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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. Whats Jones hit numbers? Cuz that was integral to Rafter.
  2. It does but you have to take into account how strong Quebec was compared to New York. It's +11 on a non playoff team with negative score difference.
  3. Every conference I've been in tends to be a battlefield
  4. Not true! I'd even bet on it that you will win awards
  5. Canada with the shutdown defense and juggernaught cycle game sheeshh. GG boys!
  6. Nice But who wouldn't want XXX on the back of their jersey?
  7. Thx Vic and Bash. Game 2: Davos Game 4: Davos Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 3 Toronto 2-1 Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Jack Sound Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Jakub Kjellberg Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Odin Tordahl
  8. Was just giving an example. Basically I'm just saying there are other ways to do it. The predictions themselves I felt should've been left at least a day or 24 hours.
  9. Pick diff options like game 2/3/4/5, whos first star...I dunno, something. I'm sure you can think of something else lol. The window was so small.
  10. It was up for less than 24 hours before locked. Can we get a diff option on this? Cuz so many people missed it including myself. It was opened at 9:04pm and closed at what 3:07pm today?
  11. And 808 is a first year rookie, he didn't have an extra year in the Vhlm and on such a deep team the sim is not going to allocate the best stats to him.
  12. Would you like some fries with your McGow meal? hahaha
  13. Actually he is describing parts of how the sim works. There have been terrible teams in the VHL with only 1 or 2 players on them that somehow manage to win scoring titles. The thing is that its rare to have zero offense so the sim HAS to assign stats to someone, so more often than not it just assigns it to the only good player on the team. It doesn't always happen but the sim does favor teams sometimes in that way oddly enough.
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