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Everything posted by Rōnin

  1. D - Bo Johansson F - Vasile Lamb @leafsman
  2. So I am lying in my bed right now, fully propped up by pillows due to a massive muscle strain I have from my neck, into my shoulderblade, and down my arm and back. My back burns so hot it feels like I am sunburned, but I'm not. Such a terrible situation to be in and one that makes even writing this article difficult. But there is nothing that will stop me from earning, outside of I had two great trivia questions today, and what I mean by that was that I was able to easily search for the answers and find them without any assistance at all. I must admit that it's a good feeling to reach a point where navigating and finding answers has come rather easy for me around here. I do think that trivia should be accessible like that and good lord do I ever love the new system of having it be a part of the portal. Having trivia in the offseason is legit a blessing! I had an idea for what I would do if I were the GM of a team and I still think it would work for the site overall. But I think it would be very cool to have running storylines each season that everyone in the site could/can use for media. It would require creative work and scheduling but it would help inspire motivation and also bring people closer, fostering working relationships. Might be a good idea to put it in the suggestions forum... or maybe just write a MS instead? Anywho, that's it for today. 268 words
  3. Transaction ID: 3676-1762-5368-0933 Doubles Week - 7/3 claim 5 Uncapped - 7/3 claim
  4. Have you ever kept a journal? Do you pay attention to the news? Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Did you ever go to college? If you could go now, what would you study? Have you ever been on TV? Do you like cilantro? @Phil
  5. So you’re saying there’s a chance. It’s not the first time I’ve been around a lot of dick… heads Fuck that. We should roque riot! Drinking would be the best way to get through it. Thank you for the listen and comments, you da man!
  6. I’d just like to thank @STZ for unknowingly allowing me to copy him and net 8. Thanks again - Tate
  7. D - Tui Sova F - Saku Kotkakoivu @Hoopydog
  8. What do you know about the VHL, and why do you want to be here? What skills and strengths can you bring to this site? Can you tell me about your current job? What could the VHL do to be more successful? Can you tell me about a time when you had a disagreement with a boss or colleague? Do you work best alone or on a team? How would your coworkers describe you? How would your boss describe you? Where do you see yourself in five years? How do you manage deadline pressure? In your most recent role, was there a time when you had to overcome a significant challenge? What’s the most interesting project you’ve worked on in a past position? What’s one fact that’s not on your LinkedIn profile?
  9. Well, here I am to admit that I’ve used the welfare button the past two weeks. It’s the first time in Brandt Fuhr’s career I have done this, and I only ever did it once before when I had Lincoln Tate. I actually might do it more often and that has a lot to do with the fact that I get 5 TPE for welfare instead of 4 due to the fact that I’ve had 2 players exceed 500 or 600 TPA (not sure which one it is and too lazy to check the rules page). So now that I can handle giving up on one to two TPE a week, I think I might use it more often and just capitalize on media when it’s a theme week or I make a donation. In Vancouver news the addition of Frank as the new GM has been a pleasant transition. I was quite nervous at first as I wasn’t sure if his plan would be to keep or trade me, but now that I know I am wanted in the pack I am more than happy to stay. I was really pleased with the draft for the Wolves and can say with some confidence that the future is bright. (210 words)
  10. Yes please
  11. A few tidbits of notes this week that I find quite interesting. First let’s start with the calendar, I love it. It’s a great and much needed addition to the site that goes a long way in preventing questions being asked repeatedly about when something is happening and so on. However, the only gripe I have is now that I look at it, I have a visual record of just how damn LONG the offseason is. I mean, I get it, everyone needs a break- but good lord is it going to be a long time before I put my gear back on and start a game for Vancouver. That’s a good transition to the job opening for Vancouver. As per usual we’ve seen several quality members raise their hand for consideration for the job, including myself. I think I might be the longest of shots to get it, but I would love to fall into an opportunity where I got to take control of a team with my player at the start of his career. Will the stars align? (180 words)
  12. Have you ever kept a journal? Do you have a best friend? Do you pay attention to the news? Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Did you ever go to college? Have you ever been on TV? Do you like cilantro?
  13. Very interesting!! Switzerland is at the top of my list for destinations because everytime I see a video of a place I find absolutely beautiful it tends to be in Switzerland.
  14. So what about the idea of having players who skip the first year of the VHLE and go right to the VHL - be able to spend their final season in the VHLE so long as they’re at the 400 cap limit? Just think it would open things up for both players and VHLE GMs and also create somewhat of a realistic path that some players take in their careers. Anywho, this is just an idea I had this morning while watching videos of Zurich, Switzerland (looks like a lovely place to visit)
  15. For my sake, and my sake alone, would you mind updating the title of this MS to, "Tension in Helsinki" ? Let's just get rid of that extra S so the tension in my chest can subside. Thank you. @Arce
  16. Holy crap it’s Wednesday. You may not be as surprised as me but when you fall into such a habitual lifestyle as mine, you’d understand how my clock can get turned upside down when I take some vacation days. I was originally supposed to be in San Diego this week enjoying the zoo, SeaWorld, and the beach- however I am instead still at home dealing with my ongoing issues. Plenty of time to write a PT, correct? Nah, just all the time in the world to do nothing because that’s all you feel like doing. In more surprising news Nyko stepped down as the Vancouver GM today, this is bitter sweet of course because I was really happy to have him as my GM but all things come to an end at some point and I can respect his decision. It is always best to have motivated parties holding down the GM seats and now the question is who will get the job? More importantly, what will their vision be? I had a clear idea of what I was getting myself into with Nyko at the helm but now the water is muddy. Will the new GM see me as the building block that Nyko saw in me? Or am I on a whole other block entirely, the trading one. Time will tell. (223 words)
  17. Thank you for drafting me again! Job well done
  18. 1. What did you dream about last night? 2. Do you believe we would be better off if we didn’t have social media? 3. How long do you think a couple should date before getting married? 4. What’s a song you know every word of? 5. Which planet would you visit if you could go to any of them? 6. What’s something that always makes you smile? 7. What’s one skill you’d love to master?
  19. These colors would look good on me. Applied.
  20. Not all heroes wear capes.
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