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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. I'm sorry everyone...

    1. fishy
    2. JardyB10


      We forgive you for your probably non-existent sin! :) 

    3. Nykonax
  2. Im sorry...
  3. my thoughts exactly
  4. uhhhhm, Okay
  5. That is good to know, Ill remember that.
  6. you always seem so busy I never want to bother you haha
  7. Hello its Erica or Horcrux here. as some of you may have seen I am not on Discord this time it was from my own doing. as many of you know I suffer from bad Anxiety and Depression, I cant control when I get in a state or a mood. However what I can control is Triggers. Discord is a trigger. Recently I have been struggling in Silence, afraid to reach out to anyone then I would see that red dot of someone pinging me, or my notifications going off. It was getting bad. So today I ripped the band aid off and I left Discord, However I have enjoyed the contacts I have made on Discord and dont want to loose them. THIS IS NOT me leaving the VHL ill still be here, ill still get my 12 every day. I just need to clear my mind of things that make me be who i am not. with that said @Laine I understand if this effects my job as your Assistant GM and if you need to find a replacement please dont hesitate to do so. I can still do my job through DM's and portals but I understand if me not being on Discord is a deal breaker for you. I want what is best for Oslo and the VHL. @JardyB10 , @thadthrasher, @16z, @Ricer13, @Minion, @McWolf I do NOT want to loose touch with you all so please feel free to DM me, I would love to still talk to all of you. infact my DMS are open for EVERYONE to shoot me a message. Again this is not a Im leaving VHL post this is a I need a break from DIscord post. ills till be active, on the forums, in DMs and with my players. I LOVE YOU ALL - Erica
  8. Horcrux

    STO/GEN; S81

  9. Night one of Movie night was a huge success, 5 of us watched the classic and had some awesome fun. Next up SAW 2, date TBD. I hope to see more of you around thanks to @16z @McWolf @Ricer13 for joining me on this experiment and making it super fun

  11. Join the server
  12. I am excited for movie night tomorrow. thanks @JardyB10and @thadthrasher for the idea

    1. JardyB10


      I don’t really think it was my idea at all (in fact I’d even give Thad more credit, I think he’s the one who specifically suggested Saw parties), but I’ll gladly take credit for it! :D 

    2. thadthrasher
  13. Updated with Discord link, and making it more clear what im doing and what the goal is.
  14. Transparency is a loaded word. Transparency will mean different things to both of us, yes just citing (Code of conduct) is wrong and it should be narrowed down. However where I get the issue is some members feel they deserve or have a right to know. When they don't. Aside from "this is what the person did, here is the rule broken, here is the punishment" it's no one else business. Their is a lot of bitching and complaining about suspensions that frankly have nothing to do with the people bitching. Imo
  15. i meant do a dimilar thing wit them easier for you lol you have a direct line
  16. in all of these the crime has been explained quite clearly. the hogan thing was mistep and a mess up, but I feel (aside form the lack of july thing) they have handeld every situation well
  17. its a double edged sword because it may also be none of your business. Just saying
  18. great read, i am not going to touch on anything talked about here cause it would end with me getting a warning or banned but ill say this. although I agree with most of this and disagree with other stuff here. Thank you for making this objective and leaving it open for discussion without being acusitorial. now do the other member groups, Admins, GMs, BOD would be interesting to see what other poeple feel
  19. I support this
  20. one of the GMS should put up Change team name (forum only cause no portal work for Josh) the name would change on the forum and press conference
  21. any last minute sign ups? we are watching SAW on Sawturday at 10:30 pm est
  22. Just once, could we beat Ottawa XD
  23. Then im going to lead like a bad bitch and knock you teeth out
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