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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. Nice little interview content here except I feel @Proutgave some scripted answers here since he's nowhere near this formal and clean mouthed. Formatting is good, not too many mistakes here and the usage of tags is good for the article. Good usage of bolding for a better look as well. Not much in terms of coloration or "entertainment/pics" which would've decorated the MS a bit to help the read. 8/10
  2. Baozi


    Notice me @Devise
  3. Lol. I am a fan of Napoleon so I enjoyed the little twist you've done for him here. Injected a fun theme into the start of your off season. The content itself is fine. Just some retrospective insight parts for your player. A few capitalization errors in there I believe that you should watch out for and some run-on sentences. Something to give some flavor to your writing in terms of format would be to color the quotations and speech bubbles separately. Not only does it make it stand out more as his "thoughts" but it just adds color to what would a lot of text. Some additional pictures utilizing Napoleon which can be googled around to emphasize his day to day would also be nice in terms of adding pizzaaz to the writing as well, something to keep note of for future articles. 6/10
  4. I generally love reading this kind of content because it gives me insight into what the other player experienced and just their thoughts on the community we've built., Am glad you and your friend are having fun and hope you continue to do so for the future. In terms of the media spot itself, I would say you'd be better off going with a left alignment here, because as its currently centered, it kind of makes it look awkward for reading. Something to keep in mind as well is to section off parts of writing utilizing bold or underline effects in order to add some formality to the writing. Lastly, you utilized the tags pretty well, but the general scheme of the writing is a bit on the bland side. You could add eye candy such as pictures/banners and such in order to combat this effect to give it some depth and coloration in terms of making it easier to read. Good job overall. 8/10
  5. Oh damn let's go. Neck and neck.
  6. Baozi


    @Devise can u notice me on stream?
  7. I'd buy a tub of Kranch for @Beavissto bathe in.
  8. Draw Winners Reno - Mystery Skin (transferred to Enorama) Kylrad - Epic Skin Esso - Legendary Skin Thank you to all participants!
  9. Doing good bruh. Keep it going!
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