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BOOM last won the day on March 18

BOOM had the most liked content!

About BOOM

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  1. Get better soon and all the best for the new venture. Hope you crush the IT consulting!
  2. More like we wish Toronto would get ticks....am I right?
  3. Ha. I'm sure someone probably has though.
  4. Hey, it works!
  5. LOL @AJW
  6. 1. A third into the season, how are you feeling? I'm pleased with Dassler's performance so far, but in his final season he needs to continue to help the Wranglers. 2. Has anything surprised you so far? No, not particularly. I haven't been paying that much attention though, if I'm being honest. 3. What are you playing in the Locker Room before a game? Musically, Hanumankind...games-wise, Cards against Humanity. 4. What's the most undervalued skill in hockey? Persistence/Grit 5. What are your thoughts on the salary cap going down next season? Fortunately that kind of decision and it's subsequent management is way above my pay grade. 6. Fries on a milkshake or ice cream. What do you think? Oh my god, you disgusting human being.
  7. I have ordered this from Amazon...am I allowed to vote?
  8. I think I forgot too. Fuck Dementia.
  9. Looking back, if I was made out of pixels, 10/10 would hit.
  10. AI has ruined my browsing experience... I hate it with a passion. I'm glad the image isn't his sister though, I was thinking this is going to get weird.
  11. BOOM


    Welcome back
  12. Is now a bad time to retire?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Banackock
    3. Berocka


      It depends on your superannuation balance really 

    4. BOOM


      Well that's me working until I drop dead then 😭

  13. Luckily Season one wrapped up here in February. I really like the theme song.
  14. BOOM

    Games: 99-115

    Be careful you don't get banned for showing such disgusting, offensive content!
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