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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. I have a mildly amusing story coming up as to why playoffs did not start yesterday. Coming right after I do some rigging.
  2. Too lazy to create true CPUs
  3. You're a gem, bra. Really hope you stick around in some capacity.
  4. JardyB10


    That sucks. Hopefully you find your way back soon.
  5. Then go to a bitch's house and rape her.
  6. Regular season has wrapped up tonight, so as per usual we'll have a day off to grade, update, and prepare, and playoffs will begin June 26, 2014. Probably.
  7. Pro Tip: Bring booze and get loaded with a decent group of friends, and even lame parties can be pretty fun.
  8. Saw the thread title and came here to tell you to keep this in one of the two GOT discussion threads. Instead I've come to tell you to shut the fuck up, pretty boys
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