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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. I could actually haha, my basement is almost rebuilt. Not sure what my gf has to say about it tho heh.
  2. Its only April thru June, just take a long holiday
  3. I like this method here you use to explain things to me, we're on the same page. Now back to your issue at hand. Keep in mind i agree that Vhlm updates should be done more frequently and hopefully the bog hires someone to fill in this job on a weekly basis.
  4. We don't actually know if Anderson really is Asian anyways. He could be this black drunken farm guy from Saskatoon.
  5. Being elder is figurative, you could be older than anyone here for all I know. More importantly though it's just to point out that Jardy and company have been here for longer and unlike you who are relatively new here, have put in countless if not hundreds of hours into the league. It's not the job of other people to decipher your vocabulary usage and guess what you mean. You are the new one here, it's your job to give us a good understanding of you. Just like any workplace, the company doesn't adapt for the first new employee, the new employee adapts to the organization. I'm not trying to beat you or win against you. It's not something I'm keeping score of. I think you have valid points and reasoning, I'm just asking you in a nice way to consider how you are communicating to people that have put in a lot oftime and effort into this league. If flipped around and you are the admin, wouldn't you expect the same from a new guy coming in here? Sterling: Man Zimmer sometimes drove me over the years edge lol. Anderson was always pretty respectful to me I thought, when he wasn't trying something underhanded heh.
  6. Cursing can be summed as word choice and tone. Or if you want the simplier version since you seem so jaded howabout something like... "Show respect to your elders. " You seem to be quite intelligent, your argument makes sense and nobody is really against your suggestions, but your delivery is piss poor to say the least. Is it your fault you offendothers llike our commish? Actually yes it is because you're the one choosing the words to say. We're a community here that respects one another and frankly no matter how smart you are or how good of a member you could be, it's all for naught if you can't respect others enough here to not offend them while talking. If you can't go along with that, then we're at an impasse.
  7. I'm sure you can make valid arguments without needing to curse. Sure maybe you are like that in real life and all but just pretend you're in a restaurant or something there is some social etiquette that can be adhered to without needing to change who you are. A little restrain can go a long way to having people listen to you.
  8. We're like the Kings, stifling defense and one goal games lol.
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