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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. its for charity
  2. yes but my TPE wont be banked every week when the updates get accepted ill message the person who wins and they tell me what to update. if they want me to bank for a 48 TPE Dump then i will
  3. Okay, Ill put up the choice of my next five updates* (the next 5 after the action closes) 48 TPE worth of updates, you choose whatever stat you want
  4. Shucks. i dont know what else i can do haha
  5. Tomorrow? Thursday? does that work for anyone?
  6. most of my movie watch alongs will have to be after 10PM Est.
  7. how does SAWterday 10:30 PM est? work? @JardyB10 @Laine @16z @Ricer13 @MexicanCow123
  8. in Gen or Articles?
  9. ill add you to list. let me know when you are free
  10. we are Discussing schedules. so let me know when you are free
  11. So? Is that a yes or no?
  12. We are in the planning stage. Let me know when works for you
  13. Still in the planning Phase so we can work around schedules for sure
  14. Hello everyone, Horcrux here. I am a huge movie lover and I wanted to share my Passion with everyone. so maybe once or twice a month we will watch a Series/Movie. we will watch the entire series (however long it takes) one movie a night. come have fun, talk about it, watch, have fun. I want to give everyone something to look forward to. its an Open DOOR so you can come and go as you please. you dont need to be there every showing. show up when you can and have fun. This Series: SAW A Thriller Series that has a lot of Death and Gore so TW if you dont want to watch maybe join us when we finish SAW. When a Film is finsihed it will be crossed out. the Film we are watching will be bold. SAW SAW 2 SAW 3 SAW 4 SAW 5 SAW 6 SAW 7 JIGSAW SPIRAL DISCORD: I have made a Watch Party discord, some Join it for fun https://discord.gg/QttNVYY68A any member of the VHL,SBA,EFL are free to join ATTENDEES: SAW @JardyB10 @Laine (MAYBE) @16z (MAYBE) @Ricer13 (MAYBE) @MexicanCow123
  15. REVIEW This in my opinion is Flawless. I love the Jersey change, the logo placement. I am tempted to doc you a mark for using McDavid but ill let it slide 10/10
  16. Review Not a fan of this one. the size feels weird, the background has parts that are way over sharpened and the player render being blurry draws your eyes away fromt he player. that white blown out lens flare by the logo seems out of place and could be lighter or blurred. I love the logo placement, and the text is clean and readable. overall a good showing but could be a lot better. 5/10
  17. 10 points to Gryffondoor
  18. What is on Ariane Leblancs spotify a mere hours before she takes the ice? Well that is the interesting thing about her. She is often seen tapping her foot and singing in french while in the locker room. Most people assume it's Metal, Hard Rock, Punk, maybe even some techno. No, instead the left wing from Metz has been listening to Broadway musicals while she sits in her corner. Her eyes closed playing the same 3 songs. This is her routine, and has been since high school. The first song on her playlist is “Waving Through a Window” from Dear Evan Hansen. The song holds weight for the woman as she often struggles with mental illness, fitting in. This helps her with her Anxiety before she enters a sold out arena. Next is “The Other Side '' helps her with her struggle of being an Assistant General Manager and a player. Showing the Duality of two things she loves as she slowly submits to one or the other following her true love and not loving comfort. Finally she throws on “My Shot” from Hamilton. This is her song, the one that defines her. She is on a team that is not the best but all the faith is being put into her. The responsibilities she is being given in the league. The status she is rising too is making her weaver but she is driven and wont throw away her shot. This keeps her focused on her goals and what she has planned @Ricer13
  19. I love the discussion happening. and Uhhh @thadthrasherthanks for exposing my love for SAW you dick
  20. I thank you for your hard work and dedication to the league and the site. I was just spitballing stuff and giving ideas. its interesting to see the timetable on certian things and the perspective of an Admin so thank you <3
  21. No one is saying kill the offseason XD
  22. that was my point. Pbvisouly if you are a GM or higher its not an issue XD much needed break
  23. Oslo Storm Presser Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, and 6 questions for 2 TPE! November 29 - December 5th 1.) After a rough start to the season, we Finally got sims underway. are you excited for Season 81? 2.) we got our first Win against Stockholm. Thoughts? 3.) Who will be the points leader between Nezuko and Alex Toon? 4.) I brought up Logos recently. what do you think is the worst Logo in the league? 5.) do you Tape the hilt, or entire shaft? whats your stick look like 6.) how was your thanksgiving
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