Hello its Erica or Horcrux here.
as some of you may have seen I am not on Discord this time it was from my own doing. as many of you know I suffer from bad Anxiety and Depression, I cant control when I get in a state or a mood. However what I can control is Triggers. Discord is a trigger. Recently I have been struggling in Silence, afraid to reach out to anyone then I would see that red dot of someone pinging me, or my notifications going off. It was getting bad.
So today I ripped the band aid off and I left Discord, However I have enjoyed the contacts I have made on Discord and dont want to loose them. THIS IS NOT me leaving the VHL ill still be here, ill still get my 12 every day. I just need to clear my mind of things that make me be who i am not. with that said @Laine I understand if this effects my job as your Assistant GM and if you need to find a replacement please dont hesitate to do so. I can still do my job through DM's and portals but I understand if me not being on Discord is a deal breaker for you. I want what is best for Oslo and the VHL.
@JardyB10 , @thadthrasher, @16z, @Ricer13, @Minion, @McWolf I do NOT want to loose touch with you all so please feel free to DM me, I would love to still talk to all of you. infact my DMS are open for EVERYONE to shoot me a message.
Again this is not a Im leaving VHL post this is a I need a break from DIscord post. ills till be active, on the forums, in DMs and with my players.