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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. I'll apply. I am an updater in the other hockey sim league.
  2. 159 Gladiators vs Watchmen 160 Outlaws vs Royals 161 Red Wolves vs Lynx 162 Blades vs Wild
  3. 86 Gladiators vs Blades 87 Rush vs Royals 88 Lynx vs Wild 89 Storm vs Watchmen
  4. Let's make this thing a little bit easier for Lunaro since Eagle is not posting VHLM games. 32 33 34 35 BTW, screw the Red Wolves.
  5. 32 Wild vs Gladiators 33 Royals vs Watchmen 34 Outlaws vs Rush 35 Storm vs Red Wolves
  6. Yeah you send me a survery...wait a minute. Then I can take 5 TPE automatically without your confirmation?
  7. I have not received 5 TPE for survey yet.
  8. S42 VHL Entry Draft (8PM EST) It's like 4 and half hours till draft?
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