pulls from everything.
  7. Everything should show up in there but I can check. Could just be getting buried quickly. We could make one specifically for VSN the way the game ones are.
  8. Yeah, it’s a bit awkward for guys that join during the post-season as they have to wait around for the draft, it’s not ideal.
  9. Bit of an odd time to sign unfortunately, bound to happen sometimes. Will definitely be much more interesting for you next season with the draft and everything.
  10. Our retention rate immediately has been much better but we’ve noticed lately that activity is dropping off post-draft so around the 1-2 month range. That heavily skews data for stuff like this because it means huge draft numbers but it doesn’t matter if 75/100 people are inactive before the end of their rookie season. Right now the ratio is definitely higher of people joining than people retiring but that’s to be expected. This season is retirement for the S59 players and we didn’t get these major sized draft classes until at least S63 or S64. The ratio will naturally even out a bit once we hit those draft classes retiring.
  11. We do have expansion drafts, we have with all of the VHLM expansions and both the VHL ones. It isn’t just teams of rookies for sure but the expansion teams certainly aren’t getting the superstars either and it shows. I don’t deny some people would want to play for expansion teams, Hell I almost went to Malmo in FA. I just don’t think expanding in-sustainably makes sense just to have a pile of new teams that we can’t fill with active players. It’s easier to expand than to contract; I’d rather avoid doing the latter again. I’m also not 100% anti-expansion I just think we need to slow down for at least a season. We can’t be adding 4 teams in 3 years and expecting things to just keep running perfectly; especially when 2/3 of draft classes will go inactive. I don’t believe GM’s are of the mindset that they want to draft people and never sign them so I would expect that more ice time will naturally open up as more players are drafted so long as we keep the cap reasonable to allow for that. Obviously within reason but there’s no rule saying you can’t have more than 11 players so it will happen naturally and create better parity in the league than having 8/12 teams in the playoffs and the other 4 being expansion teams.
  12. Was this intended to be posted as a .com article? The section is fine if you aren’t planning on claiming for it but listing the playoff teams isn’t really gonna count as TPE worthy haha
  13. For the first time since we officially gave it a name and started heavily enforcing it the Louth Rule requires no teams be punished!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShawnGlade


      I think I need to break the rule again just to add some parity

  14. It 100% shows up under that button, all content does. I’m not entirely sure what @Beaviss is smoking or referring to but it’s not the “view new content” button.
  15. I’m not completely opposed to discussing the idea, it’s been rewarded in the past, however I don’t care for the way you present your argument. Pointing out every other way to earn TPE and saying “we’ll what about that” doesn’t really make your suggestion any better, it just makes it seem like you hate everything else. At the end of the day all the things you mentioned are fair and even methods that can benefit anyone in the community. Affiliate one is a bit of a stretch since you’d need active affiliate players but you’re taking about 2 TPE per month (roughly 36 TPE over a full career) maximum which is very little. Something like this incentivized only graphics makers. Anyone with no GFX talent can’t compete and anyone with a job that pays enough to not need a PT isn’t incentivized enough. I do agree that our GFX talent has gone downhill, mainly since auto-6 was introduced. There’s no real denying that fact, people put in less effort because they need less effort. I will say though that GFX competitions I don’t think are necessarily a way to improve that quality. More likely you just end up with people being disappointed that they are losing to the same decent members every time. So how do we get our graphics back up to snuff? First I would say we need our @Updaters to have more free reign to mark PT’s as needing review from @DollarAndADream which we have been doing. Get people putting the effort in again otherwise they won’t be getting their PT; this goes for MS’ as well but we aren’t talking about that. Second I think would be sharing help and resources and comments. This section used to be filled with new digs that people would post for CnC before they posted it as a PT because they wanted max points, there’s no reason that can’t happen now. If people want to improve they can ask for help. Resource sharing in here also used to be a huge thing. People sharing tutorials or PSD’s to help others learn, guiding them with different techniques. This is all still possible, I’ll gladly donate some of my own stockpile. At the end of the day I think GFX will only improve if people want to improve. I don’t think throwing more TPE at a problem is the answer for everything, it just furthers the climate we have of people only doing things if they’ll be rewarded for it. Back in the day we did improve because we’d get better grades and more TPE for it but it was always a minimal difference. Things rarely got graded under 5/6 so that 1 TPE didn’t make people improve: people wanting to improve did. I would love to see the VHL be the leading sim league for graphics that it once was but I’m not sure throwing TPE at the problem is the way to do it.
  16. You’re really over-simplifying things for your argument though. One could just as easily say 1 and 1/2 years ago we had more teams than we could realistically sustain with the amount of quality players we had, it works both ways. People are too quick to forget that this isn’t 100% about the numbers. We look at it like math and are trying to fit 100 people into 80 spots or whatever but there needs to be a balance. If we simply expand to accommodate numbers we forget about the members that make up those numbers. At the end of the day people don’t like losing or playing for shitty teams so an imbalance will always be struck and that imbalance is made worse when rosters are spread more thinly. We had to contract not purely because of a total number but because people were massing to the best teams while rebuilding teams were left with nothing. My fear is we expand too much and end up in the same situation but exaggerated as 1/4 of the league would be in its first 3 seasons and be terrible. Congrats, you aren’t on an expansion team: you make the playoffs. There’s not much fun in that. We’ve also seem the last two seasons that draft classes have been huge but post draft retention has been way down. @hedgehog337‘s latest articles kinda hit home for me how few draftees have stuck around despite us having our deepest draft ever. If you look at pure numbers sure, the league might need more teams, but if you look at how long those members stay I’d argue the outcome isn’t as good. You talk about being proactive but you’re doing it to an extreme, expanding to fit draft classes that we don’t know the quality of yet. Sure, a draft could have 40 players that immediately go up to the VHL and need spots but it doesn’t help the league if those spots are open and yet 3/4 of the players go inactive within a season. I’m all for making sure active players have ice time (within a good balance) but I don’t want to expand just so inactives can have top line minutes.
  17. Before the playoffs yeah, I didn’t do it today but usually do for 90% of sims.
  18. Personally I found 2 issues with this. First, and more simply, I hate the idea of forcing roster minimums. It just feels wrong to say teams will be punished for not having a certain number of players and giving them a certain amount of ice time. It’s micro-managing the teams to a degree I’m not comfortable with. Second, I find any public poll like that is going to be skewed. Specifically in this case newer members will tend to think they want whatever gets the league closer to “NHL Level” without considering what that actually means for the league. People can say they want 3+ lines but then they also say they don’t want to player the lower minutes those 3rd lines end up with; you see the issue. Obviously I don’t want to keep rapidly expanding, I’ve made this clear in the past. I don’t think it’s remotely sustainable let alone cost effective. We’ve added 5 VHLM teams and 2 VHL teams within the last 4 seasons I think. If we keep doing that it will inevitably bite us in the ass. Unfortunately teams are clearly proving that winning with fewer lines is not only possible but recommended so things are incredibly challenging to balance.
  19. Just wanted to be sure. It’ll happen on occasion. Lives get busy and sims are a manual process. Honestly they are a lot more consistent than they ever used to be but obviously we can’t expect new members to know that.
  20. PLAYOFF INDEX @VHL GM Get your lines in for playoffs ASAP; otherwise they’ll default to whatever your last used ones were. The VHLM needs I believe 1 more sim to catch up so assuming that’s today I believe playoffs round 1 will start Tuesday.
  21. Apparently I really didn’t want @Jubo07 to take that scoring title... Honestly a tie is kinda awesome, gives us both the Brooks. I’ve still never managed to win 1 solo but I’ll share it with a great teammate who had a great season. Not as great a way to end the season for @Sonnet though; ouch
  22. FWIW unless you mean actual sims happening every day that’s not really something we can control. STHS makes the schedule and sets how many games are in a single day. We just sim 2 days per real day so there’s no way to control how many games each team gets.
  23. It’s okay, you gotta get past us before you can get the Calgary anyway haha
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