~1:40:00. It's been too long since I've posted in this forum! I was going to split this into two podcasts, and post one for tomorrow, but that's too much work for a technicality. Thus, I'm going to claim two points for two weeks anyway, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME! I talk about:
- Myself and my past (~30 minutes)
- Random Nostalgic musings (~40 minutes)
- Question Period (~30 minutes)
Sticking with the nostalgic themes, here's some old threads I enjoyed digging through.
An amusing Fan 590 I wrote. The picture's gone, but it was of Coach and his GF. Classic Jardy racism:
Assassination of David:
I forgot about this entirely. This one's mostly for Jericho. He'll appreciate the last entry:
Stafford's Online Dating Adventures. Still worth the 16 page read, three years later:
Never mentioned this in the podcast, but classic Llama Story: