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Posts posted by Corgi34

  1. 1.      With the regular season coming to an end this week, who has stood out to you in the lockeroom?

     A: I can't say I have been that active in the locker room but who ever has the player Build Help that's a pretty funny name.



    2.      How would you evaluate your regular season performance?

     A: I haven't played much but we are going deep in the playoffs so isn't that the goal.



    3.      We will finish the regular season 2nd in the Western Conference and could be as high as 4th in the League. How do you feel about SDM’s season?

     A: That is a pretty amazing season and I think we can achieve even more.



    4.      With our opponent likely being Ottawa, a team we struggled with this season (1-4-0), what do you think the strategy should be to overcome the Lynx this season?

    A: Haha a little late we already got rid of them.




    5.      Who do you think has the most momentum heading into both the VHL and VHLM playoffs?

     A: Definitely us our players are constantly improving it's great.



    6.      A little off topic for this one: Now that we into round 2 (it’s really 3 but okay), how has your bracket faired for the NHL playoffs?

    A: I didn't make a NHL playoff or even pay attention to the NHL playoffs.

  2. VHLM Rookie Season Review


    The 16 year old from Great Britain made his VHLM debut to not a roaring thunder but a quiet whimper. Hailed as the next big thing in hockey William may just be the newest fad. William a player that raised national attention due to his bizarre behavior and particular family heritage. But if his great great grandfather had seen him play he might have said  As his great 


      "Everyone can master a grief but he that has it."

    - William Shakespeare 


    But a quote from a poet more contemporary then William that is equally applicable is:


    “Reality is often disappointing"



    William a highly touted prospect form Great Britain was ranked as one of the best recruits coming to the VHLM this off season. A prospect on professional radar for a number of years William’s pure talent as well as natural athleticism has allowed him to dominate the British Minor Leagues before making his professional career in Britain the prior season. Scoring a remarkable 71 goals and 38 assists in the prior season. William was named in the U-19 World Championship squad but it was here his tale began to unravel; William sustained a devastating injury in this completion.



     Tearing the ACL in his Right Knee William was to be sidelined for at least a year. Of course, this news was sad for both William and his family but also the San Diego Marlins that were searching for the next franchise superstar with the singing of William. Of course having your star player leave the team suddenly before the start of a major tournament can be demoralizing and Great Britain bowed out in early rounds well under pundit predictions.


    Coach of the team Arnold Hambruger gave the following statement:

    “Losing William was a major blow but while William is individually a talented player, I still feel like my team has the talent and commitment to bring this title home.”

    Hambruger was proven thoroughly wrong as they were defeated 5-1 in the second round against Mexico.


    With the World Championship now behind him William now had to move to the next stage of his life, moving to San Diego full time to complete rehab. Although William was friendly teammates, staff and press the first report of William’s struggles was released on the 3/05/2020. The article titled “William Shakespeare II questioning future in hockey” the report detailed the myriad of setbacks William was experiencing with rehab and the mental effect this was taking, William was quoted:


    "To die, to sleep;
    To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    Must give us pause: there's the respect
    That makes calamity of so long life."


    While his tendency to quote William Shakespeare does make communicating with William difficult it was clear the young man was struggling. The Marlins facing little choice allowed William time away from the team to contemplate future in hockey. William took this time to return to Great Britain the events that occurred in Great Britain have so far not been revealed William hinting they may later be revealed in tell all autobiography. One thing is for sure whatever happened across the ocean reignited Williams love for hockey. The training staff applauded William’s commitment and drive and with renewed vigor rehab’s argues journey came to a close; it was time for William to take to the ice once again.


    William made a cautious debut against the Houston Bulls playing fundamentally sound William neither wowed nor disappointed fans. William’s play improved over the rest of season ending with totals of 3 goals and 2 assists across 37 games. Although not the spectacular production William was expected to have the result is far above what was expected earlier in the season when his return to hockey was questionable. William was a solid piece aiding in the Marlins to finish the season and move into the play offs. The response to William’s first season was almost as diverse as they come, local sports analysts made a variety of takes ranging all sides of the spectrum from “Shakespeare turns out to be talent-less hack” to “William’s emphatic return to sport may be a shinning light in hockey’s future”. But while media response was varied the Marlins had one iron clad uniform take “William is a highly talented and team orientated player.” Before the playoffs began the Marlins hosted a press conference in which GM InstantRockstar has the following statement:

    “Moving forward we are incredibly lucky to have a talented and driven player like William on the team, whatever team drafts him in the VHL will be lucky to have him”  William said that once the time has come again he will be ready to answer the call and fulfill his dream of leading Great Britain to international success.



    San Diego’s first round match up is against the Ottawa Lynx and William will be relied on as his role within the team is every growing. The first three games of William’s career were relatively uneventful individually for the young winger. The Marlins took control of the series early with a 2 to 1 win advantage against the Lynx. It was in the fourth game William had the best game of his young professional career. In a thrilling build up in the second period of the fourth game William Shakespeare II and Lester Green assisted in the opening goal for the Marlin tying the game at 1 to 1. The play was very similar to William’s play before his initial injury and is a promising sign to full recovery. William is a highly talented player with a bright future and his journey is far from over. Before the latest game William gave the quote when asked about dealing with adversary and moving forward:


    "Cowards die many times before their deaths;
    The valiant never taste of death but once."


    Once again the old English somewhat clutters William’s message but the heart still rings true. William will continue to be a example of shinning determination and growth as his  potential continues to bloom and I for one am looking forward to were that potential takes him.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Berocka said:

    Please can you tell me what message you received exactly it'll let us know if poisoner has the necronomicon




    Your trap has been built.


    You were poisoned. You will die tomorrow!

  4. 6 hours ago, chatfan036 said:

    The SK attacked the vet, and mafia used their attack on coven. The coven has no role that directly attacks you. So either you are making things up, a hypnotist is messing with you again, or there is another neutral killing role? 

    Hypnotist visited Jhatty.

  5. 1.      What are the Top 5 hockey jerseys you want to have?


    A: I don't know about 5 but it has to be the Mighty Ducks, its the only option that makes sense.



    2.      We need a thing. Vegas has Taylor Swift love, Vancouver has Lord of the Rings shitpost memes, Miami has Cards Against Humanity and Chess Battles. What should be San Diego’s Discord exclusive thing?


     A: Winning? But other then that I think we should be a specialist in cooking videos.


    3.      What are your favorite movies/films?


    A: Spiderman into the Spiderverse is probably my favorite film


     4.      A couple weeks ago, had a 50/50 draw on who has the most luscious locks between Dimmadome and Merrick. This week we move on to the most important talking point in VHL history. Who has the best beard in the VHL/VHLM?


    A: Well it certainly ins't me that is for sure.



    5.      What’s a food recipe you’d like to share with the group that you’ve personally tried/cooked?


    A: Haha didn't even read this before I said we should be a specialist in cooking. Well I will suggest banana pancakes very easy and very tasty.



    6.      Are you a gamer? If so, what is your favorite genre of games and how do you think that genre could be even better?


    A: Well I love all sorts of games but I am an avid Football Manger fan, considering FM is just a bunch of spreadsheets don't really know what to improve.

  6. 1.       With WJC fast approaching, which team looks the most dangerous to you?

    A: I have heard team Asia is looking dangerous


    2.       8 Points separate the top 6 teams in the VHLM, and there’s 4 points between 2nd and 6th, why do you think it’s so tight this season, who’s been the most surprising team?

    A: I think the talent is incredibly high around the league, my pick for the most suprings would be Los Vegas I love the way they play and I think the results are showing.



    3.       San Diego had really hit their stride, having won 4 of their last 5. Are you confident the team can maintain this run or are you worried at all about peak fatigue like Miami is experiencing now?

    A: I think we are only taking steps towards are peak and we will only be looking more scary come playoffs.



    4.       With the trade deadline fast approaching, is there any area you think San Diego could get better in through the deadline?

    A: I think we are balanced well and have some good talents who are still looking to breakout soon.



    5.       IT’S THEME WEEK EVERYONE!!! What are your plans to capitalize on the event and claim that sweet TPE?

    A: Writing a media spot is good fun although being a new player the future theme was a bit tough.



    6.       I’m always looking for new ways to engage people in things like these Press Conferences. Do you have any suggestions for things we could add to spice up these pressers?

    A: Directed questions for players that are routinely active would be a awesome way to spice it up.

  7. Being my first character on the VHL it is difficult to look towards the future when the present has only just begun. However, I do enjoy the creation portion of sim-leagues very much, my current SBA and VHL characters are named Julius Caesar II and William Shakespeare II. Evidently, I enjoy going for a history theme for my characters names and I feel like that helps me add a little but extra to my media spots which let them be both more interesting to write and more interesting to read. So then the question is raised; what do my future re-creates in the VHL look like? Well the only way to answer that is to look to the past.


    Lü Bu


    When it comes to history not much is both as fun and interesting as the Romance of the Three Kingdom. Romance of the Three Kingdom’s is a historical novel set in the years towards the end of the Han dynasty in Chinese history.  The story as the name indicators heavily romanticizes the lives of the feudal lords and retainers of the time. Lü Bu is a character both within Chinese history and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms; within the romance  is a nearly invincible warrior but was a incapable leader and noted for his poor planning and management skills. Infact Lü Bu was once easily manipulated into killing his own father:


    “Lü Bu said, "But we are father and son!" Wang Yun replied, "Your family name is  so you have no blood relations with him. Lü Bu agreed to join them and personally killed Dong Zhuo (His Father figure) later.


    Overall  Bu is an incredibly fun character that I think is summed up well with this he by Sanguozhi:


    ‘Lü Bu possessed the might of a tiger, but he lacked the planning skills of a talented person. He was frivolous

    and temperamental, and was only concerned about the gains he could make. Throughout history, there had never been such persons like him who did not end up being destroyed.


    So, what does this mean in terms of Lü Bu within the VHL, well the choice isn’t as obvious as it seems. Lü Bu could be represented by a player that is unparalleled in the ability to score. But Lü Bu could also be a player that speciality is fighting. Overall, I think both are important to create an accurate representation of Lü Bu in the VHL. Looking to the past for a player example Podrick Cast has the dynamic scoring that a Lü Bu should have:



    However, as I’m sure you have noticed Podrick has 95 leadership, Lü Bu was famous for being a terrible leader so those points can safely be put into fighting. Finally, I have come to an understating that fighting is not a stat that helps the team win. For these reasons I don’t think Lü Bu will find his way to the VHL through me until I am in a situation in which  I am free to create a character that is more for fun then for winning.

  8. 1. 7-4-1 in last week's stretch for 15 points. How do you feel your player did during this week of games?

    A: Well cheering on the bench is actually largely underrated. 


    2. With WJC coming up, the GM race is heating up. Which team do you think has the best chance of taking the crown in WJC this season?

    A: I do't really have the information yet to make an informed decision. But I will do with the Americans.


    3. A lot of people hate Media Spots. Why do you think that is? If you're one that does hate them, why?

    A: I can understand that it is often a big time investment that comes with nothing. Although I enjoy writing and reading them.


    4. If you could add one thing to the Player Store for purchase what would it be?

    A: A Golden Stick, it provides absolutely no game play benefit but you get to know that your playing with a golden stick.  


    5. Who has better hair, Merrick or Dimmadome?

    A: Locks on locks but I feel like the edge has to be given to Merrick.


    6. What is IR's sexiest quality? The more uncomfortable answers the better. 

    No comment *Blush* *UWU* (okay I promise I am not doing that again)

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