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Everything posted by Rōnin

  1. F - Brendan Marner @Kisslinger
  2. @MexicanCow123 Looks like you’ll have to make Olis picks as your the Group Manager and we need to get this done. Please and thank you.
  3. Damn right I do! Haha
  4. I need 3 TPE
  5. 1. Why do we do things we do not like to do? 2. If lying is wrong, are white lies okay? 3. Do atheists make their own gods? 4. How should people live their lives? 5. Can artificial intelligence be creative? 6. What is intelligence?
  6. G - Brandt Fuhr @Johnny_HX
  7. @Kisslinger D - Alessandro Nano - Tate’s pick
  8. A big thank you to producers @JetsGoalie101 and @Phil(28 min mark) for their questions! You two rock! And another big thank you to the best outro recorder in history of time @DarkSpyro for his fantastic addition to the the No Fuhr podcast! Thank you!!
  9. F - Saku Kotkakoivu @Oli-La-Poutine
  10. D - Tui Sova @Kisslinger
  11. This month has been a rough one for me when it comes to being sick. My son is new to daycare this year and so far, it’s been one where he has gotten sick more times since he’s been to daycare than in all the years that he’s been alive. So anyhow, I thought I had Covid at the start of August (just a flu I guess), and then I got a sore throat/head cold from him (my son) mid-August, and now I’ve tested positive for actual Covid at the end of the month. This time I realized how aggressive Covid can be, how uncomfortable and debilitating it is. Say what you will about vaccines, but I wonder what this would have been like without them? In VHL news… WHAT AN OFFSEASON!!! Like what!? I was not even remotely expecting Vancouver to be so successful in attracting free agents that my mind is literally blown. I am beyond impressed at what Frank has done to change the courses of this team in a single offseason. I think it’s more than reasonable to look at the Wolves next season and expect us to do some damage. There is a part of me that wonders how he did it, and what exactly went down behind the scenes, but I am not going to question it. The Vancouver Wolves now look like a full pack, ready to take down our prey and claim our territory. 242 words
  12. 1. Can achieving nothing make a person happy? 2. Does the Law of Attraction exist? 3. Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions? 4. Does observation alter an event? 5. If everyone spoke their mind would this world be a better place? 6. Where does the universe end?
  13. Congrats everyone!
  14. As good of choices you can get, congrats to you both and I know the league is going to benefit tremendously from your leadership!
  15. I would like to apply for both with a preference for New York, please and thank you.
  16. Rōnin

    VAN/RIG; S85

  17. *whew* Well, I guess we’re still on for the YMCA then? They say it’s fun to stay at, so…
  18. Everything quiets down and then @NSG in here dropping bombs. And just for a matter of fact, to my knowledge, you and I have never had any dealings in the SBA. If we’re going to have any dealings at all, it’s going to be at the YMCA! They say it’s fun to stay there so…
  19. You've done a great job and be rest assured, should I get hired, Imma hire you as the AGM.
  20. So, I just now read the news that Fresco is stepping down as the interim GM for New York. I am a bit surprised because for some reason I had this feeling deep within me that told me that Fresco loved the job and was killing it. But, alas, I was wrong. So, now who? I saw a response in the step-down thread that stated that New York should be relocated because no one wants to go there. Damn, how can a city like New York be so unappealing? I would say you’d look at the management choices, but I like Cow and liked dealing with him, and the same is to be said for Esso. I think now comes the time to make a hard and bold choice and have the commissioners do something crazy and give me the job. I’ve got some ideas, some good ones. I’m also really, really good looking. What harm is there? Everything else has been tried. It's time for management to show the league that they don't play favorites, and that they'll hire the most hated person in the league to run the most hated team in the league. It's time to take a chance and choose chaos. Choose Tate. (170 words or something)
  21. There is nothing worse for me than knowing I agree with Rory, good God, what an awful feeling. What I mean about that is there are always reasons why the VHL leadership doesn't intend to upset people or do the wrong thing, so when people bring something up that upsets them, the usual response (and I'm paraphrasing here) is: "We try hard, we don't mean to upset, we care." And I do believe that all of those statements are fact when it comes to the board, and specifically Josh and Bek. The word that sticks out to me from Bek's response to Z is TRUST. I think it's fair for them to feel that way when they want to hire, and I also believe that what friendship overall brings is- Trust. @sterling can back me up, the whole reason I made my blowup post about the culture in the VHL 3 years ago, and took a shot at Beketov, is because the o l d boys c l u b can be hard to crack. They like to suggest there isn't one (a clique), because in all fairness, you CAN become apart of it. It's just... difficult to do. Now yes, you can be active and play the role of a VHL cheerleader and maybe get into the club early or shoot up the ladder somehow by doing the right PC move. But if you don't achieve that - it can be a high climb. I also think it's funny and so very true about @Beketov's comment over Z changing his username because I actually agree with that statement HOWEVER the hiring people ought to be doing their homework and looking at each person who applies, so you should've known it was him (and you likely did). There will always be favorites. That is the game of life. I do think Bek and Josh have shown that they can fair when choosing people for roles because whenever I see the people they hire - I LIKE THEM TOO. Lol. I wanted the updater job so bad, SO BAD. But when I saw that @a_Ferk got it I was like, "Well, I love that guy, so I get it." I will say to @lil z that not only did I love your rap but keep being you, keep applying, and remember - you da man. To any new people who might read this thread and question it, just know not to worry, keep calm and carry on. Pour us cup of tea, and let's have a nice chat on the porch.
  22. 1. Can we really know everything? 2. What is the meaning of a good life? 3. What is consciousness? 4. Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance? 5. Is it more important to be respected or liked? 6. Are we in the Matrix?
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