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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. Mexico City Playoffs With the season coming to a close, the Kings have had an up and down season. Some hot streaks followed by cold streaks and players playing above their skill level or below their skill level. The team got off to an ok start. We weren’t sure at the beginning if we had a playoff team or not but we quickie knew we were very capable. We hovered around seventh and eighth for a long time until we hit a hot streak and were winning ninety percent of our games and even taking down the top team and killing their massive win streak. While on that hot streak we cruised into fifth place in the overall standings and everyone was feeling good. We knew no matter how poorly we played the rest of the season we were making it to the playoffs. Then the ice age hit the team. I’d like to think this all started with the massive influx of players we gained into the VHLM from the recruiting campaign. I believe over fifty new players joined the league within two or three weeks. This sudden influx in players caused every team to fill up their rosters with players causing every team to get better and bring everyone closer skill-wise. The Kings already had a solid team and did add quite a few players to the roster but it’s not quite enough to be the best of the rest. The cold streak has tanked our place in the overall standing dropping us two places into seventh which is where it looks like we’ll finish. I don’t see any way of us falling out or dropping into seventh and the gap to sixth is too great to make up. Our expectations going into the season were very very low. So despite us hitting this cold streak, I believe we have still outperformed our original expectations. Having such a great run, in the beginning, made us expect more than we should have but next season is our season. The Kings have so many first-round and second-round picks that the team will be absolutely stacked. Next season we will have a cup contending team with no doubt in my mind. I plan on being capped at 250 tpe when game 2 of next season starts and will horde points until I get called up. Now onto this season’s playoffs. It looks like we’re for sure finishing seventh overall which is not good since we’ll be playing the second-place team. It appears we’ll play either Las Vegas or Yukon. I think that’s right from how I understand the way seeding works in VHLM. I do believe we can beat those teams but it will be incredibly hard to do so. If we pull out that series win we should have no problem getting to the finals. I do not expect us to win the cup this season but if we do we definitely pulled some pixie dust out of our locker room. Claiming for week ending 10/25, words 509,
  2. Great job on getting detailed info on the player. I recommend making the player name/draft overall bold so the player stands out more. Other than that great job 9/10
  3. As someone thinking about being a GM for an expansion team this helps me weigh the pros and cons. Try and do some indenting of the paragraphs so it doesn't look like Legos. 9.9/10
  4. 1. Staying consistent and winning the games we should. 2. It's important 3. We should be fine 4. Nah 5. Our Goalies & Defence 6. Burrito. Chipotle and Qdoba are the shiit
  5. This article is very detailed but it makes my eyes want to run away because you centered the first paragraph but not the rest of it!!! it would be a 10/10 if you made it all the same but since you neglected the art of beauty you get a 9/10 smh.
  6. I know how hard this theme week was too. I didn't know much about the top payers so having to actually do research on them was interesting. I applaud you on giving it a shot like I did and doing some reseasrch on your forwards. Only thing I'll say is try highlining the player names so it's easier to find them at a glance. 8/10 GG
  7. VHL NLH 21 League With the release of NHL 21, I have been wondering what it would be like to have members of the VHL and VHLM play in a league on that game. I think it could be a fun experience especially if you were to bring your sim players to life and play as them in actual games against other members. This is mostly just an idea that will most likely never happen due to people having lives and all that. With that being said I’m still going to go into how it could be set up and run. First off you’d need some sort of sign-up page. This would show the people in charge of how many people are interested in actually participating so they can put together the necessary amount of teams for the first season. The teams will be based on current VHL teams with the same names and locations as well as logos if possible. Having every single team would be impossible if the participation isn’t very high since it would be better to have a full human team and not a team with a bunch of AI on it because AI is overpowered. Some VHL teams would need to be cut most likely but that’s not my problem. The teams and the league as a whole would work similarly to the VHL as each team would have a GM with the option of an AGM. It would also have a small team of owners who would set up scheduling and keep track of the standings. The GM role for each team would be a voluntary position. Current team GMs don’t have to pick the team they run either and can choose another if desired but each team current GM would have the first pick over their own team so no one can thief it. The owner’s board would be selected by everyone or by whoever was to start it up. Players that choose to sign up would be placed in a draft and the GM from the teams would participate in picking players similar to the VHL draft. Trades will be allowed and there is no payment system so technically a team could make a god squad but that’s also not my problem lol. If that does become an issue I’m sure someone can come up with a solution. Each team will require its own goalie since the AI goalies in this game are insane and can't be beaten as a human goalie can. Each team must fill up all six spots on their roster and can have two reserves. For a team to be eligible for a game they must have a minimum of four players on the ice. If they can not field that the team forfeits the game and loses automatically 2-0. If you start with 4 and lose one from the connection or they have to leave that’s ok but no less than 3 or you will be forced to quit and the score will be 2-0. Since this will be a direct connection to the VHL & VHLM having some sort of reward for the winning team in uncapped TPE could help people earn some extra tpe on the side. Using the VHL system for this would work just fine. If this gets enough attention and people want this to happen I’m more than happy to start this up myself. I think to make this be possible we would need a minimum of 30 people to want to be apart of this so we could field 5 teams. Claiming for week ending 10/18, words 606,
  8. Dream Team For this dream team, I’m going to use current players only. So no hall of fame players or even players who recently retired last season. They must be either a free agent or on a team for them to be allowed onto my list With that out of the way, I want to start with the goalie. Only 1 position needs to be filled here but I’m also going to include a backup goalie. The starter would be Jacques Lafontaine. Jacques currently plays for Calgary who are having a meh season. Despite this, he’s playing like a literal brick wall showing a .925 save % which is incredible. He also continues to improve at a steady and rapid rate ensuring he’ll only get better and better. As his back up its the one and only Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmesdale Dimmadome. He’s only got 350 tpe but it putting up a solid season with a .918 save %. Like Jacques, he’s improving at a very rapid rate so he would become the starter when Jacques retires. Now onto the forwards. I could put literally any of the top forwards in here and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. They are all unstoppable forces who trample over any competition. I still have to pick three of them so here it goes. The first forward will be Patrik Tallinder. This guy is on track to break 100 points this season with 34 goals and 42 assists. That totals to 76 points and we just broke halfway in the season recently. He’s also playing for Riga so he could become the Playoff MVP if he continues to play like he is. Next is Mollo Lahtinen. He’s center for Moscow and has a stat line with 29 goals 33 assist for a total of 62 points. He is on track to have the best season of his life breaking his current point record of 84. Lastly, it’s going to be Squirrely Dan. Some people may see this a stretch since he’s doesn’t have as much experience as many of the other top forwards in the league but I want this team to not only be good for this season but for a few after and having him on it will ensure a solid forward position for many seasons to come. There are some concerns about lack of improvement but you have to take a shot in the dark to be great. Lastly, we have the Defensemen. The first player will be Condor Adrienne. Man is a monster at scoring points at least for a defenseman and has a +/- of +29! I want this team to be focused mostly on offense but have some defense which is where my next pick will pick up some of the slack. For my final pick, I have gone with Alex Bridges. I want a player that will lay their body out to stop the puck from going to the net. Alex also has some scoring ability but I want him for his defense. That is my ‘Dream Team’. I went off the little knowledge I have of the VHL since I’m still pretty new and relied heavily on stats. Thank you for reading! Claiming for week ending 10/11, 540 words, Theme week doubles
  9. 1) nah we’re only going to get better 2) absolutely 3) Not 1, 2, or 3 but we can easily steal 4th 4) everyone is sus 5) Already been drafted <33 6) MEXICOOOOOOOO
  10. This is basically a perfect article. Fantastic job not much to say other than maybe having the bottom graphics be centered to match the rest of it but other than that 10/10
  11. I always love team reviews. I've recommended to a few others to change the format so the main article talking about the players themselves looks more clean and not cluttered. Here's an example. Bjorn Wilhelm von Luxembourg (PLAYER @) jswafiasdfoasdnhf;oashp owafoiasef ijabewifasiofasd aisedhfiya random informatic Logan Hoffman (PLAYER @) jswafiasdfoasdnhf;oashp owafoiasef ijabewifasiofasd aisedhfiya random informatic Other than formatting I love it 9/10.
  12. 1) lmao no 2) my back hurt from the carry. Jk.. :)) 3) I’m aiming to finish the season with a .920 sv% 4) slightly more offense and were golden 5) fantastic 6) Australia because I heard you can ride the spiders since their so big.
  13. Having the names of the players a different color made it easy to look at. Having botht he name and @ might be overkill in the way you have it. That part does look slightly clunky. If you wanted both like you have now maybe having the name be a headline and their @ be below it then on the next line you can start writing the info about the player. 9/10 EX... Markus Emerson Jr. @xfexz oneroifunwroiufrweoufghwerougfwheouge player info sjbnfiuashfpiasbfpiauwsbdfi nf.
  14. I always enjoy seeing team reviews. It makes the players have their own sort of spotlight within the article and you did a great job of it. Something you could change to improve the overall astetic of the article is having the headlines be a bigger font than the rest of the article. It makes it pop out more and separates the article very nicely. 9/10 good job!
  15. How long have you been GM? “It’s been about 2 months since I took the job as GM of the Mexico City Kings.” Coming in as the new GM what were your first thoughts of the team? “Coming in, I already knew the makeup of the team and what kind of situation they were in because I had played here for two seasons prior. I was really good friends with past GM @motzaburger as well, and he made sure to set this team up for future success.” What is your vision for this team in the future? “I want this team to be one of the premier destinations for 1st Generation Players in the VHL. We’ve had some pretty good success with that recently and I would like to keep that tradition going.” What made you want to be a GM? “Well I love hockey for one, but I also like to help new members on the site and get them up to speed with how things work. Becoming a GM in the minors has allowed me to build relationships with these new players and I’m proud to say that I think we have a solid group of young talent here.” What are your current expectations for the team this season and next season? “Admittedly expectations were low heading into this season, but the team has smashed all of those and we are now comfortably in a playoff race which is just phenomenal. With our plethora of picks coming up next season, it’s an exciting time to be a King here in Mexico City!”
  16. @Jtv123 Apparently I messed up somewhere and put an F instead of a D for Roque Davis Could you move him to my Defense spot in place of Edwin and put Andrew Su in that empty Forward spot
  17. JR Review Markus wasn’t ever really interested in hockey at a young age. St. Louis is better known as a baseball town. Being exposed to baseball at a young age and almost everyone in town being big supporters it was only natural for him to pick it up. He began playing baseball at a young age and played until he was 12. For a few months, he didn't really know what he wanted to do until he saw the VHL finals on T.V.. He began watching and grew an interest in the sport and asked his parents if he could try skating sometime. Eventually they took him and he was horrible at skating. Even after quite some time he still wasn't very quick and struggled to keep up. Determined to give hockey a shot he decided being a regular skater would not be the best fit for him and became a goalie. His baseball skills really helped him in the net since he already had very good hand eye coordination and was used to catching flying objects. The net seemed like a perfect fit so he continued to play until highschool. His Highschool had a relatively new and I might add bad hockey team. It wasn't very hard for him to join and with him being the brick wall he was in net the team found relatively great success. Not enough to win anything but enough to be noticed and respected. Now that Markus was 18 and graduated highschool he didn't have many options for hockey other than college. He wasn't good enough to be entered straight into any pro draft so pretty much any university that would take him would be enough. He landed in a decent hockey program but he was somewhat disappointed in his freshman year when he was riding the bench behind the senior goalie. His sophomore year would be the turning point in his life because he was granted the starting position for his college and had one of the greatest season anyone had ever had at that school or even their conference. This success caught the attention of some scouts and especially the scouts for the VHLM team The San Diego Marlins. Markus had two years left in school but with all the talk surrounding him, he had to make a decision to leave school early and take a chance in the VHLM or to continue college and hope he does well enough to get drafted. After a lot of thinking the moment to decide his fate approached when San Diego offered him a spot on the team. At 20 years old he dropped out of college and began his career as a pro goalie in the VHLM. 455 Words
  18. Markus Emerson Jr. - G - #22 VHL Drafted: 57th Overall (S74) | VHLM Drafted: 73rd Overall (S73) Age: 20 Height: 5' 10" Weight: 152 lb. Born: St. Louis, Missouri Introduction I first entered the VHLM scene near the end of season 72. I was signed to San Diego on a quick deal for a few games then once the season ended I was released. Going into season 73 I was placed into the VHLM entry draft and selected 73rd overall by Las Vegas who almost instantly traded me to Mexico City. In Mexico City, I was a bench player for my first full season but once season 74 came around I became the starter. In this time I was also drafted by Vancouver into the VHL as the 57th overall pick. I was surprised I was drafted at all but I’m happy I did. Getting drafted to the VHL really kick started my career and I started putting as much time as I could into becoming the greatest player on the planet. Pros Prior to the VHL draft I was a below average player. But since that day I was drafted I have exploded with potential. I’ve really worked hard in ensuring I'm as quick and controlled as I possibly can be while in net. And on top of that I’ve learned how to keep the puck from bounding off of my into venerable situations. Cons I’ve struggled with penalty shots for as long as I can remember. To this day its one of my greatest weaknesses. My ability to rally the team and mount a comeback is about as effective as using pillow in a gun fight. These are things I plan to work on but it will be a struggle. Stats As my new role as starter for Mexico City I have surprised myself with my performance. Last season as back up I only played a handful of games. My save percentage was .894% and goals against average was 4.47. As I’ve said this current season I have performed significantly better than my last cashing in a .917 save percentage and a 2.91 goals against average. Although we’ve only played eight total game so far this is a great sign for things to come and I expect to have my number look even better by the end of the season. Future Plans I plan on working as hard as I can in order to become the greatest player the VHL and VHLM have ever seen! Each week will be a grind to become the best. I can not afford to take any breaks. My agility and speed will be greatly improved from where it is now by the end of this VHLM season as well as some one on one practice with the team to improve my penalty shot. 471 Words
  19. 1) Better than expected 2) Us lol 3) im a goalie what do I know 4) I am because im a brick wall and people will notice how dominate I am sooner or later 5) We're making it in for sure 6) 42
  20. Excellent job taking the time out to research all these players and their stats. I'm sure this too an insane amount of time. Including the team logo that the player was on was a nice touch. Also the information was easy to follow it was short and sweet and told you what you needed to know and didn't ramble on. The only thing that bothered me is at the top of the article 1. and 2. appear to be a ligher black than the remaining parts. That could be my eyes trying to trick me though. 10/10 Do goalies next
  21. Unexpected Hope Coming into this season with Mexico City there wasn’t any expectation of doing well. It seemed like we could possibly miss the playoffs. We only have a handful of players especially compared to the top teams who are filled out. We all know next season would be great because we have so many drafts picks but the few players we have on the roster now are actually doing better than expected. It seems most players or outperforming their stats including myself. After 8 games we have 7 points and are 8th overall in the VHLM. If we could stop losing in shoot outs we would be ranked 4th or 5th right now which would be amazing. With how we’re playing I don’t see us falling below 8th and could see us take 7th or 6th before the season is over. I don’t expect this team to make a cup run but this certainly makes next season that much more exciting and I think everyone on the team can agree with that. Here’s to hoping that well take it all next season and beyond.
  22. Incredible article! Its very visually appealing and structured in a satisfying way. There is noting I could recommend for this to improve it so 10/10 great job!
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