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Everything posted by gregreg

  2. hmm I can't remember when you were in Seattle.
  3. but then they lose one and he loses interest again
  4. Vancouver fans don't deserve nice things
  5. Not going to lie I pushed to draft other players but Noah was set on selecting Olsen and I'm glad he ignored me
  6. This is how I thought we play games with Olsen on defense
  7. maybe now I'll get a BOG spot but really all the best kyle and hopefully you make another comeback down the road
  8. As the the most frustrating season in Bears history is coming closer and closer to the end , the Bears look to their best defenseman for help or should I say forward. In a last ditch effort to hopefully spark the 4th place Bears they have moved Karsten Olsen from defense to forward. Olsen is the 3rd leading scorer on the Bears and now hopefully he will be able to improve their record by scoring more then the point per game pace that he is at now. Olsen will join GIYGAS and Stamkos on the second line to start and will probably replace Ball or Blade down the road. “Olsen has been our best defenseman this season but we need to do something to get this group going and with the deadline over and done with I think this will be the best move we can make." - Harbinson All the Bears can do is hope that this move will lead to a playoff spot and maybe more if it work really well.
  9. From OK Dman to best RW in the league
  10. man the sim really does hate us
  11. gregreg

    VAS/COL ; S36

    I was expecting this to be spud
  12. score 3 goals on 10 shots.. and win.. ok I'll take it but not sure how we won lol
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