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Everything posted by Rōnin
Remember, leadership stems from the top.
I was never warned in the EFL nor did I have any issues there. The irony is that your recent suspension is THE example for why you should not be a mod.
Point proven. Are you talking about me or JR? Because I only had one issue in one server so get your facts straight Mr. Hotshot.
No, they didn't blame it on the pandemic - it's just that there's been a big drop off since the return to work/school aspect of the pandemic ending.
There's a saying that goes something along the lines of, "It's not in bad taste so long as it tastes good," and this article/post is quite delicious. There is a sentence in JR's Repeat Offender edition that stands out to me, and that is that the Mod team, "lets their personal feelings affect how they do the job," and that is something I would whole heartedly agree. T-Minus five seconds until they disagree with me. Being a Mod is a hard job, but this team in particular enforces too harsh of penalties for things that should not be penalized with suspensions or bans. I also think some of have been doing it too long like @Baozi who I have seen hand out swift mutes for things that just annoy him. It's not a big surprise why Gen chat has fallen off (I for one never go there because the last time I did I got suspended) or why we see lower retention numbers than ever before (and I hate to tell you, it's not all on the pandemic). Y'all are way too sensitive and this recent suspension of JR is a prime example. I know how controversial of a person JR can be, but that was a joke of a suspension and especially for the length of time that it was. The emphasis should be on teaching and coaching. Only extreme situations should be dealt with as harshly as JR was.
Gimme' dat gimme' dat TeePeeEee!!!!!
1. Since the birth rate is down in the United States, should people be required to have at least one child? 2. Is limiting immigration to developed countries right? 3. Does democracy work for every country? 4. Does faith make belief stronger? 5. Should people have the right to live and travel anywhere they wish with no state or country boundaries? 6. Why can’t every person be a genius?
So, I've reached a point where I'm feeling pretty good about my build, and other than the fact that I love to apply TPE to my player I'm thinking I should do the, "right," thing and start banking. I'm thinking I should call it on my build as is, and the main reason why is longevity. Since I decided to go straight to the VHL instead of the VHLE I will be hit with one more season of depreciation and it is because of that, that I feel so strongly about beginning my banking journey now. I also believe you don't have to max your player to be effective and even be a star in this league, and while I don't have my eyes set necessarily on being a star I do have them set on winning. I think by taking this approach now I'll be giving the Wolves an extended chance of taking home the cup. Maybe even starting this postseason? It's a lot to hope for and looking at the murderers row we'll have to go through to get the cup it will be a hell of a battle ahead of us. But I like a challenge, and I've got the best kind of pack in front of me - ready to fight. Ready to win!
1. At this point of the season, what has been the highlight for the Vancouver Wolves to date? The true culmination of a team, and a new generation of Wolves to represent Vancouver. In one single offseason our GM @Frank has single handedly changed the fortune of the team. Now it's our time to pay him back come the postseason! 2. Three games remaining as I write this press conference so what expectation or any goals do you have remaining for these three games? (Team or player) I am hoping we can finish strong and head into the playoffs with momentum. I do really believe that anything is possible this year. 3. Do you think we can still catch Calgary Wranglers for first in the conference with the three games remaining? Does it matter if we finish first? I think we can but it doesn't matter, we have proven ourselves to be a strong regular season team. 4. Looking ahead to the first round of the play-offs, who would you like to meet in the first round of the play-offs? Why? Any one of the North American contenders are formidable opponents and it's going to sound crazy but let's try and get Seattle out of the way. They're always a threat no matter what round. 5. Let’s assume we get through the conference of death and make it to the Continental Cup Finals, who would you like to meet in the finals? Why? For the same reason as Seattle in the previous question, I want Warsaw. If you're going to win, why not make it glorious? 6. Fill in the blank: Vancouver Wolves will be Continental Champions if it all goes to plan. We need to score and we need to defend if we're going to win!
“To bank, or not to bank: that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to apply TP, And benefit from the saves and percentages of outrageous fortune, Or to take pads against a sea of forwards and offensive defensemen, And by failing to stop them? To lose: to weep. No more! It is by a glove save we will end, The heartache of what a thousand boos gives way to For alas, ‘tis a failure we’ll never know, and instead, Thou shall devoutly wish us to WIN and weep! So now, I sleep, perchance I dream of a special rub. My head against the cup, a birth of what dreams may come, Only then will I shuffle off this slick ice, Only then will I pause, feeling what’s right Respect from the glory of winning! After all, it is all we desire of this so-called living. To bank, or not to bank: that is the question.” (158 words)
1. Is a family still relevant in the modern world? 2. If aliens attack, what will we do? 3. What is true love? 4. Do guns protect people or kill people? 5. What is true strength? 6. Will racism cease to exist? 7. How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness?
Claim 2 of 2
Well hi there, Tategators! We deliver a special episode of No Fuhr this week due to our Theme Week. We'd also like to extend a huge thank you to our kick ass producer @Phil, you da man!
I’ve been refreshing the forum waiting for the Theme Week theme and I’m a bit surprised it hasn’t been posted yet. I am not one to complain TOO OFTEN but I’m sort of seeing a slide in terms of the promptness this management team has been capable of, and it has me seeing shades of the EFL decline shining through. I’ve mentioned many times before in my podcasts that I believe two commissioners is not enough, and I think now is a good time to try and insert some new blood. There is one person that stands out in my mind, but I wonder if he: A) Does too much as is B) Would want the sort of stress that comes from being in that role However, I can’t help but shine a light on @Spartan who time and time again seems to come through as a clutch community member, and who has a strong sense of leadership skills. He would be my first choice for the third commissioner… that being said… What about me? Could @Beketov, @Josh, and Co. handle the Tatertown? I could make some real significant changes around here, and the first would be dress code. Only mustaches allowed (of any style), regardless of gender. Let’s do it. (211 words)
1. What’s the difference between justice and revenge? 2. If babies are considered innocent, when do people cease to be innocent? 3. Where does your self-worth come from? 4. Why are drugs banned but not harmful food additives and alcohol? 5. Is it ever okay to share a secret? 6. How long will you be remembered after you die?
And here I thought this week was theme week, and so I patiently waited until today to potentially record a podcast only to learn that no- it is not theme week afterall!! So, here I come welfare button, and while I did debate recording an Ask Tate, I have settled on writing a .com article because it’s going to take less time and effort. I guess that tells you all you need to know about me. In the VHL world we’ve not come out the way we wanted to in Vancouver, but there is still plenty of season left and there is no way our team does not come out looking good at the end of this. Yes, there is an adjustment period and a rocky one at that, but there is no reason to believe that this team does not have what it takes to succeed. I think that if this were NHL 22, I would swing a trade to see if that changed the chemistry but that is the last thing I want to see happen here. I like who we have, and such is the challenge of playing in a league like this with real people, and it’s an interesting dilemma nonetheless. (205 words)
1. Is there a species more advanced than humans in the universe? 2. Is defining people according to race a social construct or a biological category? 3. If all the currencies in the world did not have monetary value, would our world be a much better place? 4. Is there a difference between fair trade and free trade? What is it and which is of greater importance? 5. Is it possible time is being altered right now? 6. Is preservation of a country’s culture a good reason for limiting immigration?
Brandt Fuhr had been made aware that he was wanted in the press conference room to discuss his veteran role on the team. Veteran role? He wondered what that meant, these humans were so odd in their ways and customs and although Brandt had moderately adjusted – he still felt like he was living on another planet, and well the truth was that he... er… was. The living being that was housed inside Fuhr’s frame was an alien in every word, and not at all human – but one that had enough intelligence to understand how to maintain his everyday ruse. It was critical that he was not caught and allowed to continue his mission to study the Stone of Enchantment and unlock its powers for his own. It wouldn’t be enough to take this planet, Fuhr would capture the galaxy that encompassed it and continue from there until the entire universe was under his control. Sure, it was lofty expectations, but that was the sort of power one could gain from the stone… if only he could unlock it. The path to doing so had alluded him until now and he wondered if the gift the stone could grant was beyond his abilities, what if he wasn’t the chosen one? What if his successful theft of the stone was like any other in the past… doomed to fail? But no! He mustn’t think that way! For he is the chosen one, destined to rule all galaxies!!!! “Mr. Fuhr?” A voice called to him from behind, and a completely nude Brandt Fuhr turned to see an assistant from the Vancouver Wolves standing in the doorway to the Wolves dressing room. “Yes?” Fuhr answered without reacting to the fact that the Wolves assistant was clearly eyeing him up and down. “They’re ready for you…” The assistant told him. “Very well,” Fuhr said has he strutted forward. “Uhm, Mr. Fuhr?” The assistant seemed to block the dressing room door, looking concerned as Fuhr approached him. “What is the matter?” Fuhr asked, confused. “Would you mind putting some pants on?” The assistant asked as he motioned to Fuhr’s nude body. “What!?” Fuhr remarked, “You do not approve of my magnificent figure?!?” “I do, sir,” The assistant said with a hint of genuine honesty, “It’s just that it is not appropriate to be nude on camera.” “Very well,” Fuhr huffed, “You humans are confusing.” Fuhr looked around and donned the first jock strap he could find and strolled into the press conference room, both stunning the audience of reporters and also forcing looks of admiration at his Greek, Godlike, body. “I am here now!” Fuhr yelled into the microphone with his mouth about an inch away from it, “Ask me your questions!” “Brandt, what does it feel like to be a veteran on the team?” “A veteran!? What is this word?” “Uh… a senior leader… an experienced member.” “Ah yes!” Fuhr yells out, “It feels good! Thanks!” “Brandt, how does it feel different than being a rookie?” “Cookie!? Where!? I am very hungry.” Fuhr stands up and the room gasps and marvels at his nearly naked frame. “You lie!” Fuhr calls out as he points at the reporter, “There are no cookies here!” “I said rookie, Brandt.” “I know not what you mean, fool!” Fuhr is noticeably angry, “And the next time you mention cookies you bring cookies to me, understand?” The reporter nods. “I am done now,” Fuhr said as he stood, “I make many plans now to rule the galaxy. Soon, all of you will be my slaves and only the best cookie makers will rule this world!! So start cooking fools!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Fuhr exited the room while everyone stood in silence, until somewhere in the ground a reporter was heard saying, “Did you see the pecks on that guy?” (623 words)
Not only is it nice to be back, playing again, but it’s also a beautiful thing to be involved in a season where winning is a real possibility. I love checking the sims each day to see how Vancouver is progressing and it’s such a better feeling to have excitement around doing so. Great work so far, for all of those involved with the Wolves, and I’m proud to play a role on the team. Speaking of that, while I haven’t had exactly the kind of results I’ve been looking for- I am still happy with my build and happy with the direction it is heading. I have something in mind for either finishing with a total TPA build of either 850 or 900 but I haven’t fully decided yet how far I’ll go. What I do know is that I will not go past 900 because in my mind it’s more than enough for what I am looking to achieve. I think when you look at Fuhr on paper right now- he’s pretty as is, so the rest of the way from here on out in terms of building is just pure gravy. (194 words)
1. Is humanity doomed to head in a destructive direction? 2. Do you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you? 3. Should full access to the internet be a fundamental right? 4. What is reality? 5. Is peace the only way to stop a war? 6. What is the truth? 7. Can memories be erased?
F - Ronan Lavelle @BarzalGoat