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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Yeah the Thursday thing was a typo.
  2. Game of Thrones is so hype, even the trailers have trailers. https://vine.co/GameofThrones
  3. It's an interesting concept, but I'd rather just read it in the order the author set it. That's like watching Star Wars from I-VI*. Fuck that noise. Also I don't understand all the hate on AFFC. I loved it as much as any of the others. *I've never actually watched Star Wars in any order.
  4. Great game for the goalies, Naomi doin' work!
  5. Bears kept it close, too bad they couldn't pull off the upset.
  6. Oh, did I say Thursday? I meant to say, whenever I happen to be sober. Just kidding, I actually just never made it home after school until midnight yesterday, and then I passed out and died. A very old friend suddenly phoned me after school, and we went for food and drinks and gay sex. No you don't, the newest client file was available in the Index thread. But I'm assuming you figured that out because I got your lines.
  7. The S36 Regular Season is officially over, and playoffs shall begin on Thursday, to give everyone time to grade and update and whathaveyou. Also, it is officially too late to claim VHLM waiver players. Good luck in the post-season.
  8. End the season with an assist, classic Naomi.
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