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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. XXX Emerging as a Strong Two Way Threat www.VHLHockeyNews.com When your locker room contains one of the best in the business of playing both sides of the puck, it is hard to not learn anything. Xin Xie Xiao credits Odin Tordahl, the team’s leading scorer and MVP with the reason for his progression. “Boom has been a great guy for us, but me especially. Just picking up on his habits and the way he plays and prepares for games has been a great benefit. He pays attention to all these details on the ice and really it is hard not to follow his example.” – XXX, New York Americans Entering the last leg of his sophomore season, XXX has taken leaps and bounds in his game since last year. He has already surpassed his point totals from his rookie season where he put up 72 points in 72 games including 29 goals. He led his team in hits (366), game winning goals (6) and shots (439). He also had the second highest penalty minutes with 151. Coming into this season Xin wanted to work more on his overall game. New York acquired one of the best in the business by bringing in Odin “Boom” Tordahl, the Boulet winner in season 36. He boasted an impressive resume with 106 points, plus 48 and 353 hits. This season, XXX has 6 games left in the season but has already scored a career high 39 goals, good for second on his team behind Tordahl. He has also rounded out his game extremely well, showed by his team leading plus 39. An integral factor in this conversation is that XXX has thrown less hits but also has been in the penalty box far less often this season. His 203 hits is more than 150 less than his counterpart in Riga (Brennan McQueen) but he has only been penalized for 59 minutes, which is 1/3 of the minutes he had last year in the penalty box. It is one of the lowest (if not the lowest) penalties taken per hit among players with more than 200 hits this season. To his credit, XXX has only 17 points or 8 goals on the power play this season so if you take that into consideration it means he has 31 even strength(or short handed) goals or 78% of his points come from even strength or on the penalty kill. He is essentially shaping up into a top flight two way player that a coach can throw into any situation and look to make an impact. The impact has shown up in games as well as the league has awarded him 11 first stars of the game, tied with David Collier for most in the league. XXX attributes his lower hit numbers to simply making smarter plays, having the puck more and not giving up the puck to the other team. “Well obviously if you don’t need hit the other team when they don’t have the puck so we have been cutting down on our turnovers as much as possible. Also I think I’ve learned that making a big hit isn’t worth it if I’m just going to sit in the box for two minutes, its hurting my team if I make a hit for the sake of making it. Just having the puck between myself, Tordahl and Slaughter and not letting the other team have it is basically why my hits have been down this season. I’d rather have the puck on my stick anyways than needing to chase down the other team for it.” – XXX, New York Americans
  2. User Name: tfong Cup Winner: Boston Bruins EASTERN CONFERENCE (1) Boston vs (4) Detroit Winner: Boston # of Games: 7 (2) New York vs (3) Philadelphia Winner: New York # of Games: 6 (1) Pittsburgh vs (4) Columbus Winner: Columbus # of Games: 7 (2) Tampa Bay vs (3) Montreal Winner: Tampa Bay # of Games: 5 WESTERN CONFERENCE (1) Anaheim vs (4) Dallas Winner: Anaheim # of Games: 5 (2) San Jose vs (3) Los Angeles Winner: San Jose # of Games: 5 (1) Colorado vs (4) Minnesota Winner: Colorado # of Games: 7 (2) St. Louis vs (3) Chiacgo Winner: Chicago # of Games: 7
  3. 355 Americans 356 HC Dynamo 359 Americans 360 Meute
  4. Keep in mind that Radulov fared pretty well in Nashville and if it wasn't for the self cap on the preds wouldn't have ever left for the khl. Both him and Ovie are of similiar personalities but Trotz made it work on the ice.
  5. But he has the reputation for bringing out the best in players and making them play a team game. You don't think that will factor into it? I mea Ovie hated Hunter but Laich or something said they had their best playoff hockey under him.
  6. Are the caps going to go hard in for Trotz? Someone that has lots of structure?
  7. But thats the thing about rotos, you can be "ahead" all season if you constantly swap your players but in reality you basically just shooting yourself in the foot cuz you'll hit max games twice as fast. The whole max stats thing is designed to basically make it pointless to bench/swap players unless they are injured. I'm surprised people didn't realize we had max games turned on. When it is I never swap players lol. If it is off then I swap them daily Thats why i like H2h more Heres the other league.
  8. Does simming mean i press the sim button or do I need to sit at the computer and post them? Cuz i can sim
  9. Well I took a few penalties there...
  10. Lawl Yeah i seem to remember something asking if coaches do anything
  11. Was good having u around Greg! Don't be a stranger!
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