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Everything posted by Merica

  1. Merica = MVP
  2. merica such a beast
  3. damn right
  4. Wow Ottawa backing out? GOAT vhlm player available and you back out. Much disappoint. Josh Merica will sign with Oslo and make it his mission to crush Ottawa. See you guys next off season
  5. What kinda playing time will I receive?
  6. I just want to score points and get babes
  7. OH shit. Tough choices. Who wants the GOAT vhlm player ever
  8. Congratulations on your Challenge Cup victory in the SHL. A better script could not of been written for your end in the SHL. #1stballotbros
  9. Accept.
  10. 4 goal game, no big deal
  11. Yeah 7 pt SIM I can dig that
  12. Merica- Riga/Bern
  13. Its not confusing if you read his comment at the very bottom.
  14. But..... Just make it Skovnak, simple change.
  15. Good luck with your next player! #PavolSkvoznak
  16. Pushing For Greatness The S43 VHL Entry Draft is on the horizon, and prospects are putting in the extra time in the gym and on the ice as they try to get the attention of the scouts. For some players, it’s quite obvious their locks to be taken in the first round, their performance during the S42 VHLM season a testament to their skills and abilities, but for some others, like Josh Merica, you have to dig further than just the surface, look at more than simply the panty-dropping stats like goals and points. In 72 games, Merica put up 62 points, with a +37 rating and 118 hits, while taking only 71 hits. Definitely not eye-gouging numbers, but the one thing that is working for him is consistency. While he wasn’t consistently dominate like his teammate Severin von Karma, he was consistently dependable instead. Merica has put a lot of time into improving his two-way game this season, focusing on defense during the second half of the season and less on lighting the lamp during training. Without a doubt, Merica is a top-tier prospect with a future of superb two-way playmaking. He isn’t large, he is 6-1, 185 lbs, but he is ripped and stronger than most of his peers. How many guys his size do you see deadlifting 500lbs? bench pressing 375lbs? Squatting 450lbs? When Merica hits you, you best believe you will feel it, he is a ruthless player on the ice. Once he fine tunes his game and gets in a groove, the world will be his. With the draft approaching, Josh was kind enough to stop by and answer some questions. Henrik von Trap: - Is there any team in particular that you are hoping will draft you? Josh Merica: - I’ll play for anybody, just want to say that before I say anything else, so other teams don’t get the wrong idea about me. That said, I think there are three-four teams that I would definitely love to play for, those teams being New York, Toronto, Cologne and Seattle. I think right now New York and Toronto have a bit of a lead on the other two, as you can’t get much better than a guy with my last name and country pride playing in New York, and then there is Toronto, who my agent has a lot of history with, and it would be cool to go there. Henrik von Trap: - Interesting. What puts you above your peers? Why do you think you are 1st round talent? Josh Merica: - I really hate these kinds of questions. Everything I can say has already been said before, if you can’t watch me play and see how hard I work and determine for yourself that I am worthy of being a 1st round pick or just being given a chance in general, than you probably shouldn’t be a GM. If you want to know what kind of person someone is, or how they are in the locker room, ask their peers, ask their teammates. You ask the player and more times than not you will get a bullshit answer about how great they are, etc, etc, etc. I’m not gonna do that. I’ll let my play and actions speak for themselves. Henrik von Trap: - Last question. Where do you see yourself in five seasons? Josh Merica: - Hoisting the Continental Cup for the fifth time, with my fifth playoff MVP award and being labeled as one of the all-time greats. People will laugh and say “yeah right, that’s not possible” and they are correct, because with that attitude you will never achieve anything, every achievement starts with a dream, a goal, anything is possible and I refuse to limit my aspirations, that’s just stupid, by doing that you automatically decrease your chance of success because you have mentally handicapped yourself, you’ve already quit, already failed. I’m going to be the best there ever was.
  19. Yeah I spoil things. Like how Ragnar dies in the next episode of Vikings.
  20. I like Easter!
  21. Yup! Good to see you still around!
  22. oh damn howd that happen?
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