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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. 2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

    Buy a Masterball and please to the VHL gods, catch Lugia with it!!!!!

    use Elekid to finish your gf horsea and poliwag 


    if Elekid dies then use ivysaur



    It kind of goes against the spirit of the game to wait until after you find a legendary to buy a master ball. I've been kind of lenient when people say they accidentally forgot to buy pokeballs or great balls before exploring. But this seems a little over the top... I don't think buying a master ball at this point will work.


    Would you like to cancel the trade we had planned in light of this?

  2. A2:  Challenge Bruno


    Lead with Gyarados who uses Hydro Pump


    Venusaur next hold Leftovers and alternates Sludge Bomb and Synthesis against Poliwrath. Against Machamp use Frenzy Plant


    Aegislash-Sword last uses Retaliate 2, and then Iron Head 

  3. 50 minutes ago, Gustav said:

    Action 4: Work. Buy an evo stone for Poliwhirl and use it!


    Action 5: Challenge Lt. Surge


    Focus Band on Poliwrath.


    Lead with Gardevoir, who will use Moonblast on Jolteon/Psychic on Magneton/Moonblast on Raichu.


    Follow with Poliwrath, who will use Hydro Pump on Jolteon/Dynamic Punch on Magneton/Hydro Pump on Raichu.


    Close off with Flareon if and when necessary and Fire Blast everything.

    It's late so, speed sim time!


    You earn $924

    Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath! You use the evolution stone that you had lying around when you thought you needed one for Kirlia. Unless you want to buy another one for some reason?


    Gardevoir takes out Jolteon. The fairy typing helps protect against bug attacks!

    Magneton takes out Gardevoir while munching leftovers.


    Poliwrath next, who does not want to get zapped...

    It does get zapped, but survives! 2 Punches is enough to take out Mageneton, despite the Leftovers!


    Raichu is last, and finishes off Poliwrath.

    Surely it is no match for your Flareon that beats everything in sight?

    Even though it is holding a Focus Band?

    SURELY that won't come into play...


    Flareon opens up with Fire Blast... Raichu only has 11 HP left!

    Thunder takes Flareon down to less than half HP.

    Another fire blast....


    Raichu stays down!


    🎉You've defeated Lt Surge!🎉


    Gardevoir gains 1 level

    Poliwrath gains 3 levels

    Flareon gains 1 level


  4. 53 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

    5.2 Challenge Morty


    EXP Share on Wartortle


    After her victory, Jessie blasts off north to Ecruteak Town, and smashes through the gym roof there to challenge the leader, Morty.


    “Boo!” she says.


    Weavile will lead against the Gourd and spam Ice Beam. It can use Dark Pulse against everything else should it get a chance.

    - When it goes down, Magnezone can enter next. It will spam Zap Cannon on everything.

    - Charizard will enter last. It will spam Air Slash on Chandelure and Fire Blast on anything else.

    Morty looks at Jessie blankly. "You cannot frighten me, because I knew you were coming. I saw it in a vision two days ago, and I saw your defeat as well. In fact we already booked the someone for tomorrow to come repair the hole in the roof."


    Annoyed, Jessie continues her taunting as she prepares her Pokemon. "I hope you're ready to see the mortician, Morty! What kind of name is Morty anyway? Don't answer that. In fact, don't say another word!"


    With that, you send out Weavile and Morty sends out Gourgeist.

    Morty's Gourgeist looks bigger than any Gourgeist you've seen!


    "Hope you have a deep freeze at home, because you're gonna need extra storage once Weavile is through!" Jessie shouts.


    Morty says nothing as Weavile takes out Gourgeist in 2 blasts. Next he summons Gengar!

    Gengar poison jabs Weavile and Weavile goes down.


    "You think that Gengar is tough?" Jessie continues to taunt. "How about some Zone Defense!"


    Magnezone starts Zap Cannoning Gengar.

    "Gengar," Morty says nonchalantly. "You know what is coming next. You know what you must do."

    Gengar gets a sly grin on its face and grabs on tight to its Focus Band!


    "Magnezone, wai-" Jessie begins, but Magnezone is too in the zone to stop Zap Cannoning! Does Gengar hold on?


    IT DOES.

    Gengar blasts Magnezone with Shadow Ball...


    Magnezone survives with 8 HP left!

    It uses 1 last Zap Cannon and Gengar goes down.


    Lastly Morty sends out Chandelure who takes out Magnezone with Overheat, but has to take 45 damage to do so!


    "Ha! You think that decorative piece is a flame? Check THIS flame out!" Jessie sends out Charizard!


    Charizard begins to rear up a giant fire ball...

    But it was a feint! Charizard instead goes for the Air Slash!

    Chandelure retaliates with Shadow Ball, but it is too weak!

    1 more air slash ends it!


    🎉You've defeated Morty!🎉


    Morty looks unphased.


    "Nice vision!" Jessie continues to taunt.


    "I might have been thinking of the person who is coming after you," he explains.


    "Yeah, sure!" As Jessie turns to leave the gym, an explosion in the opposite corner of the gym is heard and someone with red hair flies through the opening and lands across from Morty. Not wanting to be blamed for the further destruction, Jessie quickly runs out of the gym. As the doors close, she hears a distant "Boo!" from inside somewhere.


    Weavile gains 0.5 levels

    Magnezone gains 1 level

    Charizard gains 1.5 levels


    Wartortle gains 6 levels










  5. A5:

    Attempting to steal Pokemon from gym leaders has been hard work. Fortunately, James feels as though he has learned a lot from trying. Or perhaps more importantly, his Pokemon have learned a lot from trying. Giovanni's words echoed in his mind as he prepared for sleep...

    1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

    With your skills, you could win the entire Pokemon Final Tournament. Do that!

    Could he really do that? And could he really take on the Elite 4? Why if he could, then all this other Rocket business wouldn't be necessary. Surely being the Pokemon Champion means unlimited fame and riches right?!


    With that thought, James hopped out of bed in his pajamas, took the Meowth hot air balloon to Victory Road, and challenged Lorelei to a battle.


    Venusaur will start off and use Sludge Bomb first and then Frenzy Plant against Weavile

    Gyarados 2nd holds Leftovers and uses Hydro Pump against Mamoswine, and then Hyper Beam against Lapras

    Aegislash-Sword is last and uses Sacred Sword

  6. 5 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

    Action 5.1 Work

    Buy Evolution stone and give to Growlithe. 

    Action 5.2 explore Saffron City

    You earn $763 working and evolve your Growlithe into Arcanine!


    In Saffron city you find 

    Koffing 23
    Magnemite 22
    Ekans 21
  7. 5 hours ago, omgitshim said:

    Buy an Incense


    Action 5.1: Explore Safari Zone w/Incense

    You take an extra long shower and find...

    Dratini 23
    Ponyta 22
    Ponyta 25


    Swinub 23
    Celebi 30
    Rhyhorn 25


    Scyther 24
    Magikarp 25
    Swinub 26



    Wow these are some good showers




    edit: why cant i post pictures anymore


  8. 56 minutes ago, McWolf said:

    Incense + Cerulean Cave again

    You head back to Cerulean Cave. 10th times the charm right? First you get freshly showered so you smell extra nice for all the Pokemon.


    You find...



    Growlithe 23
    Elekid 22
    Pichu 23



    Smoochum 23
    Mewtwo 30
    Rhyhorn 23


    Horsea 25
    Smoochum 25
    Smoochum 25



    Fucking Mewtwo.


    mewtwo GIF


  9. 46 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

    That did not go to plan (I obviously botched a calc somewhere), but I’ll absolutely take it!



    Day 4, Action 5: Battle Tower (Level 31)

    In the Level 31 Battle Tower you face Youngster Joseph!

  10. A2: if I beat Koga, Challenge Sabrina. Ignore this if I lost.


    Buy Leftovers


    Lead with Aegislash-Shield holding leftovers. Use Iron Head against Jynx, then Night Slash against Espeon

    Gyarados next spamming hydro pump

    Venusaur last spamming Sludge Bomb

  11. Day 4 ends! We are over the halfway mark!


    In case you missed it.. Day 4 saw 2 item changes. EXP Share got reworked. And Incense got added! Check them out in the Discord Pokemart if you haven't yet.


    Before Day 5 can begin, two bitter rivals will face off! @Ricer13 and @McWolf


    Since Gary won the first fight, Ash's Pokemon will lead off..

    Ash leads with Growlithe against Gary's Victreebel.

    Growlithe has the type advantage, but is severely lacking in levels and evolved status.

    Growlithe gets an ember off, but Victreebel's Poison Jab knocks it out before it can eat its Oran Berry!


    Ash sends Ivysaur out next. It Body Slams Victreebel, but Poison Jab does away with it as well!

    Will Victreebel get the sweep?


    Ash sends Wartortle out last.

    It finishes off Victreebel despite the type disadvantage!

    Gary sends out Umbreon next, who finishes off Wartortle.


    Gary wins!


    Day 5 now begins!

  12. 1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

    I actually did the math this time and Char Man can actually handle it this time.


    Start with Heracross, then the Cutieflies.


    Flamethrower all!



    Action 4: Challenge Bugsy


     I’ll lead Charmeleon to Flamethrower Vikavolt. When Vikavolt drops, I’ll hard switch into Koffing for the Bee.


    Koffing will spam Sludge against Bee until Koffing goes down. Weavile will come in to finish the job with Ice Beam.


    Weavile should be able to eat a hit from Scizor and can retaliate with Revenge. When Weavile goes down,Charmeleon can come back out and (hopefully) finish it off with a Flamethrower. 

    Heracross 20
    Cutiefly 22
    Cutiefly 20

    Charmeleon sets the forest on fire and gains 3 levels. You gain $399 for some reason.


    NOW you'll fight Buggsy.


    Charmeleon starts off and drops Vikavolt

    Ribombee comes out next and uses Pollen Puff before Charmeleon can make the switch on its turn. Charmeleon goes down!


    Koffing out next.

    Ribombee's Draining Kiss + Leftovers delays the fight, but Koffing prevails against it. Likely in part thanks to getting the first hit off.


    Buggsy sends out his last Pokemon Scizor!

    Scizor quickly sliced down Koffing

    You send out your last Pokemon Weavile!

    Weavile leads off with Dark Pulse...


    Scizor is down to less than half HP!

    Scizor uses Iron Head. Weavile is hurting with 39 HP left!

    But Weavile uses Retaliate and Scizor goes down! 


    🎉You've defeated Buggsy!🎉


    Charmeleon gains 2 levels

    Koffing gains 3 levels

    Weavile gains 2 levels





  13. 1 hour ago, Dom said:

    Action 1-4: cerulean cave for all


    fight everything that is not mewtwo, using larvitar as first, growlithe as second and lapras as third. ( shouldn’t faint further than that I hope, of so, use whatever) 


    if Mewtwo shows up I use my master ball

    Cerulean Cave time!

    Lapras 24
    Larvitar 24
    Horsea 24


    Elekid 23
    Exeggcute 19
    Ekans 20


    Larvitar 24
    Horsea 19
    Pichu 21


    Growlithe 20
    Larvitar 20
    Exeggcute 20



    No Mewtwo! Bummer!

    Unfortunate that you got the strongest bunch first. Can you take them?


    In fight 1, that lv 24 Lapras leading things off is going to be tricky...

    Larvitar gets it down to 42 HP before fainting.

    Growlithe comes in and bites Lapras...

    Lapras uses Body Slam instead of Hydro Pump!

    Another bite and Lapras goes down!

    Larvitar next takes out Growlithe. But you have a Lapras of your own!

    Lapras has no trouble with Larvitar or Horsea.


    Growlithe gains 4 levels

    Lapras gains 8 levels! wow.


    Fight 2

    Larvitar starts off by beating Elekid

    Exeggcute's double type advantage prevails against it though!

    But Growlithe finishes it off.

    As well as beats the Ekans


    Larvitar gains 2 levels

    Growlithe gains 2 levels


    Larvitar evolves into Pupitar!




    Fight 3

    Pupitar is all fired up now. It takes out the weaker larvitar, horsea, and pichu without breaking a sweat.

    Pupitar gains 1.5 levels


    Fight 4

    History repeats itself as they say. Another 1.5 levels for Pupitar


    You gain $497 + $324 +$487 + $490 = $1798

  14. 3 hours ago, Gustav said:




    Focus Band on Kirlia; Focus Sash on Poliwag.


    We're going to lead off with Poliwag as a sacrifice bunt of sorts.


    Poliwag will use Water Gun against whoever is up first, and presumably be knocked out by that whoever.


    If Poliwag is knocked out by Charmeleon or Haunter, bring in Kirlia and use Psybeam. Hope RNG does its thing.


    If Poliwag is knocked out by Arbok, follow up with Flareon. 

    • Let Flareon burn through everything with Fire Blast.
    • If there's a way to pull Flareon and bring in Kirlia for a final KO, that would be nice. If in that case I'm allowed to ask for Flareon to use a move that stops short of a knockout, that would also be nice. I'll leave that up to mod discretion--if not, let Flareon deal with Arbok, put in Kirlia for whoever's next, accept that I'm probably going to lose, and use Flareon as backup going forward.


    As a reminder, if Kirlia somehow manages to record a KO, I've just bought the evolution stone 👁️



    Biker Tianna sends out Charmeleon first, so you send out Poliwag! Type advantage! Woo!

    Poliwag goes down in 2 hits.


    Next up is Kirlia! Will Kirlia FINALLY get the win????

    Kirlia uses Psybeam...


    Charmeleon is down to 41 HP

    Charmeleon uses Flamethrower..

    Only 11 HP for Kirlia!!

    Kirlia uses Psybeam...


    Charmeleon has 9.8 HP left!!! Oh no!

    Charmeleon uses Dragon Breath...


    Dragon Type is ineffective against Fairy type and Kirlia takes no damage!

    Another Psybeam and Charmeleon goes down!!


    Biker Tianna is confused as to why you are so happy that 2 of your pokemon barely took out her first, but she shrugs and sends out Arbok next.

    Arbok takes out Kirlia. But no matter.

    You smile as you watch Flareon burn Arbok and Haunter into a crisp.


    You've defeated Biker Tianna!


    Flareon gains 1 level

    Kirlia gains 3 levels


    Kirlia evolves into Gardevoir!


    pokken tournament pokemon GIF




  15. 3 hours ago, omgitshim said:


    Throw an Ultra Ball at Rhyhorn.


    Alakazam against the Dratini. Use Future Sight, then Recover, then switch in Wooloo for the Future Sight hit. Switch back to Alakazam for the Swinub, if Alakazam has less than 20 HP at this point, use Recover. Else, Future Sight -> Recover -> switch to Wooloo for the kill.

    Swinub 21
    Dratini 19
    Rhyhorn 20


    Rhyhorn is caught thanks to a 105% catch chance.


    Your Alakazam sees the future and Wooloo gains 3 levels

    The lowest Alakazam gets is 23 HP. Then Wooloo hops back in for 3 more levels.


    Wooloo is so excited to get the W that it evolves into Dubwool



    You earn $309

  16. 9 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

    Buy 10 greatballs

    Use them to catch Lapras, Horsea and Rhyhorn. 

    If any remain standing and im out of greatballs then use Dratini to take down rhyhorn with his water pulse.

    Action 4.4 Work

    Lapras 19
    Horsea 22
    Rhyhorn 19


    You get prime shipping delivered and catch all 3 in 4 throws!


    Then earn $854 working



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