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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. GG @ThunderidgeUSA played like hell and you all were awesome.
  2. Horcrux

    Games: 18-20

    GG Canada. Tough fight.
  3. Welcome to the league, you are in great hands here if you need any help let me or one of the amazing members here know. welcome
  4. Horcrux

    Games: 9-17

    Rough but still good
  5. stop it, you deserve it. you are super active. now kick ass
  6. Horcrux

    WJC Press

    1.) I mean as long as we have fun, and heng in their as long as we can the results dont matter. I would LOVE to win gold, but any medal will be okay. 2.) Well i am bias as the GM but I think Europe put the pest roster together and we will dominate 3.) No, none of the people i selected i was surprised about. I had an idea of the team I wanted when i jumped in the job. 4.) I think Vancouver Canada, It would bring in great revenue and loads of fans 5.) I am not a natrual born french person. my family is french/German 6.) all of us are European as for impact player...I think their will be a few surprises on the roster this year
  7. had a little research been done they would also know that many members reached out to said "female members" asking what can be done and having conversations. so yeah i agree with you BOOM
  8. I think that is a Smashing idea. I think it help quite a bit, or atleast let people know how things are handled and better outline the new C.O.C.
  9. The accusations were not broad in the slightest. and saying this is and pardon my french is (censored) and irresponsible. a lot of members seem to have wanted to insert themselves into situations that have nothing to do with them. What as you said "mostly female members" went through and what we reported is NO ONES (censored) BUSINESS but you are now what? moaning because you dont know what someone was suspended then decided to rage quit the league? like how about no and dont make stupid accusations. the admins and mods were asked not to share details. 1.) no ones business 2.) didnt feel like reliving that shit. I dont understand why thats so hard for some of you "Male members" to understand. you dont hold a league job that would require you to know, you dont have any stake in what happened. period. so simply dont be an asshole, read the rules, and you should be okay
  10. I believe it's situational. For one, no one should be told if it was sexual or not. Just inappropriate. In my opinion. But if you go. to your job and someone asks why X was fired the boss won't tell you. Every single thing should be situational because context matter and that would come up during an investigation. (Based on your example given)
  11. Then your comment of I don't know what to say is dumb. And again unless the parties are involved a generic answer is fine. It doesn't effect you, if member A gets suspended or not. You don't need to KNOW the reason. You just need to know what rule was broken.
  12. I mean....really? Use your common sense, you know as a person what's right and wrong to say. You shouldn't need you handheld and explained that inappropriate jokes just shouldn't happen or be encouraged. As for the log. Unless it involves you, or in this case the members in question why they were banned is really no ones business..period.
  13. Congratulations @NSG88 Well Deserved <3
  14. I love the defined roles of Admins, Mods and who handles what. I love the transparency of updating the COC and the process in which a report is handled. you all knocked this out of the park. Well done mods, this is a HUGE step in the RIGHT direction. love to see it
  15. Who is Ariane Leblanc? Born Ariane Adilene Leblanc in 1999, in a small Village called Metz,that is 30 miles from the German border. This forced her to learn German and French as a child. Her parents and Ariane lived in the hockey rink, from the moment he was able to lace up a pair of skates she was on the ice. She started in figure skating at the young age of Six. She would remain in Figure skating until the age of ten when she saw a VHL game on her Television, the Helsinki Titans Vs HC Davos, this is what made her fall in love with hockey. She also became a huge Helsinki fan at this moment. Knowing the leagues history and honor of European players she decided right then that she would play professionally for them ONE DAY. She spent the next several years working out in the Gym, spending late hours in the Rink shooting and working on Footwork. she was going to be a woman in a man's league, she wanted and needed to be the best player she could physically be. This drive is what made her the only Female player on her Highschool Team in Metz. Leblanc was not the best player, only playing on the third line but her stat sheet was impressive for being smaller and less skilled than the other players. She was planning to play College hockey in France, when she graduated at 19 however she took a Job as assistant head coach for the HC Metz, her local men's team. Leading them to a winning season, in her first two years with the club. Still working out with the team, and joining them on ice in full gear her coaching style was unorthodox but effective. She felt that the fact she was willing to suit up and play alongside them in the practice would prove she was coming from a players perspective. Her being Social and kind is how she wanted to approach every aspect in life. Preparing for a Third season as coach at the age of 22, Paris University reached out to have her play, before being able to accept however the Victory Hockey League had called her and told her she was selected to play in Miami in the Minors system. She didn't even blink and hopped on a plane to the United States. The rest is history.
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