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Posts posted by Grapes-Tophat_Clan-

  1. 18 minutes ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions

    Week Ending 9/12


    1. Which Country you think needs a VHL team?


    2. How have your playoff prediction faired this far?

    Pretty poorly

    3. Hypothetically, what would be your opinion if VHL would add suspensions into the game? Like a fight or something would give you a 1 game suspension, etc.

    I wouldn't mind, maybe fighting being suspendable is a bit much, but for the most part i'd be alright with it

    4. What is a sport that you might not understand at all?

    Synchronized swimming

    5. How has your off-season been thus far?

    Pretty alright getting my tpe and such

    6. Some new VHLM GMs been announced. Amongst them was our very own @N0HBDY. Any thoughts on those who been chosen or any words of encouragement as they take their new positions with their teams?

    Best of luck to N0HBDY and the rest of them


  2. 4 minutes ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions
    Week Ending on 9/5


    1. Prediction, who is winning it all this season?

    Not us
    2. Since VHLE starting this coming season, what is your favorite VHLE name and a logo?

    The Red Wolves for sure

    3. A side from hockey, do you follow any other sport and if so which one?

    I don't

    4. With the playoffs and the off season comes WJHC. Are you part taking in that or think will be part taking in that? If so, which team you are hoping to be in? If not, what team you supporting or going to be watching?

    I highly doubt I make it, but USA for gold
    5. If you could go anywhere in the world right now and it didn't cost you anything. Where would you want to go and why?

    I suppose i'd like to see what Toronto is like
    6. What is your favorite type of chicken sauce?

    Like sauce to put on chicken? Ketchup


  3. 1 hour ago, Spartan said:

    Press Conference (Week Ending 8/29)


    1. We've officially been eliminated from the playoffs. What do you think went wrong this season?

    I think that a lot of the guys on the team just weren't ready, and weren't playing to their full potential, myself included

    2. We acquired Kevin King from London at the trade deadline, what do you think he can contribute to the lineup?

    I think he adds great scoring, and hopefully he boost the teams production

    3. We will be playing in the draft lottery tournament, but Toronto has our first round pick this season. How will you play in the tournament knowing that the better we do, the better our pick could be for a different team?

    Well, i'll try my hardest, but I won't be pleased if we win

    4. Since we won't be in the playoffs, which team(s) and/or player(s) will you be rooting for in the playoffs? Will you shift your focus to watch the M playoffs?

    Not really rooting for anyone, just trying to get better

    5. Our offseason will begin next week, as playoffs start on Monday. What will you start focusing on for improvement, so we can avoid missing out on playoffs next season?

    I think I need to pick up my scoring rate and start to bring in the points

    6. If you had to pick a team MVP for this past season, who would it be?

    Definitely Steiner


  4. 12 minutes ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions

    Week Ending 8/22


    1. This week is the Theme Week and the topic is VHL Awards. What is your thought on that topic, is it good, bad? Are you going to do anything for the Theme Week?

    I don't really have much of an opinion on it. No.

    2. Along with the Theme Week it is also a trade dead line coming up. Do you think we should make some trades and if so who, position or player, you want to see added or traded to the team?

    I don't want to see guys go, but it's a necessary evil if we want to win anytime soon.

    3.  The VHL is putting on another suggestion drive. So, what would you like to see change either in VHL in general or in our Locker Room?

    I'm not sure, I think it's fine now, but the suggestions are probably pretty darn good.

    4. There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there. Do you believe any of them? If so which one or what is the one conspiracy theory that you would most likely believe could be true?

    No I don't really believe in any.

    5. If you would to get 1 Free Reroll on your player today and keep all of your TPA. What would you change about your player and why?

    I would boost my passing and lower my scoring. Assist are easier to get than goals, so doubling my assist totals is better than doubling my goal totals.

    6. If your punishment was to play one video game over and over and over for the rest of your life. What video game would you choose and why? (Even though I already got over 10k hours in Arma 3 I would still probably play it)



  5. On 8/9/2021 at 4:45 PM, BrutalBoost said:

    Press Conference

    Week Ending 8/15


    1. We are almost half way through our season and we haven't had the best performances thus far. What do you think we need to do to turn things around or do you think we can turn things around?

    I think in general our team just hasn't been able to show what we can do, and I think it might just be that this group isn't a winning one.


    2. What do you do to relax in a stressful situation?

    I think about hockey


    3. Who do you think is having a great season this season?

    Odinsson has been incredible


    4. What is the best NHL trade from your favorite team?

    I assume you mean this year, and in that case, the Viktor Arvidsson trade


    5. Would you rather win 10-9 in regulation or 1-0 in over time?

    10-9 in regulation, I probably had a good night


    6. What would Moscow's goal song would be?

    The USSR anthem


  6. 2 minutes ago, BrutalBoost said:

    Press Conference Questions

    Week Ending 8/1


    1. New season is under way. What are you hoping to accomplish this season?

    Hoping to at least be over half a point per game

    2. Are you prepared for this season?


    3. If you were just draft to this team, what do you think of the team so far? If you were not just draft on to this team, what would you words of advise be to the new comers?

    I think playing hard every shift, and giving it your all is the way to success.

    4. Red or Blue?


    5. NHL Draft has concluded. What are you thoughts on the draft?

    I was surprised by a lot of the picks, guys I had in the top 15 fell, or rose, it was wild

    6. Not the best start to the season. What are you thoughts on that and do you thing we will improve with time?

    Yeah, I think it's just a little bit of rust, and we haven't hit our potential yet


  7. 16 hours ago, Seabass said:

    Presser Questions!


    1. How do you feel about our team's recent draft selections?

    I think you can't go wrong with first

    2. Do you think it was the right move to trade Letang?

    Yeah, I think it'll benefit the team and really thats whats most important

    3. How did you do in international play this year? (If you didn't make any international play explain what you have to do in order to get there next time.)

    First time I haven't been in a while, so it was strange. I think I just need to take it up a notch to compete in a strong US group

    4. Which position should we address come UFA time? Does anyone specifically come to mind?

    Not really sure, really the best player available is probably the best choice for us

    5. Do you think we'll be a better team next year or more less the same?

    I think we'll improve as a lot of us younger guys develop further

    6. Who do you think is ready for a breakout year next season?

    I would like to think I break out because I didn't show what I can do this year.


  8. 1 minute ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions

    For Week Ending 7/4


    1. Lord Stanley Finals are here. Who do you think is going to win it all, Lightning or Canadiens?

    I'm finally hopping on the canadiens bandwagon, but I have a feeling i'm going to be wrong

    2. If you are in USA or 4th of July, any special plans for the celebration? If you don't celebrate 4th of July, why not and what are your plans for the weekend anyways?

    Not really, I'll probably watch the fireworks that get set off near my home, but I won't be doing anything special

    3. What you going to be working on this off-season?

    Getting a better in those defensive scenarios

    4. We had another VHLE pole to pick top 3 teams. From what was listed, what would you say the #1 option was, like what was your favorite team name?

    I didn't see it

    5. Does Pineapple belong on Pizza?


    6. Who is your favorite person to talk to in the locker room?

    Not sure, you guys are all great


  9. 1 hour ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions

    Week Ending 6/27


    1. The playoffs/off-season is upon us. What have you managed to accomplish this season the planned to accomplish?

    I'm really impressed by my performance, and being an all rookie team candidate really feels great

    2. If you are new to VHL, how was your first season? If you returning member, after this season what areas do you think we can improve in?

    As is said, I felt this was spectacular

    3. What are your plans for the off-season?

    Train even harder than before

    4. Do you think that will be an underdog this playoff season that will make it to the semi-finals and potentially the finals?

    Not really sure, I wouldn't consider us to be an underdog, but were gonna win the cup this year

    5. Which 2 teams do you think will face each other in the finals this season?

    Us and anyone, it doesn't matter who, we'll win regardless

    6. Who would you say was the one person that was there when they were needed the most this season?

    I think Spartan. Ik it sounds weird but he really did a fantastic job with this organization and is just such a great guy


  10. 1 hour ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions

    Week Ending 6/13


    1. Who you think going to win the next round of playoffs, Tampa Bay Lightning or Montreal Canadians?

    With the power of hindsight, Montreal
    2. Lets say you just made a new character and he is at 250 TPE and VHLE is now a thing. Would you choose to go to VHLE or move up straight to VHL and why?

    VHLE develop a bit so I can make a big splash. Honestly this might be something I look into doing next year (still with Grapes) as a way to develop outside the VHL
    3. Riddle me this. Which question can you never "Yes" to?

    Can you say no?
    4. This week is a theme week and the theme is VHLE. What you think about it and are you going to do anything for the theme week? If so what is it going to be?

    I'm not doing anything, but the VHLE was a good solution, so respect to the management.
    5. We are a bit more than half way through the season. Who do you thing have been out most valuable player thus far?

    Paul Atriedades (I hope that's spelled right)
    6. Paul Atreides @Mr_Hatter is currently sitting at #7 for top 10 goal scorers for this season, only 3 goals behind the #1 spot. Do you think he can climb up hire potentially taking the #1 spot and any word of encouragement for him?

    Absolutely, the guy is a beauty he's got this in the bag


  11. 34 minutes ago, BrutalBoost said:

    PC Questions

    Week ending 6/6


    1. We got a 4 game winning streak going right now. Which line would you say was the driving force behind those wins for us? I think were just playing our best and keeping the hype alive

    2. We got 4 Rookies in Top 10 Rookies of this season, @Tbeez99, @Jakefufu, @Grapes-Tophat_Clan-, and leading the #1 Rookie, @STZ. (Rookies Leaders) Do you have any words for them?

    Um, good job me.

    3. A poll for VHLE was posted last week asking to pick your favorite cities. What was your favorite city and do you think we will see another Russian team?

    I picked St. Petersburg and yeah I think Russia will have another team.

    4. Sticking on the topic of VHLE. If you could name 1 team, what is a creative name you would give it?

    5. Second Round of NHL has begun. Who you think is going to be the winner of this round and if your team was eliminated, who are you cheering for now?

    Hopefully the Jets win, and after seeing last nights game, Colorado is going to win the cup

    6. It's a Memorial Day/week for those living in the US. If you are celebrating Memorial Day are you doing or did anything special for Memorials Day? If you don't celebrate memorials day, did you do or going to do anything special this week?

    Just enjoying my day off in the states


  12. 1 hour ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE



    1) I usually ask one or two completely random questions, if not more. What is your favorite question you have ever been asked, in here or elsewhere? What's your favorite root vegetable.

    2) What is the best thing you have ever cooked? 

    Mac and cheese
    3) Do you consider yourself a judgmental person? (no judgement)

    Yes, indeed I do

    4) Would you like to ever move to a different country?

    I've thought about it

    5) Give me your top 3 animals.

    Ermines, crows, snakes

    6) What would you do on a Friday night if you didn't have a game?

    Watch a movie

    7) What is the best part about Sundays?

    I have practices


  13. 14 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) Well Storm, we got our back up against the wall. This might age poorly or fantastically, but do you think we can complete a reverse sweep of Halifax? Yes, yes we can.

    2) What is your worst nightmare as a player? Losing this next game.

    3) What would be your biggest personal triumph as a player? Pulling a reverse sweep.

    4) Are you looking forward to playing in the VHL? Hell yeah

    5) Do you think you will try and play a full 8 season career with this player?  Yeah probably

    6) How does going down 3-0 in a series affect you mentally? I'm scared, but we can do this.

    7) What is the greatest upset you have accomplished, in sports or in life? In peewees we were down 3-0 in the state finals, forced game 7, and lost 3-7 anyways but we tried.


  14. 2 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) What is your worst nightmare?

    2) If you could play for any league in the world EXCEPT the NHL, what would it be? The AHL

    3) Do you think the VHL is more of a hockey game, or role-playing game? Umm I suppose it's up to the player

    4) How has your player been doing recently? Better than ever

    5) What is your favorite season of the year? Winter

    6) Beach house or mountain home? Mountain home

    7) Tell me something that you have never told anyone before. Frogs go boingy boing


  15. 3 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) We've had a couple good sims here, where do you think we will end up in the standings? 7th
    2) Currently, we are 7 points ahead of 9th place, and 8 teams make it to playoffs. What are the odds that we miss playoffs? 45% we don't get in

    3) What has been your favorite part of the season thus far? My incredible production

    4) Do you have a job in the league/would you want one? Nope and nope

    5) Do you ever think you would want to be a GM? Maybe.......

    6) What is your favorite kind of sandwich? A chicken sandwich with onions

    7) Who is your least favorite Power Ranger? Hmmm depends on the series, but yellow is pretty annoying pretty consistently


  16. On 4/1/2021 at 5:06 AM, GrittyIsKing09 said:

    1. How is your player doing compared to your expectations? Way better, i'm finally having a breakout season

    2. Who do you think is having the best season on the Menace? 

    3. When you recreate, what do you think you are going to name your player? Yummy Mummy

    4. What VHLM team would you want to be drafted to? I want to stay in Minnesota

    5. What is your player points goal and team points goal for this season? 80 points and a playoff spot.

    6. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 3 logs


    edit: i didnt know someone already posted for this week. use this next week 


  17. 12 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    3/28 - 4/4

    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 capped TPE


    1) Tell me why your hometown is the worst! The school system is terrible

    2) Tell my why your hometown is the best! Ummmmm

    3) Have you ever played in a forum Town of Salem game? This is the most recent one: Nope

    4) Do you like to play video games, or do you find them boring? The grind is god
    5) What is your least favorite sport? 

    6) Do you own a car? Do you think you are a "car person"? Nope
    7) Are you planning on getting vaccinated soon? Too young, wish I could


  18. 14 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    3/21 - 3/28

    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 capped TPE


    1) How do you feel about our start so far? Amazing. We are going to win this year if we don't play miami. 
    2) We've lost a few times now to Miami. Are they an early candidate for our bogey team? Absolutely I have always had terrible luck against them and now its spreading.

    3) If you could be any kind of potato, what would you be? If I could be a potato dish i'd be a hashbrown. If I had to be a type of potato I suppose i'd be a Duke of York potato.

    4) Speaking of potatoes, what is your favorite root vegetable? Onions, just barely beat out carrots.

    5) Do you think its better to get two assists, or score one goal and not be involved in the second? 2 assist.

    6) How do you feel about your VHFL team (fantasy league) if you have one? N/A

    7) Who did you predict for the VHL predictions, if you completed them?  N/A


  19. 2 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 capped TPE


    1) How did the draft(s) treat you? Are you happy with where you ended up? You know i'm pretty happy I didn't get drafted again
    2) What do you think is our biggest strength in this upcoming season? Our offense

    3) Biggest weakness? Our PK

    4) Favorite kind of ice cream to get? Vanilla if it's soft serve cookies and cream if not
    5) Speaking of ice cream, or just treats in general: do you like getting a lot of something that is pretty good, or a little bit of something that is AMAZING. Lots of pretty good stuff

    6) What are you hoping to get out of the VHL? Just something to do with my time

    7) Who do you think was the biggest steal of the draft? That Dude


  20. 3 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 capped TPE


    1) So we in the end we lost to the champions. Does that make you feel better? Absolutely

    2) Are you surprised by the outcome of the finals? Yeah, in the fact that we weren't there

    3) Who do you think will win the WJC? WORLD FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!

    4) What about the WC? Not really sure, but i'm rooting for 'Murica

    5) Were you selected to represent your nation in the WJC (or WC I guess)? For world, the winning team

    6) What do you think is the number one reason behind success in hockey? Determination

    7) What is your least favorite bear? Black bear, they don't have a cool name like the others?
    😎 Most favorite? Grolar


  21. 1 hour ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    2/28-3/7 (I forgot to modify last weeks question dates, my b)

    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) Well, unfortunately it's the end of the road. What was our downfall against Mexico? I think we came in over confident, and then where off our game after losing the first two
    2) How did our performance this season as a team meet your expectations at the start of the season?  They blew them out of the water, I was thinking wildcard team and here we are in second place league wide
    3) Did you hit the personal goals you set out to achieve? Well my defense game improved exponentially (or more accurately I had a spectacular defense helping) and kept similar production

    4) What is next for your player? Will you be heading up to the VHL or sticking with the VHLM for a while longer? I'll probably play one more season down here in Minnesota

    5) Do you think you have a shot at any awards this season? Nah

    6) Who do you think was our MVP this season? Moore all the way, the guy destroyed

    7) What are you gonna do now that the season is done? Offseason plans? I'm gonna work as hard as I can every day until camp starts so that we don't get embarrased like that again



  22. 46 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) PLAYOFF TIME BOYS! Predict the outcome of our first series with the Lynx! We sweep em

    2) Ottawa has the number one scorer from the regular season, Theodore Hoffman. How hard will it be to contain him? It'll be rough, we aren't the best at limiting shots so he'll probably get a lot which won't matter with Tot in net 

    3) Is there anyone else on their squad you think we need to keep an eye out for? 
    4) The Ottawa/Minnesota matchup is a pretty intense one historically (going back to my first season in the VHL where we as the Lynx beat Minnesota in the Founder's Cup Finals 👀 ) what are your thoughts on it? Do you think the VHLM can really form rivalries due to how it's set up? I don't think rivalries are really present down here, but Ottawa v Minnesota is probably one of the few

    5) We went 6-1-1 against the Lynx during the regular season. Do you remember any of the games? I think I had a hatty in 1

    6) Do you think home ice matters less during COVID times? Does it matter at all? Not at all without fans, but it can be intimidating to play the away team.
    7) What are the odds we win the cup? 40%


  23. 9 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) What NHL team, if any, do you support? LA 

    2) Is hockey your number one sport? Absolutely

    3) If you could create another sim league, what would it be?

    4) What hockey rule annoys you the most? The puck has to completely cross the blueline, or it might be that you can't go backwards in the shootout

    5) What do you think of the NHLs modified divisions this season? I kinda like them, I think Dallas should be in the west instead of St. Louis and that north and east are bloodbaths

    6) What changes to the VHL league structure, if any, would you make? No changes

    7) What is your favorite meal of the day? Lunch


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