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Everything posted by JardyB10

  4. For fuck shits.
  6. Ahh, sweet, sweet fulfillment. Loved too many things in this episode to list. But I'll try anyway... - OMFG a necklace instead of a hairnet! - Fucking fuckin' YEAH Arthur Dayne the Sword in the fucking Morning and motherfucking Duncan the Tall motherfucking PIMPS - STOP HOPING FOR A JAIME-BRIENNE ROMANCE YOU SIMPLE FUCKS IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN - http://i.imgur.com/FGzZccq.gif - Oh, so the Thenns are cannibals now? That's, uh....interesting? - Almost everything that came out of The Hound's mouth. "What the fuck's a Lommy?" "Lots of people name their swords." "Lots of cunts." "Listening to talkers makes me thirsty *crushes Poliver's beer*" "If any more words come pouring out of your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room." That's why you're the fucking best, Sandor. - HE SMASHED THAT DUDES FACE IN THAT DAGGER HOW GREAT IS THIS SHOW
  7. That entire sequence of announcer table events was fucking fantastic.
  8. They're trying to distract us with all these beautiful women. I'M NOT FUCKING BUYING IT MR WWE
  9. Maybe the plan is to have Undertaker literally kill Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania next year for the World Championship. Then a horse will literally rise from Hell and he will ride away into retirement, and never be seen again. That might be the only way to justify it.
  10. Gonna be a lot of wonderful reaction gifs at least. No, this is wrong. Are you fisting me? This might have been an all right idea 10 years ago. Fuck this game.
  11. Seriously what the shit
  12. Fuck yeah here we go
  13. The ref: "IT'S NOT WHO YOU ARE JOHN!" Fucking thanks, sensei. That was an awkward storyline altogether.
  14. This entire match is disturbing me
  15. I was okay with it, I wanna get home for the start of GOT. And that match was awesome.
  16. This dude is scaring the shit out of me
  17. Old balls fuckin rekt
  18. Fuck you Triple H, Joffrey Baratheon is the king of kings
  19. I lied, I went. Wts is Stephanie wearing?
  20. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/
  21. My buddy wants me to watch Wrestlemania with him at the Galaxy tonight. I'm not big on the idea because A. It's $30 B. I have homework and other life important things I should be doing C. It will probably cut into my Game of Thrones watching time.
  22. Winter is coming, and so am I.
  23. Knob*. I'm predicting a Dynamo arrival for those two. I hope it doesn't fuck over my Spud predictions, though.
  24. I can't stand going to bars anymore for the same reason. For parties though I feel like that depends on a few factors, mainly mood and who you all know there. Last night I threw a keg party and it was a blast. I obviously knew and was friends with everyone there, and it was an event I was planning and excited for all semester pretty much. Two days earlier on the other hand, my brother had a bunch of people over for his birthday. I got home from errands around 10 and was dying of exhaustion. I knew pretty much everyone there, but they weren't my close friends or anything. My brother invited over this girl he's seeing, and she brought a friend that I immediately knew I was supposed to wing. She was decent enough looking, but I was so tired and overwhelmed that I just had nothing to say to anyone, so I almost felt bad because my brother didn't get laid as a result. Everyone was drunk and loud, and I was sober and tired. It sucked. A few weeks before that, I went to a friend's kegger for a beer pong tournament. I didn't know really anyone there, and it was a bigger crowd than I'm generally comfortable in, but I still had a lot of fun because I was just in a mood to party and socialize. In sum, house parties are the tits. You just need to plan it properly.
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