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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. or ask your GM to not trade you...most would listen.
  2. it would be easier that is for sure, that snarky MFing hat xD
  3. and thats not to say the other aRE NOT Loyal or trustworthy they are.
  4. I was sorted into Hufflepuff on Pottermore. but yes Loyalty, honesty are two big things to me.
  5. TBH All of them could realistically fit into ANY house haha.
  6. Their we go
  7. I think their was an issue because it didnt load.
  8. was not actually talking about Spartan, but thanks for that
  9. OK BB
  10. Horcrux

    LVA/HFX; S81

  11. Ravenclaw
  12. Thanks FB glad you liked it haha
  13. With PRide
  14. I think a lot of great points have been brought up. Moon you mentioned you dont like it which is fine but you faled to show any evidence to support your stance, why you belive that or how you would fix it which I think would go a long way. My thoughts on the whole thing Being an AGM aside. as @Daniel Janserpointed out you need 400+ TPE Anyways on average before you get any real ice time in the VHL. the E is that Semi pro level, it gets you Ice Time, lets you fine tune your build so that when you get to the VHL you are the best version of yourself. the anti E sentiment has been pushed by a select group of members who I have yet seen give a great reason for their stance. What I think is hurting retention is having key members stating they are staying down just to avoid the E cause they dont wan tot play on it. let me rephrase what im tryign to say, the "I dont want to play in the E" sentiment I think does more harm then good. Just play
  15. please you are a Newt
  16. Gryffindor is seen as the leaders of the school. they are usually brave and badass'
  17. plus when i think of a joke i think of you. "Slytherin her Chamber of Secrets"
  18. Oslo Storm Presser Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, and 6 questions for 2 TPE! November 29 - December 5th 1.) some roster moves and luck we have started to win more. how many wins do you think we will get? 2.) Think we will overtake the Rush? 3.) Do you like your players performance so far? 4.) who do you think takes first? 5.) Full jersey tuck, or untucked? 6.) have you started listening to Christmas music?
  19. For those who may not know I am a HUGE Harry Potter nerd. It really kind of unhealthy but that is a conversation for another media spot. Today instead I will be sorting my friends into the various Houses that are found in Hogwarts. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Most people assume Slytherin is just for the bad apples which is not the case. There are bad eggs in all the houses so don't be bothered by where I put you. This is for fun. Gryffindor - bravery, courage, nerve, chivalry Hufflepuff - hard work, patience, justice, loyalty Ravenclaw - intelligence, learning, wisdom, wit Slytherin - ambition, cunning, leadership, resourcefulness @16z - so this one was hard for me, he has a little bit of all of the houses. Just based on the conversations we have had through discord and just how awesome and supportive they have been I think the only choice I can agree on here is HUFFLEPUFF. He works hard as a GM, He is Patient (especially when dealing with me), and he is loyal. He had many chances to cut ties with me. @McWolf - This one I bounced around between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, both fit Wolfie to a Tee and frankly he would do well in either house. I think I will end up choosing RAVENCLAW for him. Being a commissioner of an entire division (VHLM) is not easy and he shows Wisdom, Wit every day. Anytime I have a question he is eager to Teach me. Plus I think he would look good wearing a dark navy blue. @Laine - oh captain my captain. You for sure 100% no doubt are a GRYFFINDOR. You jumped to a whole new league with an expansion team, you took a risk with me as AGM. sure we don't have hour long conversations but I enjoy every moment i talk to you and I hope to one day be one percent of the person you are. You are the best of the future of this league. @Ricer13 - you reached out to me when i mentioned I have depression and get sad often, this was the crux (yes i did that) that led to a friendship that I am happy to have. I never thought in a billion years a VHL GM would even care about me except what I can do for their team. You are a SLYTHERIN. You are a wonderful leader, you are resourceful, you have cunning and you are just an awesome human being. You are also a little Spicy so it fits haha @JardyB10 - oh boy, this one was hard for me because there are days you can be from any one of the houses. It was super hard to narrow it down for you but I have to go with HUFFLEPUFF. You by far are one of the weirder friendships I have here, it started after I came to you to yell at you about misgendering me, then we just never stopped talking. You drafted me to Halifax with Minion and you have helped me through some personal stuff that some other people don't even know about. Patience and Loyalty are the main reasons I chose this for you. If I could pick all 4 I would but I can't. so deal with it. @samx - GRYFFINDOR, through and through. You know why, I know why. You are one of the first people who I started talking to when I joined the VHL. You are such an awesome and mature person for being young and the entire world is in front of you. Keep kicking ass and being amazing. @thadthrasher - okay so you are a tough one to place. part of you fits all four of the houses however I think I am going to pick HUFFLEPUFF. You give off the Loyal vibes and the Patience and Justice of your line of work. You lead by example and think you are a great person to model after. @Beketov - I think most of the blue team will be SLYTHERIN. You have an aura of Darkness around you all because you control everything and pull the strings. You all work your butts off for this league to make sure we have this amazing game to play. You show leadership every day of the week and I strive to have 1% of the work ethic you do. So there you have it. If I missed someone I am sorry, these are for fun and just my opinions. Let me know what actual house you are if you know
  20. I NEVER NOTICED THAT I...XD I Quit lmao
  21. this made me spit out my coffee XD
  22. I have decided to keep Discord but ill only follow the Lockers I need to and the channels i have too
  23. you know i will you big dumb idiot thanks for being an awesome friend
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