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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. Yall better fight to the death to get the exclusive right to dump 5 weeks of TPE

    1. Shindigs


      Ariane did hit Bo causing a turnover the other night. So I am considering it <insert evil Velociraptor noises>

  2. dont make me get the purples
  3. their is lots that go into deals, so much left unsaid. regardless a trade is made bcause all sides feel its for the best. sometimes they hit, sometimes they dont.
  4. who knows. It was an interestign trade for sure i am excited to see how Leblanc performs
  5. Im just trying to be myself. most of those day wins are flukes and luck haha
  6. the VHLM is not about stats and cups. stop treating it as such

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Banackock


      Yep. That’s one persons opinion. I want big goals and points in the M. It can be about anything and that’s why the M is good and the magic of Disney. 100%, yes, retention… but as a GM I’d want to win and have good stats too… that typically translates to.. retention.😁

    3. Horcrux


      But IMO Retention first, make sure you players are comfortable and know wtf they are doing THEN ball out @Banackock

    4. Banackock
  7. so a few thoughts. @nurx 1.) great listen, maybe have a notepad with bullet points to help keep you on track. You are approaching the VHLM like the VHL. int he VHL its about stats, getting cups and getting the W's however in the VHLM none of that stuff matters. the M is about teaching, learning, teaching the new players how to update, how to use the forum and portal then move them along. your mindset is a GM for the VHLE/VHL that Mindset doesn't work in the M as for the E its not an issue TBH, I think you are thinking it a problem because the mindset you hold above. the M is about development and pushing the players UP, nothing else matters. the E is still NEW and we need to give it a chance, their simply not enough Data or time have passed to judge whether the E is a success or failure and i think talking about the E as such is irresponsible.
  8. Im so confused. school is important though
  9. Real life first, this is a game. sort yoru stuff out we will be here when you get back
  10. Lets raise some fucking money. RIP to Leblancs Career
  11. Horcrux

    OTT/HFX; S81

    thats the plan
  12. Horcrux

    OTT/HFX; S81

  13. Horcrux

    OTT/HFX; S81

  14. Horcrux

    OTT/HFX; S81

    greatest GM ever
  15. Horcrux

    OTT/HFX; S81

    ill miss you
  16. Horcrux

    OTT/HFX; S81

  17. but the VHLM is about development, teaching newer players what to do get them familiar with the site and system. not winning cups or records sooo
  18. that and 100% of teams have locked Player only chat areas. most of the time I notices players talk in their and not the "general" room that has everyone in it.
  19. wow you tink im the standout? haha thanks i guess XD
  20. I just asking becuase when you present stuff like this, #'s and evidence helps support your stance and statement is all.
  21. That tracks :')
  22. can you back that up with evidence?
  23. Firstly hello, Horcrux again and I thought about how I can follow up my media spot. Ironically enough I think I have found a solution that would make those people who like codes, and mysteries something to do. Inside this Article is a secret message and don't worry I will give you the Tools to solve it so you won't have to think all too hard. (maybe a little bit). In order to solve this you will need 2 things really, a keen mind and the will to play a game In order to figure it out you will need to copy and paste this into GOOGLE DOCS for the proper formatting make sure the blue indent lines are at 0.00 and 6.50. then get to work trying to crack this. This step is important because on the forum a sentence or a line is different then in the document in writing it in. I hope those of you that like puzzles and codes can get a blast out of this, and don't worry Mods the secret message is not dirty and is well within CoC mandate. It is also VHL relevant because the members of the league get to play it. 1-1-7 2-1-3 2-7-3 6-1-1 5-6-2 7-9-2 9-10-4 12-6-1 12-6-2 7-17-4 1-3-2 5-1-1 13-1-2 font TREBUCHET MS and size 12
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