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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. Welp, it didn't go the way we wanted. Any thoughts about why this sweep happened? 2. Do you think I should've been more active in trade deadline? 3. Any last words for @Kylrad? 4. So whos winning, Seattle or Helsinki? 5. And who do you cheer for? 6. Do you feel I became too lazy after winning last season? 7. Any thoughts on my recreate name? 8. Whos more cute, hedgehogs or penguins?
  2. yeah you're solid. should've scored 10 goals each game in semis though
  3. knew it, don't care gg @Jubo07 and good luck in finals.
  4. @jRuutu are you sure you didn't took all our alco from our sponsor? tbh these kind of results has my hype died down
  5. *cocky hedge on the way!* The historical season is about to come to an end next week. For the first time in VHL history we witnessed a season with 16 teams in it. You would think that this move would spread the rosters move evenly...and you were kinda right. But even with that we saw a fierce battle for the playoff spots as we had 6 teams eyeing the post season. From each conference. Only 5 could advance further so one team from each conference had to say goodbye to their championship aspiration before even the playoffs started. And I'm going to talk about them now. I'm still a firm believer this team was overachieving last season. Also, they have to say thanks to DC offense that was tanking all season long that threw them out way before the playoffs despite having a decent roster on paper. Then they decided to prove to everyone that the regular season performance was not a fluke...and they actually somehow managed to do that by taking the future finalist Calgary to 7. I guess that made Peace think he doesn't need any big moves and sticked to drafting. To be fair, he was trying to land a big player that was HHH in the free agency. However, Beaviss (via random) showed a middle finger to this team and went to an expansion team Warsaw. I do think that at the beginning the random actually picked the Canadian team, but I guess Beav didn't want yet another playoff-less season for Vancouver so he took HHH talents to Poland for stat-padding. But perhaps I'm just making stuff up and that never happened and my memory went south. All season long Toronto was in the fight for the post season action and for the majority of it they were a decent 4th NA team. And then the trade deadline came...nothing from Toronto. Not a single deal to boost their chances for the decent playoff push. To be fair (x2), Peace was trying to make some deal(s), at least that's what he was telling on one of his articles. He also mentioned that potential trade partners were asking too much for their players. Now the question is, what did Toronto GM mean with ''too much''? If that was like ''minor picks for rental HHH or another lesser TPE, but still decent player'': I don't understand him not pulling the trigger. After all, I'm not sure if Toronto will really need some seconds/thirds so throwing them away for a chance to surprise the world could have made sense. However, if these teams were asking for a first rounder or some real promising player for the same stuff, Peace can not be blamed in this case. Taking such a risk for a 50/50 (or even 40/60) chance to make something relevant happen in playoffs...the first rounder might be used in the offseason for making the real push. To be fair (x3), the team was still sitting 4th in NA. The point margin between them and DC/Vancouver wasn't big, but they were pretty consistent on not falling behind them both. And then the end of the season happened. The reality struck them in the face. They were holding on for so long to see their hopes being crushed by a huge collapse at the end. I believe they only won 2 games in last 10 or even more games. Not only that, Vancouver has decided to go on rampage mode after saying goodbye to Fong. DC was just making too steady progress to have another miss. It had to be Toronto that ended up on the wrong side of standings. Why did I mention about the reality check? Well, just look at their forward roster. Magnum, McDagg and...uhmmmm. Gotta give props to Lehtinen Jr., he managed to have a helluva swan song, but even that wasn't enough to push his team above any other NA contender. But the question now is, what's next? As I mentioned earlier, this season was most likely Lehtinen's swan song. Blaze and Thorny went gone gone a long time ago with low TPE so they won't be very useful. Looks like Gainer also went inactive (although this is still under question, his last update was on early August). McDagg is regressing without having any banked TPE. Elmebeck is gonna be double regressed. Leon Gutzwiller? Well, that was an unexpectidely nice season...he is inactive anyways. Having Merrick and Anigbogu coming up from minors next season is nice, but I think Peace gotta take the action and bring decent to star players (preferably forwards) to this team to make big NA dogs sweat and perhaps even making the finals for their conference at least. Now he knows staying put won't elevate Toronto from being a perennial mediocrity like our next subject and his main players are already in the prime. An upcoming trade market seems good enough to make good things happen and maybe this team won't even need rentals for that (I assume their GM isn't really fond of them). The ball is on his court. So, where should I start? Well, let's start with the fact in their 6 season existence they managed to win 2 playoff...games. That's right. Not two playoffs series. Two playoff games!!! Should I humble myself by telling that these two wins came against my team, Riga? Anyways, I doubt Diamond was envisioning this kind of performance when he was creating Prague. Yet here were are, the team is competing since S70 and the only thing they have to show is two wins in the playoffs. Not to mention that this is the second season in the row this team misses the playoffs altogether. Minnesota Wild vibes anyone? Honestly, I never was expecting Malmo to hang on till the end. My prediction was them slowing down by game 55-60 and letting both Davos and Prague to march into the playoff zone with a relative comfort. But apparently the Nighthawks roster was already decent enough to make it a three-way bloodbath for the two playoff spot. And it was Prague that cracked under the pressure and failed against Vancouver that put them out of the contention early. *By the way, some interesting fact. In S70 NA conference also had the same three-way battle between Seattle, DC and NY for same two playoff spots. NY had one less point than 4th place Seattle, but they didn't play their last game yet. This was the game against Vancouver. Beaviss has decided to put then-backup Jimmy Spyro to the net and you could feel how the Americans fans' hope was skyrocketing after hearing these news...and then the 25 save shutout game by Spyro happened. NY remained one point back from playoff spot, except that they didn't have any game left to fix this situation. It was them that ended up watching the playoffs from their TV rather being a part of it. Fast forward to S73, the neutral EU and VHL fans are enjoying the same fight. This time between Prague, Malmo and Davos. The Phamily is one point away from the 5th place Davos, but they have one game left. Against Vancouver. Against Spyro. I guess you already know what happened? Yes, Prague managed to get the puck past the Vancouver netminder. The problem was they only did it once and despite actually outshooting their opponents it was Vancouver that took the victory. That's it, lights out for the Phantoms. So a quick tip for teams. If you are one point away from the playoff spot with one game left against Vancouver, just pack your bags and enjoy golfing. Spyro is going to kill all your hopes anyways.* Back to our subject. You know what I'm thinking right now when writing this? Carbon copy. Am I out of my mind? Probably. But I think this does make sense. In their first contention years their playing was eerly similar to Malmo. I was feeling that their main plan was to legitimately kill opponents rather than play some hockey. Unfortunately, this was pretty much the reason why they couldn't capitilize on Brick Wahl's MVP worthy season in S71 and make a further push than just another round 1 loss. So, copying Malmo's tough guys style didn't help them? Well, let's take some notes from Riga then. Big TPE defensemans and not very much on offense. Ironically, this lead them to letting 240+ goals last season which was one of main reasons why their playoff push ended right after the last regular season game. And you know what, it's not like Riga was having a huge success with this roster setup either. This season? Can't say they were copying anything, but their roster reminded me of Helsinki's one, escpecially forwards. None of them had a single huge TPE forward. Both of them were rather relying on a depth and hope that everything clicks perfectly. Guess who ended up being worse? Just look at the standings. Carbon copy of Malmo? Carbon copy of Riga? Carbon copy of Helsinki? Or I'm just perhaps being too cocky because my team is the defending champ and just advanced into the conference finals once again? Maybe. But you know what, enjoy while yall can before Simon pulls a stop on us so I'm going from 100 to 0 real quick. By the way, you know what else comes to my mind? The graveyard of players who were not good enough or were too old for Calgary. Or Calgary lapdogs. Ok, I guess I went a bit offside with the last statement. But the first one is staying there. Like for real. Kefka Palazzo, Ondrej Ohradka, Gary Tarantino, Brick Wahl, Roll Fizzlebeef. What do these lads have in common? Yup, they were a part of the Wranglers' squad at some point. Another common fact? They all were traded to Prague when either they were too old for the long term Bushito plans (Wahl, Palazzo and Fizzlebeef) or they felt that these players won't be elite enough to carry this franchise (Ohradka, Tarantino). In all fairness, most of them weren't slouches in the Phamily and actually amounted to something. Wahl with his S71 MVP performance, Tarantino with having his best season to date, Fizzlebeef with a solid offensive performance. Ohradka also is doing decent at scoring. However, despite of their best efforts it wasn't enough to put Prague as the legitimate contender throughout all these seasons. Honestly, I have a feeling that Diamond is still having some soft spot for Calgary. And for real, why he wouldn't? Being their GM for 16 seasons (which was a record before Bana and I overtook him), winning one championship and three Knight awards in the process. He definitely has fond memories of that time. But does that means that he has to take all of them oldies and ''leftovers'' from them Wrangs? No matter how solid they were in Prague, only Wahl could be referred as the man who would carry the team to better heights. Other ones were fine, but that obviously never carried them out of the medicority. Anyways, enough with the present. What's next? First of all, let's look at their current roster and see what's up. Do you see? So much old guys and most of them are welfare ones. ALL OF THEM BUT LANDRY II AND MCPINE WILL REGRESS IN THIS OFF-SEASON. Neither of regressing forwards are having a lot of TPE either. We can argue how much banked acutally do both Diamond players have, but is it going to help much? Pearson and McGirr are most likely going to be relegated to 300 someting TPA, Palazzo is experiencing a triple regression and it doesn't seems like Ohradka or Havlova will become much better next season either. The defense is in the better shape. They all are regressing, but also having enough banked and money to fight it without missing a beat. Having three rookies coming up (Bailie Jr. Lebastard and Knight Gee) will be a nice addition to the roster. But as much as Toronto, will it be enough? For me, the answer is pretty obvious. More good forwards needed. Simple as that. The only big TPE forward as of this moment is aforementioned Landry (ironically, his problem is that he has the highest checking rating of all Prague forwards so it makes him split his duties between hitting guys and scoring. Needless to say, his scoring stats are tanking because of that.) It's just not good enough. The team certainly don't need all of them high TPE forwards, but the current roster is doing nothing either. We saw what is this team is cappable with this squad. It needs to be elevated. The ball is on Diamond's court. My first 2000+ word media in like 2 years? Gotta do what I gotta do to make Sir better than Kallis, am I right? That's it and I'm out. weeks: 24.08 - 30.08 31.08 - 06.09. 07.09 - 13.09. 14.09 - 20.09
  6. 1. Playoffs baby! How does it feel knowing that Riga has set a new VHL record for consecutive playoff appearances? Nice. We're witnessing the VHL history being written and Riga being the main part of it. How this couldn't be nice? 2. What gives us the edge going up against our first round opponent, Moscow? More balanced roster. They didn't have enough power at forward roster to make it happen. 3. What player(s) should we focus on neutralizing when it comes to Moscow? Well, Bernard didn't have the most lucky playoffs and that was enough. 4. With the season almost over, who is your choice for MVP (in the league or on Riga)? You. Making the offense chemistry actually click. 5. Any surprises in the first round of the NHL playoffs? Yeah, the Nucks being an intersting story this year. 6. Out of the remaining teams, who wins the Stanley Cup? Tampa maybe? They banished their Columbus demons and doing fine against Boston. If they don't choke again, why not?
  7. well, this was far more comeptitive game. tbh was expecting less scoring series, but that's Simon for you. Let's see what Moscow youngins could produce in the future. gg @Victor see ya next playoffs.
  8. this is an interesting game @Tate with an early Kanou push
  9. the only thing this name has nothing to do with the disease
  10. *nothing much, just another playoff appearance* What a way how to make a comeback to VHL media. After a many seasons of being frustrated by being unlucky in playoffs since S63 finally our team managed to pull another one cup run. In convincing fashion. But hold on, it actually gets better. It looks like Riga is having the best times since a long while. There is another achievement the organiation will celebrate regardless of the playoffs outcome. This achievement does makes sense though as Riga has the most playoff appearances than any other VHL team. But anyways, we will throw a parade later because RIGA REIGN HAS THE MOST CONSECUTIVE PLAYOFF APPEARANCES IN HISTORY OF VHL! That's right, I put some color here, thank me later @Plate. But indeed, the outcome of the match against Warsaw certainly made some NY fans sad. The win against Polish guys clinched yet another playoff appearance for us. This will be our 12th playoffs in a row which now beats the Americans result by 1 season. It's been a while since any team made that long post-season appearance run. I think the last time we had that type of a run as in S50's by Helsinki. But I believe only New York managed to make the post-season dance for more than 10 seasons in a row before we came into the play. So let's give it up for Riga, we made a history and I hope we will continue to do so. But what about the actual results, like the championships? Well, I gotta tell that it could've been better. From underwhelming mid 60's (including that S65 disaster, fuck that semi final series) to the defense era that was overshadowing our offense too much; to S69 finals that was disappointing; to the very early 70's when I wasn't 100% into this thing and being the second fiddle to Moscow. That definitely sucked. But hey, we still won two which is always better than zero, right? And who knows what this playoffs is going to bring to us. Can someone beat our result someday? Well, everything is possible, but it obviously depends on how more season can we collect. As of this moment I don't see teams that can get close to it, but I can see Seattle reach 10+ seasons because it looks like they can go strong for several seasons at least. Right now thay will have 6 seasons in a row. At one point we had Vancouver and Helsinki trying to do so, but both of them had hiccups on the way (by not even making the playoffs). How many more seasons? Uhmm...who knows. But I have a strong feeling that mid 70's will be fairly tough for us. No Tate, no Eagles; Codrick Past is retiring already (speaking about losing 800+ TPE guys as a big blow to teams...in Riga world we have 460 TPA player with huge offensive output so losing him is gonna hurt us for sure). The fact that we'll have to settle with a rookie goalie in S75 will make things harder than usual. But then, we have Helsinki with a 520 TPE goalie fighting for the Victory Cup so we can see having a low TPE netminder is not the end of the world. The good news that we have picks. Except for the S75 first for obvious reasons. An upcoming off-season should be interesting since one particular team is heading to a rebuild and two more teams are about to have some questions about their cap space. There is a chance to get VHL-ready players by trade so we wouldn't miss a beat once Tate and Eagles are retired. So this off-season may answer to the question I mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph. So here it is, 12 playoffs in a row. Here's to make the 13th, 14th, 57th and counting. That's it and I'm out.
  11. lemme draft em both and turn into forwards in the process
  12. Yup, here we go again. My rest is over and despite of my year long laziness that doesn't ends I'm back with yet another goalie. So that's another 8 seasons of me piss poor'ing on this player even if he's showing something like .970 stat all the time. But hey, Riga Reign needs you know. Honestly, I should've done this a season ago, but my indecisive ass got me for real. I was thinking for too long who I need to create - a defenceman or a goalie. A season later, it appears that the goalie market isn't gonna give me a fully-ready goalie like I was pulling this with Davison and Eagles so here comes Sirkants! Looks like he won't even play in the minors this season which doesn't bother me. I addressed my main concern for Riga so I'm fine. And I assume I'll play in minors next season anyways. And once again like Kallis my new guy is gonna start his VHL journey in a contender team. Last time, it did work very well although Cricket certainly wasn't the reason Riga won there. Regardless, let's try again. Also, 1-1 sims and Riga, name more iconic duo. I hope we can lock the playoff spot as soon as possible despite of this form.
  13. 1. Despite our consistent one win and one loss record, we find ourselves 3rd in league standings, do we have what it takes to go all the way? converting chances to goals. all of them 60+ shot games yet we can't buy a 2-0 sim smfh. Also a bit more tight defence helps. 2. If we win back to back cups, what will you do to celebrate? a week long sleeping marathon obv. 3. What's the ideal matchup for our first round of the playoffs? ...Davos? for some reason they don't look convincing to me so far. 4. What attribute is your number one focus for your player when it comes to your build? Why? not sure. lemme say, rebound control; this is a popular skill to update. 6. Who on Riga could you beat in an arm wrestle? What's your strategy? whoever is the skinniest guy in our team so I can scare him with my fatass look. 7. Rock, paper or scissors? paper, and I prefer green papers. lots of greens.
  14. Player Information Username: hedgehog337 Player Name: Sirkants Klamasteris Recruited From: Other (hello dis me again) Age: 25 Position: G Height: 77 in. Weight: 235 lbs. Birthplace: Latvia Player Page @VHLM GM
  15. where's the vomit bag? seriosuly, I'm having a huge issue with this sim this season, we should be at the top with the way how we're playing so far, not at the fucking mid.
  16. This was a nice three season hiatus from captains annoucements. But even I tend to remember to post captains once in a year. I think there should be no questions about the players I chose, especially the captain himself. It was a natural choice to name the current longest-tenured and the best Riga player Lincoln Tate as the captain so here we are. Also, another pretty much veteran (although not even regressed yet) Sasakamoose will get noticed as the man who will stop the opposition if they somehow are getting pass Tate. And also as an assistant. And, Nyko is climbing back to captains ranks after Dahlberg days. Will he get a captain again one day? Stay tuned. btw, honorable mention: @Patrik Tallinder, another deserving member who I think will get his moment very soon. so, the captains here: C - Lincoln Tate @Tate A - Guy Sasakamoose @Cxsquared A - Kyl Oferson @Nykonax And as always, don't forget to congratulate our new captains!
  17. but what if he actually signs with Moscow? top 1 anime betrayal
  18. 10 seasons passed by and now I finally can post this gif again: WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busser out there scoring big goals in latest games, Eagles doing his Eagles job aka sniping a game away from an opponent and Nyko gets his CWG! RELIEF SEASON! WE CHAMPS! @Renomitsu @Nykonax @Z16 @Greg_Di @Tate @efiug @Kylrad @SDCore @Will @Cxsquared @Patrik Tallinder @Phil @Pengu gg Calgary. Thought it's gonna go in 6 games at least, you certainly looked like a favorite after doing great in reg season and being clutch in NA series. And this game went to OT, so yeah. That was close. You still have a nice S69-72 core so your team should be good for seasons. Good luck in next seasons! @Jubis
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