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Status Updates posted by Tate

  1. I am so not ready to be interviewed for the VHLM draft  #nervouslikeitsafirstdate

    1. Phil


      Legends can't be nervous!

  2. Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    1. Nykonax


      read this ap english, pretty banger poem ngl was in my top 5 for the year

    2. Tate


      Have you ever heard the recording of Dylan Thomas speaking this poem? Quite chilling! Thanks for the reply @Nykonax!

  3. The VHL was supposed to be for everyone.  But now, the bullies police the playground.  Don’t let them.

  4. Can a moderator please lock my, "Ask Tate," press conference thread?  Thank you in advance.  :)

  5. Important for all members of the league to review my podcast post, Mod Mentality. I tried to link it here but don’t think it’s working.



  6. Surprising to hear that the Mod team did not follow due process.  

    Sarcastic Joke GIF

    1. jRuutu


      The mods said they gave me official warnings, but they do not have any records of them. Oopsies. That is what we learned during the ban appeal process. It also strongly looks like they have very little in records in general. We will see how the story progresses.

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