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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. How happy are you with your performance so far? 2. Riga and Moscow decided to unite their LR's to save the locker room culture. Are you in? 3. So a bit changed question: can Tallinder put 150+ points? 4. And can Phil get to 400+ hits? 5. Who do you think is the most underrated Riga player as of now? 6. Kamala Harris told us that 2Pac is the greatest rapper alive. Do you agree with that? 7. Do you plan to vote in US elections? (if you're from US obv) 8. In your opinion, which teams are definitely not going to win this season? 9. Is black+green combo the best? cause I think it is tbh.
  2. It's your typical week without trivia. Ok, here's some quote. The season has begun and we started off with a good 5-0-1 record. Could've been perfect 6-0, but the bot goalie has decided he gotta be worse than Kallis so we took one SO loss in the process. It's aight, so far we're playing fine enough to have another playoff appearance. There has been a lot of thoughts about what's next for Riga after this season. Well, S67's are about to retire and all of them are playing an important part in our team's success. Eagles as the world class starter, Tate as the main defensive force and Phil as the main physical threat. It's gonna be tough without them. Either trying to make some blockbuster trades/big FA signings or just go rebuild. The another problem is I've yet to see a team that may make a firesale. The NA is currently is set at 5 contender teams and it shouldn't change net season as NY is having a slow rebuild and expos aren't ready yet. If only LA so Nygren is being a part of a contender for once. Neither I see any of EU selling a lot despite of having 6 contenders. And that's regardless if some competitor will miss the playoffs or not. So yeah, this is about to be and interesting off-season for me. But before that, let's enjoy the season and I hope we can reclaim the title we got two seasons ago.
  3. 1. The season has begun! What are your goals on this season? 2. As of now we're 5-0-1. Can we keep this up? 3. Do you think we can reach 40 wins once again? 4. Is this the time Tallinder reaches 100 points or more? 5. It appears that we have one more European (from Italy) in our team, @Matt thunder. How fun is it to have a non-NA member in our team? 6. How excited are you on having @Lefty_S coming back? 7. Who are you rooting for in NHL finals? 8. In how many years the ''sleeping hedge'' meme will die? 9. Have you changed your forum theme yet? If so, to which colors?
  4. well, DC had a space but they immediately went with Flowers. Oh yeah, Malmo has a space, but nobody is gonna go with 6 defensemans lol.
  5. More like all that drama just to realize there is no other competing team but Toronto and Vancouver with roster and cap space. expected signing
  6. Good! It's been awhile since a Latvian came in, need more of us.
  7. I actually did it. I'm the first GM who posted captains in a season. Other than that, not much changes. This time, it's Guy Sasakamoose @Cxsquared who is going to serve as the Honorarable Captain (like Tallinder was last season). His last season progress was undeniable and keep him at assistant rank would be justified. I just decided that Patrik Tallinder also needs to reconized in captain ranks, especially after his breakout season when he scored almost 100 points. Hence this little switch. The another two players will keep their ranks as it is. Kyl Oferson is going to continue to get the offense train going as the assistant and Lincoln Tate will complete his career as the career-Reign and the captain after yet another outstanding [yall know what I mean ? by this] season. C - Lincoln Tate @Tate A - Kyl Oferson @Nykonax A - Patrik Tallinder @Patrik Tallinder As always, don't forget to congratulate our captains!
  8. 1. Are you satisfied with our drafting in last draft? 2. How did you spend a time this offseason? 3. Are we gonna do any hazing this season? 4. Who is gonna be our MVP next season? 5. Try to predict our performance next season. 6. Do you think there's a chance to prolong our contention window once our S67's are retired? 7. The football is back! If you watch it, who are you rooting for? 8. Am I the only guy who still didn't try Fall Guys?
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