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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. But it deflects off Odin and misses the net! Weber recovers and carries it out of his zone and passes it to…FUCKING XXX, it’s intercepted again! #cutweber. XXX moves it Low in the Bears zone, who sets up Odin for the one-timer…. DENIED by Smyl for the cover.
  2. BUT HE’S STONED by a Brick Wahl for the cover. What an exciting game this will be folks. So exciting that I’m going to fast forward this shit 10 minutes because I just realized that this would otherwise take forever, and I simply don’t have the patience for this shit. The time is 13:33 and SEA C2 wins a face-off back to Willie Weber against the plug Tom Slaughter in the neutral zone. He moves it up to the Americans zone to pass, but it’s intercepted by the Norse god of something or another, who ups it to Xin Xie Xiao in the neutral zone. He carries it to da Bears zone and lets it rip…
  3. Official Sandro Desaulniers comes to centre ice to drop the puck. Let’s hope he doesn’t muck it up…. And he doesn’t! It’s game on as Tom Slaughter gets a quick win to Odin Tordahl for ‘MERICA. He dumps the puck into the offensive zone and it is retrieved by Karsten Olsen. He passes it back and forth to James Lefevre as they make their way to New York’s zone, but OH – Olsen’s crushed by Conner Low that fat shit, and loses possession… luckily Lefefvre is right there for the recovery and passes it to Ethan Osborne in the slot. Mother of God he’s taking a shot…
  4. Well said, Mr. Labatte. The Americans and the Bears have met seven times so far this season, and it's been a pretty even matchup, with the Bears winning four of the seven, and the Americans taking the other three. All seven of these games have been finished off in regulation, and both teams are hoping they can do as much tonight. But that's enough preamble, let's get this bitch started. The puck drops in six minutes.
  5. Hello ladies and gentlemen of the VHL, and welcome to the single most exciting game of the S37 regular season, between the New York Americans and the Seattle Bears. I'm your host, Benjen Naharis, and I can tell you we've got an exciting game coming our way tonight. With the Americans and the Bears battling it out for the final playoff spot in the North American Conference, it could be winner takes all!
  6. HEY FUCK YOU I CAN DO IT LIVE. Disregard that, no I can't. I'll barely be able to upload the games with my Internet connection, never mind stream something. Would anyone be interested in a play by play? Nothing too big or crazy, I'm not an SHLer, but I'll hit the highlights.
  7. Correct. Wives in Westeros don't get shit. Their babies do, but the line of succession (ignoring Lannister bastardry) goes: -> Tommen -> Myrcella -> Stannis -> Shireen After that, I'm not too sure.
  8. I know it's childish, it's how I chose to deal with children. And I'm not, I literally just said I, as a blue member, am not nearly as irritated as you seem to think I am, because if I was, you wouldn't be here. And yes, Robbie, I won. I know your goal is to irritate. If we're being honest, I'm more irritated about everyone else complaining about you than I am with you personally. So you might have a victory in a sense there. Except in less than 60 seconds from the time I hit "Post," your new username is going to be "Jardy's Bitch." I consider that a very small victory. Make no mistake Robert, you are only here because *I* want you here. Your attempts at being edgy and your delusional "victories" amuse me. When I grow tired of you, I will discard you. This is an undeniable fact. So speculate as to whether I'm mad or crying or laughing all you want, as long as you're having fun in such a matter that I'm allowed to keep you around, then we'll both be happy. So enjoy your new name, and have a good one. My entire family is out this weekend, and I now gotta go eat a delicious turkey meal!
  9. I'll have you know that despite being an early 20something I still have trouble growing hair in places. Puberty's a slow process, no need to get personal, man. And stop saying I'm "hiding" behind childish things. I'm blatantly displaying childish things. No hiding. I can change your member title and be a dick to you all I want. All you can do is take it like a little bitch before you act out and I end you. And stop acting like you're the only one getting a giggle out of this. We're all adults here. Sterling and the blue crew (including me) are the only reason you're still here right now. If you really bothered us as much as you like to think you are, you'd be gone. LOL! I don't need to "start" a battle with you that I've already won. I'd prefer if you keep up your delusion so I can continue to fuck with and humiliate you. EDIT: Ooh, a double post. Someone's mad.
  10. Luckily I don't need to come up with my own words to respond to this...
  11. Maybe my tears were just of empathy... Re: Member Titles It hurts to see Zimmers so sad.
  12. Shit guys Robbie won. I can't believe we were all so blind. We'll all have to take a good long look in the mirror I think. If only I could have just controlled my anger. But I couldn't. I thought I was stronger. I thought I had my shit figured out, that I was one of the better ones here. Yet when Robbie returned, he brought with him a wave of attention that hasn't been seen in this league for like, a week-ish DECADES. Even now, as I type this, I can feel the anger flowing through my body, into my fingers, through the keys, onto this post. As a league, we are at his mercy. God help us all.
  13. Fetal alcohol syndrome
  14. Haha, yeah he's definitely the biggest pussy on the board. DT is my teammate and at least he had the balls to go a yard against me when he was mad. I've been the biggest nuisance to Robbie since he's got here and he doesn't even have the decency to put me on his "hit list". Boom made it after one sig change. I change his sig multiple times AND said he cums on pictures of his mother and that he fucks dogs. Among other things. Yet all he does is PRIVATELY and meekly whine that I changed his member title and about how he's going to flaunt my power abuse. Well no shit. *I* was flaunting the hypocritical abuse of power. He acts like someone might give half a shit. It's such a futile trolling effort. And talk about predictable. In two days he'll come in here and be like "lol looks liek I ruffled some feathers mishun acomplished! i love how MAD everyone is and how successful a troll i am." Yeah Robbie, good work, now show us how you can count all the way to potato you rectum spelunker. There is not a single member here who couldn't be better at "trolling" than him. 701 blows him out of the fucking water on every perceivable angle. He managed to piss off way more people without documenting it some kindergarten fucking theatre bill in his fucktard signature, AND without resorting to the cheapest fucking shots. And the kicker is, he was/is still a pretty fucking good member! And not a bad dude. I'm not going to lie, I want nothing more than Robbie to be the successful troll that he wants to be. To bring upon genuine disconchord and actually maybe ruffle feathers. Something like that could actually be amusing. But his efforts are so fucking hamfisted it's like watching a pig trying to open a door by scratching his ass on it. He's like a 14 year old Youtuber with a cellphone camera being like "HEY EVERYONE WELCOME TO JACKASS XXX!" and then spending 10 minutes hitting himself in the balls and then shoving over a sweet old lady at the end. He is honesty just 3edgy4this fucking league. I cannot stress that enough. I honestly cannot wait for him to get back, I.can.not.wait. I just want to see what his juvenile FAS brain comes up with that will somehow make him look even fucking more dumb. I hope he can stay forever, it's like watching the Special Olympics.
  15. Okay New York, as much as I'd like Seattle to make it to the NA Finals, I WOULD like to see it come down to the final game.
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