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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE Game 1: Toronto @ Davos - Davos Game 2: Toronto @ Davos - Toronto Game 4: Davos @ Toronto - Davos Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 3: Davos @ Toronto Toronto 3-2 Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Brovy Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Zhumbayev Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Landry
  2. Anyone interested in splitting the cost on the ISS entry draft guide for this year? It's $95.
  3. Username and Playername: tfong, XXX What Team Do You Want To GM?: Team world or Team Mercenaries Previous GM Experience?: none Why do you want to be a GM?: to show people I can GM
  4. You could, I just happened to be thinking about this scenario last night so I decided to makesure we were aware if any holes existed.
  5. Oh that I didn't know. I thought u could reject rookie contracts and choose to not sign?
  6. A player is only eligible to be signed by a minor league team if, he is under 250 TPE and, is not under contract with a VHL team. They must still clear VHL waivers before they can be sent down to the VHLM. But Vhlm rights are held for 4 years meaning you don't need a Ufa signing up till year 5. So if someone held out until year 5 they could get past this rule.
  7. Well u would go on VHL waivers. But without a contract you can't be picked up a vhl team so you could still just stay in the Vhlm. Or did we change it where u can't play at all?
  8. If someone created a player, and collected TPE as normal but never signed a VHL contract. Would they be allowed to stay in the VHLM indefinitely?
  9. You know it to be true! I think this is the first time my players have missed the playoffs twice in a row. Unfamiliar territory. Gl Bears!
  10. His lines were the reason why Seattle didn't get in easily
  11. This game is going to get more thread views than the cup game I bet.
  12. Where the hell is my shout out you pick?
  13. Oh fuck it's down to the wire!
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