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Everything posted by OrbitingDeath

  1. Black lion is the heart of voltron though.
  2. I read it, you calling me a no one Harsh.
  3. Some update about Riga We are now 25 games into the season and the hot start of the Riga Reign has calmed out a bit. But they are still on a decent growth compared to last season. Currently we have 12 wins , 10 losses and 3 over time losses. We score more than we get against (70 vs 66) so that is also better as the teams around us in the standings. So all I can say, things are going as planned. With 27 points so far we are only 5 behind the conference leader. So a lucky streak can shoot us up in the standings again. We really don't have anything to complain. Internally the points also get divided as expect with Weaver and Frenchie being the main forwards with 30 points each, while DeGroot is the major defensive stronghold with also above a point per game. Once rookies like Sadie St-Louis and Skor McFleury get some more seasons under their belt, I'm sure Riga will be getting higher in the standings. So everyone on Riga, just keep earning and the success will come itself. I have full faith in all of us we will be on top again!
  4. Awesome man, the purple came out great! Better as the last one indeed. Enjoy man!
  5. Can you imagine, so old that the guy doesnt remember his actual draft year
  6. Is The Frenchman improving compared to his rookie season? The Frenchman - Season 86 Games Played: 72 Goals: 24 - 0,333 goals per game Assists: 27 - 0,375 assists per game Points: 51 - 0,708 points per game PIM: 40 - 0,555 PIM's per game Hits: 105 - 1,458 hits per game Shots: 314 - 4,61 shots per game PPG: 2 - 0,027 powerplay goals per game PPA: 7 - 0,097 powerplay assists per game PPP: 9 - 0,125 powerplay points per game P/20: 0.47 The Frenchman - Season 87 Games Played: 11 Goals: 7 - 0,636 goals per game Assists: 8, 0,727 assists per game Points: 15 - 1,363 points per game PIM: 21 - 1.909 PIM's per game Hits: 14 - 1.272 hits per game Shots: 54 - 4.909 shots per game PPG: 0 - 0 powerplay goals per game PPA: 2 - 0,181 powerplay assists per game PPP: 2 - 0,181 powerplay points per game P/20: 0.91 He is improving in goals, assists, points, shots and powerplay points and assists. Hopefully the powerplay goal will still follow. So if this would be a linear trend (which it certainly isn't), the frenchman would end up with the following seasonal stats (rounded down) 45 goals 52 assists 97 points 137 PIM's 91 hits 0 powerplay points 13 powerplay assists 13 powerplay points So comparing that to last season's stats, i can only say I would be happy if I would hit this. I really would need to try to get my PIM's down, hopefully that will help the team too.
  7. The Frenchman his rookie season: How does it match up to my previous skaters? So first of all, how did the Frenchman do. When looking at the numbers, I just can not be happy about his performance. So I decided to compare his stats to the rookie season statistics of my previous players to see how he matches up. The Frenchman - Season 68 Games Played: 72 Goals: 24 Assists: 27 Points: 51 PIM: 40 Hits: 105 Shots: 314 PPG: 2 PPA: 7 PPP: 9 P/20: 0.47 So first I will have a look at how the stats match up compared to the league leaders. This will be done on a ratio base, we compare my stats compared to the league leader in a specific category So example: Goals: 24 vs 54 - the league leader scored 30 goals more, this is 44.4% Bot users are ignored in the calculations, so stuff like B-WAR RW4 scoring 4 points per 20 minutes are excluded. Goals: 44.4% Assists: 28.7% Points: 42.5% PIM: 16.1% Hits: 26.3% Shots: 52.1% PPG: 11.2% PPA: 35% PPP: 28.1% P/20: 42.3% Thomas O'Malley - Season 40 Games Played: 72 Goals: 38 Assists: 72 Points: 110 PIM: 6 Hits: 21 Shots: 409 PPG: 12 PPA: 25 PPP: 37 P/20: 1.09 Goals: 58.4% Assists: 86.7% Points: 85.2% PIM: 2.5% Hits: 5.2% Shots: 73.4% PPG: 66.6% PPA: 100% PPP: 90.2% P/20: 90.8% So the first comparison is my first skater, and most likely this is also the most unfair one. The rookie season he was 4th in league scoring, so it is almost impossible to live up to the legacy of O'Malley. There is really no stat in which he performed better, besides of the hits one. Both were base checking players, but O'Malley had already invested in discipline at this point. It's a different era and I don't think rookie numbers like O'Malley will ever happen again. So it's an unfair and unrealistic comparison to go up against one of the best players this league has ever seen. So did he come close somewhere? Maybe goals, it only has a 14% difference compared to the league high, but he is obliterated in the assists department. A different decent one could be shots, but here its also a 21.3% difference. It's time to move on to the next one immediately. Pietro Maximoff - S49 Games Played: 72 Goals: 29 Assists: 46 Points: 75 PIM: 18 Hits: 38 Shots: 496 PPG: 5 PPA: 5 PPP: 10 P/20: 0.74 Goals: 48.3% Assists: 51.6% Points: 51.7% PIM: 9.1% Hits: 8.6% Shots: 86.1% PPG: 27.7% PPA: 23.8% PPP: 25.6% P/20: 57.8% The rookie season of Pietro Maximoff, a pure sniping winger was one in the year where Max Molholt was showing his dominance. So this might help the Frenchman as this might have kept the averages down. Maximoff was my previous Riga Reign player even though he did not spend a full career there. In his rookie season he was over a point per game, something I had aspired for Frenchie as well. But it didn't went as I hoped it would. Now a lot of it might also be a part of the different system we use now compared to what we had, enabling Maximoff to be as good as he was earlier in his career compared to how it is possible now in the hybrid theory era. In the end, Maximoff might have run away with the start of his career, but he is a lot closer in terms of numbers. Just look at the goal difference compared to the league leader. Despite Frenchie's dissapointing rookie season, he still only has 3.9% less. And next to that, despite being lower in total points, Frenchie did actually do better in the power play assists and power play points department. Even the 15.5% difference in points per 20 minutes isn't as bad compared to the obliteration frenchie faced here versus O'Malley. But if you would look at who did better, it still would be Maximoff to me. But maybe I'm just holding on to past dreams, knowing I liked the pre hybrid era of building better. Peter Quill - S56 Games Played: 72 Goals: 27 Assists: 44 Points: 71 PIM: 11 Hits: 4 Shots: 347 PPG: 6 PPA:7 PPP: 13 P/20: 0.70 Goals: 43.5% Assists: 50% Points: 52.2% PIM: 6% Hits: 1% Shots: 56.7% PPG: 42.8% PPA: 33.3% PPP: 43.3% P/20: 56.4% With Peter Quill we have reached the first time that Frenchie scored better in the goal department, even though it was barely. But again, the assists are a real deal breaker here showing Quill was far superior. Totalled it leads to a difference of almost 10% in terms of points compared to the league leader. So even with Quill, Frenchie just does not seem to cut it. He did score slightly better on the power play assists, the shot difference also wasnt to big but still in Quill's favor. But the concerning part here is, Peter Quill was my first player with a non hall of fame career, surely this happened due to my inactivity later on, but he still had a good active rookie year I guess. But even against a non Hall of Fame player at the same position as him, this seems a bit discouraging. Let's hope Frenchie will actually improve on Quill's numbers by remaining active, but rookie season wise, Quill edges him out still. Adam Warlock - S59 Games Played: 72 Goals: 5 Assists: 31 Points: 36 PIM: 90 Hits: 149 Shots: 107 PPG: 3 PPA: 11 PPP: 14 P/20: 0.32 Goals: 7.4% Assists: 38.22% Points: 27.1% PIM: 44.6% Hits: 43.6% Shots: 17/5% PPG: 23.1% PPA: 45.9% PPP: 37.8% P/20: 24.6% This brings us to my other failed player, Adam Warlock. He was a VHLM legend for the Ottawa Lynx, so Beaviss decided to draft him thinking this success would transfer to the VHL. But the problem is, we just had the TPE scale upgraded, so Warlock actually lost points this offseason. I turned him from the offensive machine he was into some mediocre defenseman who focussed more of defense. His 40 passing 81 scoring turned into 70 passing 50 scoring for example and his stats showed. He was my first player that went far off a point per game in the rookie season. So how does The Frenchman compare to my worst player so far. I'm almost afraid to find out. Goals - a clear win. Assists is loss, almost 10% difference. Points is a win though, so that is the first player where he did better. And he did this while being worse on the powerplay. So regular 5 versus 5 frenchie wins this matchup if you ask me. Also because his points per 20 minutes is a definite win here. Condor Adrienne - S68 Games Played: 72 Goals: 11 Assists: 45 Points: 56 PIM: 184 Hits: 228 Shots: 129 PPG: 8 PPA: 14 PPP: 22 P/20: 0.55 Goals: 18.3% Assists: 63.3% Points: 45.9% PIM: 95.3% Hits: 77.6% Shots: 27.7% PPG: 47.1% PPA: 60.8% PPP:59.4% P/20: 39.9% So with Adrienne we are back in the Hall of Fame territory. And once again Frenchie seems to have a hard match up. He slightly wins this one on offensive output, as he beats Adrienne in goals and points per 20 minutes, despite being worse on the powerplay. But we all know Adrienne's strength lay in the physical game and that is not something we are really comparing, as I want to see how others did on Frenchie his strengths. Frenchie also did a better job at shooting, so pure offensively he wins this matchup, but the comparison isn't really fair here either as just like Warlock, he's compared to a defenseman. So should he win either matchup? Not sure, but we'll do it to not make me lose all hope. Duncan Idaho - S77 Games Played: 72 Goals: 29 Assists: 30 Points: 59 PIM: 120 Hits: 258 Shots: 344 PPG: 9 PPA: 11 PPP: 20 P/20: 0.73 Goals: 60% Assists: 41.1% Points: 49.1% PIM: 43.7% Hits: 68.1% Shots: 60.3% PPG: 60% PPA: 35.5% PPP:47.6% P/20: 60.8% With Duncan Idaho we get closer to the hybrid era, but it only started in his final seasons. So it's still not the most fair comparison, but it comes pretty close. Before looking at the comparison stats I noticed only a few more points on Idaho as on The Frenchman. But when looking at the percentages, Idaho is scoring so much better as him. He wins on all the points and shooting categories, including the powerplay. Conclusion So that brings us to the conclusion. What I learned was that I indeed seem to have good reasons to not be satisfied with The Frenchman his performance. Can his lousy play be clarified? Sure, he went up early instead of staying in the VHLE for another season. So he might have had tougher competition on average, but I have had so much success with my previous players (besides Warlock and Quill) that i might just be expecting too much from my players. Now it is up to The Frenchman himself, to proof me wrong. But he needs to work hard to make me proud of his career. Currently he is definitly fighting from behind as his rookie seasons performance was worse than his competitors. Maybe I'll follow up with a sophomore season comparison later on to see how things evolve. Words: 1650 - Claiming week 1 of 3
  8. Thank you all. But dont forget to congratulate @BOOMwith his birthday. He likes to be congratulated too. Happy birthday brother!
  9. The McDonalds in Riga suddenly had a lot of weird orders they have never seen before. Ever since the draft happened all the Riga Reign fans came to the local McDonalds franchises to ask if they already had Skor McFleury's in their menu. This went on for days until the franchise holders finally managed to place an order for Skor in the United States. After a few weeks of shipping and waiting for the Skor to arrive, they finally were able to hand out Skor McFleury's to the customers, upon which they responded 'Aren't they gross?' and they walked away. It was a weeklong prank like the internet did with the Morbius movie to get it re-released. Just to see it bust again. While it is not fully the same as the riga fans did, they did it to honor the arrival of the actual Skor McFleury, the one that is not edible. The fans were hoping that the actual Skor McFleury would approve of this action as within Riga he was a trending topic for weeks due to everyone asking eachother to join this prank. While the team was horrible last season, the joy of the fans is high after drafting their 3rd top 5 pick in two seasons time. The selection of the new defenseman should help them grow towards the future. And the McDonalds? They have a lot of Skor bars left if there are any takers around Riga….
  10. Sorry for the wait, hope this is ballin' enough Note to self: claimed for week 1/29
  11. @Hogan Can I pick now or does he get the full 24 hours as its back 2 back?
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