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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Good luck Pubic Bush, you're taking over for a fine gentleman.
  11. Note: I am NOT someone better.
  12. Bye gregoryregory. Hope to see you back soon... :'(
  13. I'll add him to Ottawa for now just so he can get into it, and if someone else claims him (a playoff team, or any other less shitty team) he can go there. I'm sure the ice time won't hurt him.
  14. Orrrrrr there's a solid chance I was drunk and thought it would be funny.... Note the date is one day before my birthday.
  15. I feel like Fong made this exact same thread when I was on Calgary and he was on Davos. I told him they definitely don't do anything, and I showed how much I cared by maxing out his team's coach ("Terence Fong") and putting Calgary's ("Sterling Labatte") to 1s, I believe. As to why everyone except him is fired now, I'm guessing it's because he had a longer "contract" than everyone else. Plus riggery.
  16. This is almost as exciting as the time Sandro talked to Trevor Linden! Sorry, I had to if no one else was.
  17. I was going to post this earlier when the thread was calmed down and I wasn't completely trashed, but I was interrupted. Hence the 9 o clock no post sim. Anywho... I still like DT. I like him even more that he's blocked me, cuz now I don't have to be asked if I'm simming every time I log on. Except that was a shitty sarcastic statement. Sort of sincere, bit not in my original sober draft. But seriously, I'm not looking to hold a grudge about this or anything. I literally saw his last response to our IM convo and almost got a hernia laughing. It was so idiotic and funny I felt it needed to be shared. My original plan was to literally only post the last two lines of the OP, but I thought he might get angry if I didn't put the full context, where I openly admit I prioritize myself. So yeah, I don't mean to villify the lad (hence the i hate to be this guy comment), I was pointing it out for the lulz, as brown guy said much earlier. I forget what else I wanted to say because I'm too hammered. But yeah. GO DAVOS!!!
  18. Am drunk. Cannot post.
  19. After five pages, I'm still not sure how posting all the timezones and being a really nice guy would have helped DT post the trade before 9:30pm EST. "IT WAS A LAST MINUTE DEAL THAT TOOK PLACE AN HOUR AND A HALF AFTER THE DEADLINE, MAYBE IF I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT TIME IT WAS I COULD HAVE ASKED DOC BROWN TO BRING ME TWO HOURS INTO THE PAST AND PREVENT THIS CATASTROPHE!"
  20. Blaine Olynick is like the Littlefinger of the VHL, subtly moving pieces around, slowly getting more and more of what he wants while staying under everyone's radar. Then all the sudden one day he'll just start causing chaos and wreck everyone's shit and maybe molest a 14 year old. It's fantastic. I need to sleep now.
  21. You know why. Last time I checked it's the Victory Hockey League, not the Communist Ping Pong and Censorship Camp. I don't think that's what Murphy's Law is. But solid point anyway.
  22. There is indeed a lot of great names in here. Can't really go wrong with any one of them. If you want my two cents, I really like this Draper fellow, with him being a new member who wants to help out the league when he can. Reminds me of me, but less annoying. On the other end of the spectrum, I like the idea of re-integrating Slobo back into the GMing biz, because that dude's a pimp. I think the pros of each are straightforward enough, so here's the cons of hiring each dude (in my eyes): Draper - As devils said, he might even be TOO new. Could maybe use a season as someone's protege. - Judging from him applying for every job that comes up (like a boss), I might assume he's looking for pay? Have we implemented VHLM GM pay? If not, he might be disappointed. Not that it should take away from his other job prospects, but whatever, it's just a random thought I'd stir things up with. Blowblo - Might "waste an opportunity" to get a new guy involved by not hiring one. Small detail considering he's probably more experienced thus "better" at team building and activity thus better noob retention. In theory, anyway. - Slightly less small point: If a VHL GM job came up, Slobo would be a very strong candidate for that, regardless if he served in the VHLM for a time first. The conclusion one could draw from looking at the above points might even be to split the difference and either hire an older but still new-ish member like Boobs, or an even older, experienced member who could actually use VHLM GM seasoning like Fong or IR. Especially Fong though, he's been out of it longer. So uhh....yeah. Tough decision you got here Corcs. I don't envy you at all, lol.
  23. I always liked this guy, it's too bad things didn't work out better. You're next bloke should be a beast though!
  24. Taylor too classy to contribute too much to the decimation of his old team.
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