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About iyog

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    DeGoatrice Hollywood
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  1. how do you tell if someone is a actual medium
  2. If one of them is body guard then you are evil auburn fan
  3. no i am the jester
  4. if auburn fan is really confirmed then that means Ptyrell and Ricer are evil because of N3 - Ptyrell, NSG88, or Advantage is evil! N5 - osens, Ricer13, or NSG88 is evil!
  5. Yog the Psychic N1 - NSG88, Jericho, or Devise is evil! N2 - Doomsday or N0HBDY is good! N3 - Ptyrell, NSG88, or Advantage is evil! N4 - Ricer13 or N0HBDY is good! N5 - osens, Ricer13, or NSG88 is evil! N6 - Ricer13 or osens is good! NSG - Alive claimed medium good Jericho - Trapper good Devise - Janitor bad Doomsday - Plaguebearer neutral chaos N0hbdy - Doctor good Ptyrell - Alive Advantage - Crusader good Ricer - Alive Osens - Alive confirmed angel? good
  6. what role are y'all claiming
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