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  1. Like
    Aimee reacted to Girts in Guntis Mug Shot   
  2. Like
    Aimee reacted to badcolethetitan in 500 Words About Random Things in the VHL   
    500 Words About Random Things in the VHL
    George Richmond Sucks?
    You heard it here folks. George Richmond sucks. I don't know why he actually is not doing well, maybe it's because I can't build with players, or due to the depth on this team being pretty solid, but I feel like every player I've had (only two) are pretty mid. I have won the cup with both players, so that's a pretty big plus, but besides that I don't think I've really done much. Richmond has 24 points in 23 games played and is barely above a point-per-game, and a -4. By the way, we're 15-6-2 with a +25 GD, so that means Richmond is just terrible. I don't know if it's the build, my teammates, myself, don't really know, but I wish I could be doing better and actively helping my team. If we end up losing this season, I'm going to probably be the first finger to point at as I have around 1000 TPE and not really doing much. I hope I can turn it around and actually pick it up, being a valuable asset to Moscow. I would like to win an award eventually, don't really care what award it is. The Two-Way forward award would be really nice though, so maybe that one would be my favorite to win.
    Chicago Phoenix Off to a Good Start
    On another note, Chicago has been off to a good start, but NA is stacked. We need to continue to pick up wins, otherwise we're going to drop out of the playoffs fast. I don't really see any teams selling this season, hell, even LA is putting up a case to be a wildcard team. We lost to Prague, somehow, so we've got to wake up or we're going to drop in the standings. I probably could optimize my lineup better, but I don't think it's going to make much of a difference at the end of the day. NA is stacked and even one loss can hurt you, so we've got to step it up for sure moving forward.
    Random Ramblings
    First off, how does Shubham Anand have 44 points in 22 games played and why can't Richmond do that? Maybe my build compared to his is just not it, but those numbers are crazy. I wish one day we could see someone drop like 150+ points in this era, but it seems very unlikely. I don't know who it's going to be, but I hope someone can do it. 200 points or more would be absolute insanity, but honestly at this point in the VHL, probably impossible. We've already got two 20 goal scorers this season in Shubham Anand and Catia Goncalves, maybe they can drop 60? I mean probably not, but would be sick if they end up doing so. They aren't shooting that crazy high, around 12%, so I feel like maybe it's possible? Then again, I don't know the VHL average shooting %, usually I see anywhere between 8-10%, but I don't actually know the full average. Regardless, I hope some sort of record is broken this season cause it's always fun when those are broken.
    Thanks for reading this absolute chaos article. I don't even know what I was going for, but I really didn't have anything crazy to write this week.
  3. Like
    Aimee reacted to dstevensonjr in Submitting an Appeal to Simon for Shooting Luck   
    This is Harry Callahan's fifth season in the VHL, and once again, another season seems to be showing some incredible bad luck in shooting. A look back through the five seasons league-wide shows that his bad luck isn't isolated to this season, but rather almost across his career. Below is a comparison about Callahan's shooting volume, scoring, and shooting luck, as well as a look around the league at other players.
    To start, here is Callahan's VHL ranks in shots through his career:
    S91 (rookie year): 269 shots (70th)
    S92: 489 shots (9th)
    S93: 526 shots (8th)
    S94: 634 shots (1st)
    S95: 204 shots (2nd) *on pace for 612 shots*
    Four seasons in a row in the top 10 in the VHL in shots has been impressive, but how about scoring? Here's Callahan's VHL ranks in goals:
    S91: 24 goals (t-53rd)
    S92: 30 goals (t-37th)
    S93: 36 goals (27th)
    S94: 39 goals (t-19th)
    S95: 14 goals (t-10th)
    Callahan's scoring has steadily increased, but not quite as exponentially as his shooting has. Most of that is explained here in his shooting percentage VHL rank (among players, not including bots):
    S91: 8.92% (t-33rd)
    S92: 6.13% (126th)
    S93: 6.84% (110th)
    S94: 6.15% (120th)
    S95: 6.86% (104th)
    The confusing part from an attribute focus is that Callahan's attributes should produce better results. Callahan's 92 Scoring rating is 1st in the VHL (nobody else is above 90 currently), his Penalty Shot rating of 85 is 1st in the VHL (nobody else is above 83 currently), and his Puck Handling rating of 94 is tied for 1st with four other players. He's also near the top in Defense at 94 (2nd in VHL), Skating at 91 (t-3rd in VHL), Strength at 99 (t-1st in VHL), and Overall at 79 (t-3rd in VHL). 
    These things should add up to better production. Looking around the league at shot production over the last 5 seasons, there is typically a correlation between shots and goals, even if it doesn't necessarily line up every single season. Here's a look at some of the forwards who have been around Callahan's shot production (one right above and one right below) in that time, along with their goals and shooting percentages:
    S91: Fred Hampton (274 shots, 20 goals, 7.30%)
    S91: Harry Callahan (269 shots, 24 goals, 8.92%)
    S91: Keegan Gamble (263 shots, 14 goals, 5.32%)
    S92: Yaroslav Bogatyrev (493 shots, 32 goals, 6.49%)
    S92: Harry Callahan (489 shots, 30 goals, 6.13%)
    S92: Jimi Jaks (487 shots, 38 goals, 7.80%)

    S93: Severus Targaryen (527 shots, 49 goals, 9.30%)
    S93: Harry Callahan (526 shots, 36 goals, 6.84%)
    S93: Steve Lattimer (518 shots, 44 goals, 8.49%)
    S94: Jimi Jaks (614 shots, 62 goals, 10.10%)
    S94: Harry Callahan (634 shots, 39 goals, 6.15%)
    S94: Catia Goncalves (597 shots, 50 goals, 8.38%)
    S95: Shubham Anand (206 shots, 25 goals, 12.14%)
    S95: Harry Callahan (204 shots, 14 goals, 6.86%)
    S95: Catia Goncalves (195 shots, 23 goals, 11.79%)
    As you can see there, even among other forwards who are producing the same level of shots each season, Callahan consistently comes out behind on production. The only season that Callahan didn't have the worst shooting percentage among the three forwards was his rookie season, which is the only season that Callahan had a shooting percentage above 7%. I'm not sure how to remedy this, as it isn't a team issue (other teammates have flourished, shooting over 10% in all seasons). Is it all truly bad luck? If that's the case, how do you go about changing that bad luck? Toronto needs Callahan to step up and be a leader offensively, and right now that isn't happening to the degree that is required.
  4. Like
    Aimee reacted to der meister in A tough time   
    "Hey, how are ya?"
    "How's it going?"
    Both are really typical questions, especially in a workplace. They're not really questions, just quick, informal greetings. I know this, and yet I always feel compelled to actually answer the question, perhaps to not be perceived as a liar. Lately, though, I'm not sure how to respond to those questions. I'm not trying to be difficult, but the simple question, "How's it going?" is enough to make me pause these days. It feels like everything is crumbling and on the verge of collapsing like a dwarven bridge in Moria, the solid stone proving to be nothing more than a façade. It's a tough way to live. I don't hate my job, but I hate the situation I'm in. I feel set up to fail; my boss is retiring at the end of June next year and is already checked out, but it feels like every decision he makes is the wrong one, and it's incredibly stressful. There's no clear definition of what my job is, so he frequently tries to add additional things to my plate beyond the job that I agreed to take, so it feels like a hovering Sword of Damocles, even when I successfully push back on it. It's exhausting, and it's affecting my life outside of work pretty dramatically.
    Because of that, I find myself struggling to do what had once been simple things, such as writing articles for the VHL, recording for my YouTube channel, or editing any of the books I've written. Even this article has taken me almost half an hour, whereas I used to be able to bang these out like nothing. 200 words? It's a pittance. But 200 words when it feels like everything around me is on fire is a borderline daunting task. It took me 3 days to write my media spot this week, which is crazy to me. 
    Despite this length, I should probably talk more about the V, though, right? DC is in a bad way, and I'm disappointed my player is not contributing more. It seems like any time our offense clicks, we give up way more goals than usual. It's an odd pattern. I didn't expect to be hoisting a Cup this year, but I didn't expect us to be quite this bad. Still, rebuilding takes time, and I'm here for it, world on fire or not.
  5. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from sadie in Tano on a Tear   
    Despite Oslo’s second to last place in the current standings, defensive menace Ahsoka Tano is absolutely killing it right now. With 14 goals and 25 assists for 39 points, she is the number one defenseman and the second overall player. With an impressive +13 and only 6 penalty minutes, Tano is truly proving to be worth her 1st overall draft spot. 
    Tano’s Current Leaderboard Standings:

    Points: 2nd – 39
    Goals: 3rd – 14
    Assists: 2nd – 25
    Defenseman: 1st
    Plus/Minus: 5th
    Shots Blocked: 1st – 63
    Powerplay Goals: 1st – 9
    Tano has also had multiple games with 2 goals and it is only a matter of time until she manages her first hat trick. Oslo players have been trying to help their Jedi teammate to get that milestone but it just keeps slipping past her fingers around every corner.
    One has to assume that Helsinki is happy watching their prospective player and draftee making serious waves in the VHLE.
    155 words for week ending 8/25/2024
  6. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Triller in Tano on a Tear   
    Despite Oslo’s second to last place in the current standings, defensive menace Ahsoka Tano is absolutely killing it right now. With 14 goals and 25 assists for 39 points, she is the number one defenseman and the second overall player. With an impressive +13 and only 6 penalty minutes, Tano is truly proving to be worth her 1st overall draft spot. 
    Tano’s Current Leaderboard Standings:

    Points: 2nd – 39
    Goals: 3rd – 14
    Assists: 2nd – 25
    Defenseman: 1st
    Plus/Minus: 5th
    Shots Blocked: 1st – 63
    Powerplay Goals: 1st – 9
    Tano has also had multiple games with 2 goals and it is only a matter of time until she manages her first hat trick. Oslo players have been trying to help their Jedi teammate to get that milestone but it just keeps slipping past her fingers around every corner.
    One has to assume that Helsinki is happy watching their prospective player and draftee making serious waves in the VHLE.
    155 words for week ending 8/25/2024
  7. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from kirbithan in Tano on a Tear   
    Despite Oslo’s second to last place in the current standings, defensive menace Ahsoka Tano is absolutely killing it right now. With 14 goals and 25 assists for 39 points, she is the number one defenseman and the second overall player. With an impressive +13 and only 6 penalty minutes, Tano is truly proving to be worth her 1st overall draft spot. 
    Tano’s Current Leaderboard Standings:

    Points: 2nd – 39
    Goals: 3rd – 14
    Assists: 2nd – 25
    Defenseman: 1st
    Plus/Minus: 5th
    Shots Blocked: 1st – 63
    Powerplay Goals: 1st – 9
    Tano has also had multiple games with 2 goals and it is only a matter of time until she manages her first hat trick. Oslo players have been trying to help their Jedi teammate to get that milestone but it just keeps slipping past her fingers around every corner.
    One has to assume that Helsinki is happy watching their prospective player and draftee making serious waves in the VHLE.
    155 words for week ending 8/25/2024
  8. Cheers
    Aimee got a reaction from JCarson in Tano on a Tear   
    Despite Oslo’s second to last place in the current standings, defensive menace Ahsoka Tano is absolutely killing it right now. With 14 goals and 25 assists for 39 points, she is the number one defenseman and the second overall player. With an impressive +13 and only 6 penalty minutes, Tano is truly proving to be worth her 1st overall draft spot. 
    Tano’s Current Leaderboard Standings:

    Points: 2nd – 39
    Goals: 3rd – 14
    Assists: 2nd – 25
    Defenseman: 1st
    Plus/Minus: 5th
    Shots Blocked: 1st – 63
    Powerplay Goals: 1st – 9
    Tano has also had multiple games with 2 goals and it is only a matter of time until she manages her first hat trick. Oslo players have been trying to help their Jedi teammate to get that milestone but it just keeps slipping past her fingers around every corner.
    One has to assume that Helsinki is happy watching their prospective player and draftee making serious waves in the VHLE.
    155 words for week ending 8/25/2024
  9. Like
    Aimee reacted to Smarch in Player Spotlight – Dog Jagr   
    Player Spotlight – Dog Jagr
    Sixteen-year-old defenseman Dog Jagr is more than half-way through what will be their first full season in the VHLM, after joining the Victory Hockey League almost two months ago back on June 24, 2024. After joining the league back in June, Jagr quickly was offered a roster spot by the Miami Marauders. Jagr would go on to play in sixteen games for Miami at the tail end of season ninety-four putting up one goal and three assists in his first VHLM action. Jagr would also join the team in the VHLM playoffs, appearing in all six games for Miami, putting up two goals in those six games.
    Jagr was draft eligible for the Season Ninety-Five VHLM Dispersal Draft and must have done something right in the eyes of the Marauders management, as the team ended up selecting the hulking 6’8 defenseman with the twelfth overall pick in the draft. So far this season Jagr has been very impressive, putting up four goals and seventeen assists in Miami’s first twenty-two games of the season. Currently off the ice Jagr is progressing nicely, with thirty-eights updates to date, putting the youngster at 121 TPE, which is seventeenth best for the upcoming VHLE and VHL drafts. With mostly welfare claims to date, hopefully the young Czech Republic born defender can also sprinkle in some media spots of graphic to climb the TPE ladder as the season progresses. We wish Jagr the best as he continues on his VHL journey.  
  10. Like
    Aimee reacted to jacobcarson877 in Cold Calling   
    It’s been an interesting week so far, and I must say I never thought I’d have this much fun as a (n interim) VHLE GM. Rome is horrific, we don’t have a goaltender, we now finally have 5 forwards, and while we can’t stop the other teams from scoring, like at all, we’ve had a good run scoring ourselves.
    I’ve gotten to talk to a lot of players I never got the chance to as a VHL GM, and the recurring narrative has been “I feel like once I graduated/ a previous GM stepped down / the season rolled over/ I was dropped from my last team nobody really contacted me, and so I stopped participating.”
    Obviously that’s devastating to hear, and we’ve seen many times before sometimes the support system around a player all dissolves at the same time. It’s not exactly uncommon, but I’m happy to have reached out to some players that recently went inactive by VHLM terms, and gotten them the support they were looking for. I’ll be doing my best to be involved in supporting them this season, communicating with their VHLM/VHL GMs as applicable, and helping them get to a point where they can be long-term high-performing players in the VHL.
    It's not about me, and frankly it’s not about Rome either. It’s about the players, it’s about the VHLE, and it’s about retention. That’s my goal this season, and we’re off to a great start.
  11. Fire
    Aimee reacted to leandrofg in A Jersey Retirement in Calgary.   
    The Calgary Wranglers are one of the most storied franchises in the VHL. One of the original eight, the Albertan team found success early on and used its status to win ten Continental Cups to this day.
    Having a jersey retired with this franchise and being inducted into the team's Hall of Fame is a feat worthy of celebration. Today's induction is particularly special, not just because it honors a career marked by exceptional talent and leadership but also because it recognizes a legacy that has long deserved this moment in the spotlight.
    This induction is more than just a formality. It's recognition of the dedication, special moments, and influence that extends beyond any simulation. The individual player we honor today has exemplified excellence and embodied the values and passion that define the Calgary Wranglers.
    As we look back on the storied career of this remarkable person, we celebrate their accomplishments and the indelible mark they've left on the team. Our all-time regular-season leader in hits, shots blocked, and tied for all-time regular-season games played with Sterling Labatte.
    Please join me in retiring the number 92 and welcoming Phil Strasmore, @Phil, to the Calgary Wranglers Hall of Fame.

  12. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from OblivionWalker in Oslo Storm Press Conference S95   
    1. I think overall the team has just been contributing so well the last handful of games.
    2. Ahsoka for sure is looking up to Jillian Woods. She has tried to work her abilities around hers.
    3. 100 points on the season!
    4. Oh. Well, I've been fighting for a Scotland team.  So there lol.
    5. Board games, video games, read, spend time with my cat.
    6. Spaghetti with marinara.
  13. Like
    Aimee reacted to Steve in 6 in the bank   
  14. Like
    Aimee reacted to SlapshotWrangler in Just Keep Firing - Raimo Tuominen   
    CALGARY - Raimo Tuominen had a nickname that was based on his initials. RT turned into Right Trigger in Finland. While that name is not used in VHL circles, it is surprisingly fitting for his style of play. Raimo is a very shot heavy player. Heck, so is Catia Goncalves, his fellow linemate and partner in crime. Many times in games, the two just have a shootout. There are a good amount of examples of game sheets where a Raimo shot is recorded just to be followed by a Catia shot. And the two wouldn’t have it any other way.
    “For now, it is working and it is what makes us tick. Catia takes a shot, I hunt for a rebound, I take a shot, Catia fishes for a rebound, repeat and rinse until the goal has been scored. What can I say? It doesn’t always work but it can prove to add some pressure on the opponent’s d-core or even the goalie. I mean, I’m no goalie but if shots are finding their way through to me and it’s happening every 3 seconds, that might get irritating, no?”
    With 1424 shots and 128 career goals, maybe Raimo isn’t the most accurate shooter. But like a spray and pray player in an FPS game holding down the right trigger, rapid-fire shooting can sometimes result in good stuff.
  15. Like
    Aimee reacted to BOOM in DD   
  16. Like
    Aimee reacted to BOOM in Useless Fuch   
  17. Like
    Aimee reacted to JCarson in Felicia Hardy and Smoked Brisket   
    With another intense set of games for tonight, Moscow and Malmo, the coaching staff of HC Davos Dynamo made the practice optional.  Felicia Hardy after taking a couple bruises from the last game decided that they would sit this one out and get some rest. 
    Rest today looks like a time to make players on the team a fantastic BBQ smoked meal.  On today’s menu will be smoked Brisket, Hash Brown Casserole and Pit Beans.  It will be a long 21-hour process to do the brisket but will be well worth it when it is done.  A slow process done over low heat (225 degrees) with hickory wood.  
    Smoking brisket could be used as an analogy for training a player, it is a long slow process that takes constant monitoring, doing little adjustments over time but once it is finished you get a level of perfection that you can’t achieve if the process is rushed.  It is a process that can seem daunting, or it can be a relaxing journey that allows you to sit back and enjoy. I encourage you to look at building your player as the journey.  Take it in, enjoy each step, build slowly, purposefully.  Know that the process works, you can achieve a great result if you keep at it, a slow constant pace. 
    Today there is only 6 more hours until the brisket is finished, in building Felicia Hardy I will have 7 more seasons.  It is a slow process, but it will result in something great.  So, I am sitting back, having another cup of coffee, and am enjoying the process. 
  18. Fire
    Aimee reacted to JCarson in Player build and Sim output   
    Odd by design 
    When I started the build for Felicia Hardy, I decided that I would focus on a player who was first designed for defense. The goal was to focus on a player who was strong in defense and passing.  No sense stealing the puck if you can’t get it where it needs to go. It was a conscious decision to put as little as possible into the offensive stats.  Overall, I would say I am happy with how things have gone but I still feel a little odd when I look at the sim results. 
    Our current sim output is very offensively minded, we track checking and shots blocked but those are relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.  So, a defensively minded player very often feels like they aren’t doing anything to contribute to the team.  A look at the index does provide a little more depth from a statistical basis but not a lot. So what is a defensively minded player to do.  
    I expect the first thing defensively minded players do is give in to the pressure and add some TPE towards the scoring statistics.  They hope that this gives themselves a boost on the sim output and as such it will make them feel like they are contributing to the team. And to some degree this makes sense in the hybrid statistics era, If you are looking to build statistics like strength and passing at some point it is only efficient to build statistics that also include some scoring as well.   
    The second thing I expect some player to do is get bored.  Honestly if you don’t feel you are contributing it will psychologically get more difficult to keep focused on building.  TPE starts to trail off and the player languishes in mediocrity.  
    Lastly, I expect there are those players out there who are stubborn.  Who will push through and stick to the build that they wanted to begin with.  Either they will stop caring to look at the sim results to validate their player or they will start looking beyond the statistics and will find other ways to evaluate their player.  Either way they will continue building.  
    Now what does this leave us with.  It would be nice if those who do the data collection could start adding additional information to look at, interceptions and turnovers would be a good start.  Giving the defensive players added information to look at to evaluate how their performance is could go a long way towards validating other build options.  It would add depth to the Defensive defensemen award and may finally allow for a defensively minder player to be selected as MVP.   
    So those are my thoughts on how I have been building my player, how that has made me feel in relation to the sim output and my thoughts on one thing that could be done to change things.  Do I expect anyone to cater to my wishes and make changes, no I don’t.  Yet maybe one day we will see some changes in this direction. 
  19. Fire
    Aimee reacted to kirbithan in DBC Presents: A Talk with Harrington   
    DBC Anchor: Good evening, loyal viewers of the Dimmensia Broadcasting Corporation! Tonight, we join Michael Burrows for an interview with Ottawa Lynx defenseman, River Harrington! Harrington was brought in on waivers by Ottawa last season alongside a familiar face: Brandon Petan Jr.! The two returned to Ottawa via the 2nd and 4th overall picks respectively in this year’s VHLM dispersal draft. Let us join Michael as he introduces us to Harrington:
    Michael Burrows: River, thank you for joining us! First of all, congratulations. How does it feel to have been selected 2nd overall?
    River Harrington: Feels great. I mean. . . I’m back in a city I love and a team where I’m wanted. Our GM trusted that Brandon and I could breathe some new life into the Lynx and we both have made it clear we are going to give it 112% out there on the ice every practice and game. 
    MB: Ottawa has had a tough start this season. How are you and the team feeling going into these next few matchups? What’s the mindset?
    RH: Just taking it one game at a time. We’re not worried. There’s still a lot of hockey to play, y’know? We just need to get pucks deep, get pucks to the net, stay solid defensively. Onye has been giving it his all in net and we need to support him.
    MB: Now, the fans have been wondering— what are your thoughts on Slava Kovalenko’s new captaincy role for the Hounds, since you two also have a history?
    RH: Slava. . . what a guy, eh? He’s a stud, though. Sometimes he doesn’t give himself enough credit, but he’s been on fire this season and deserves all the praise. I told him he’d be the steal of the draft and look at that— I was right. Miss seeing his face everyday, but I’ll always be one of his biggest fans.
    MB: You heard it here, folks! Moving on, is there any particular goal you’re shooting for in your career? Trophies? Idols you look to emulate?
    RH: I’ve always been a big Skor McFleury fan. To put up the numbers he does while also being a defensive monster who isn’t afraid to put his body on the line is something I’ve always admired, and been modeling my own game after. There’s a lot of VHLers out there I hold massive respect for, but Skor is definitely up there for me, yeah.
    MB: Lastly, any words for the Lynx fans going into the rest of the season?
    RH: Lynx fans, thank you for your unwavering support! The rest of the boys and I feel the energy every time we step onto the ice and just know we’re working our asses off everyday. We’re getting into the groove now and wins will follow. 
    MB: River, thank you again for taking time out of your evening to join us here at the DBC! We wish you and the Lynx the best of luck this season. Back to you in the studio.
  20. Fire
    Aimee reacted to Greg_Di in Eagles has amazing first game   
    You couldn't have scripted Roger Eagles first game in the VHL any better. The rookie goaltender put on a clinic and showed the VHL world what he is capable of in an incredible 70 shot against game.

    Roger stopped 69 out of the 70 shots faced to lead his team to a 4-1 victory over the Vancouver Wolves. Not many rookie goaltenders can say in their first game that they faced over 70 shots and somehow only let in 1.
    "I couldn't have predicted a better game, I was pumped up to get my first game in and I was laser focused. The puck that night looked like a beach ball to me" Roger said "I know games like this won't happen often but man was it a rush. Earning the first star of the game in my first ever VHL game was definitely not on my bingo card for my rookie season"
    The Wolves put up 27 shots alone in the first period, usually the average amount of shots per game, and were unable to score. They managed to get one through Roger in the second period and failed once again in the third with an onslaught of 26 shots. Vancouver players, fans and coaches were surprised to see that they could not put anything past a rookie goaltender.
    "He was great out there, everything we shot at him he just seemed to know where it was going " a Vancouver player said at the end of the game "I just hope he doesn't have this many good games against us, I think we need to watch video on him and just try and see where his weak spots are. We couldn't find anything during the game"

    The LA fans were also very impressed with the start and can see why the team was excited that Roger dropped to 3rd
    "I think Roger will be a superstar by the end of his career and I hope he still is with us" one LA fan was quoted as saying " I think he will be up there with Art Vandelay and Doug Dimmadome for best LA goalies of all time. Were excited to have him. I honestly can't believed he dropped to us"

    Since that game, Roger's stats have evened out and are more in line with what a rookie goalie in this league should be at. He currently sits at a 7-7 record with a .929 save percentage (5th in the league) and a 3.04 Goals against average (8th). 

    "There have been a few games where I struggled but its just a learning curve. You can only take so many 50+ shot games before you get a little bit tired but the team has been playing very well " Roger said " We are playing .500 hockey and that was the expectation. Everyone is putting in the work and were starting to build chemistry with each other. We just want to keep the fans excited and show them what we are capable of"
  21. Fire
    Aimee reacted to Baby Boomer in VSN Presents: S95 VHLE Season Preview   
    Welcome everyone,
    We are back for another season of the VHLE and I can say with confidence that when you look at the rosters, we can expect that this season is going to be one of the tightest I have ever seen in the VHLE. Indeed, a lot of teams have similar rosters and it made my job of predicting the standings really difficult. So, my predictions are maybe going to be wrong and feel free to tell me if you don't agree with me.
    #1 Cologne Express 
    Offense rank: 1st
    Defense rank: 1st
    Goalie rank: 4th
    I feel like I am repeating myself, but once again I believe that the Cologne Express are going to finish at the top of the standings. Indeed, Cologne have the best offense of the league, led by BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson @JardyB10 and Baby Moo Moo @Elvis and the best defense led by Joseph Dubois @Dubois and Scrungle Bungle @Novanod. What may hurt Cologne is their goalie, but if they continue to update, their goalie can become a real starter in the VHLE by the end of the regular season and then, they will be unstoppable.
    #2 Oslo Storm 
    Offense rank: T-2nd
    Defense rank: T-2nd
    Goalie rank: T-1st
    After a tough season in S94, the Oslo Storm are already back on top and ready to compete for the Renaissance Cup. Oslo is tied in first place in the net as Spider Panda @Ricer13 is going to be one of the best goalies in the VHLE this season. Oslo is tied for the second best offense with the Stockholm Vikings and the Bratislava Watchmen. The Storm also tied in second for the best defense, but this time with the Stockholm Vikings and the Vasteras Iron Eagles. The Storm can count on David Pastanap @Jubis and Tim Robinson @Tim Robinson to help them offensively and on Ashoka Tano @Aimee and Wladyslaw Mintus @mintusaurus to help them defensively.
    #T-3 Vasteras Iron Eagles 
    Offense rank: 5th
    Defense rank: T-2nd
    Goalie rank: T-1st
    For the next three teams, the Vasteras Iron Eagles, the Stockholm Vikings and the Bratislava Watchmen, it was way too difficult to rank them, because every team is good in two categories and struggle in the other one, so I decided to place them all in third place as they are way too similar. For Vasteras, their offense is going to hurt them a little bit, but if their top players continue to be active, I can see them being a dominant team with Alphonse Desjardins @Anthique and Einar Mathiesen @xsjack in defense and Ondrej Vencko @Mutti in the net. 
    #T-3 Stockholm Vikings 
    Offense rank: T-2nd
    Defense rank: T-2nd
    Goalie rank: 5th
    With Phil Sakic @Phil and Dan jr @Danzo, Stockholm are going to be good offensively. However, they will need the help of their defensemen Samsayz I-Smell @CaptainSB and Masa Akimoto @Hokikeijot if they also want to be good defensively. Indeed, Stockholm's weakness is without a doubt going to be in front of the net and they will need the help of everyone to compensate that.
    #T-3 Bratislava Watchmen 
    Offense rank: T-2nd
    Defense rank: 5th
    Goalie rank: 3rd
    Despite having a really good offense led by Dhorji Khan @Oddpurplefly and Steve French @Seabass, the Bratislava Watchmen are really going to struggle defensively as they have the second to last defense in the league, only in front of the Rome Gladiators. However, if Hugo Boss @Dil can continue to improve and become one of the best goalie in the league, the Bratislava Watchmen are going to be really dangerous at the end of the season.
    #6 Rome Gladiators 
    Offense rank: 6th
    Defense rank: 5th
    Goalie rank: 6th
    Unfortunately, there is not a lot to be said about the Rome Gladiators. Indeed, this season is going to be one of transition for the Gladiators. The defensemen Billy Joel @The goat of hockey and Ray Stanton @horoscope will maybe cause some surprises some nights, but other than that, it is going to be a tough season in Rome.
    That’s all for me, thanks everyone for reading, I wish you all a good regular season and see you in another VSN article!
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    Aimee reacted to Triller in Running out of Graphic ideas? Start a series !   
    You can always ask but I just usually go ahead and do one using whoever I wanted and left the number as it was.  If you put in the time then I can't imagine a normal person here complaining about it.
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    Aimee reacted to MSouthworth in Gul Dukat   
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    Aimee reacted to vincentlg2007 in Running out of Graphic ideas? Start a series !   
    Running out of Graphic ideas ? Start a series !
    I'm sure some of us have probably once reached a point where we wanted to make a graphic for a point task, but didn't have any idea what to do. Well, there's an easy solution to that ! The name of the article pretty much reveals everything, you've guessed it: I suggest starting a series / collection. 
    That way, every week when you prepare to do your point task graphic, you already have an idea to build upon. You will save yourself minutes of reflexion for a while !  There's plenty of different ideas you could pick from, i'll even provide a couple later. I also find that it's an awesome way to link all of your work together on the forum. Personally, I love going trough people's portfolio and seeing a tendency, a concept etc. it makes me interested in keeping up with the next graphic in the theme and exploring the entire series.  It is something that can be associated to you, other members might remember those and go "Oh [insert member name], that's the person that does [insert series]" which in return could help you connect more with other members who recognizes you from that and causes you to stand out in a way. Being associated to something will make people remember you more and if your goal on the forum is to interact with a bunch of people and socialize this helps a lot. It's kinda been a thing for me with my VLG'ed Gifs back when I did them.
    It is like an adventure, an objective, etc. I've decided to start one myself, i'll be replacing album covers with VHL related graphics. My media spot for the week is the first inning based on DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar. 
    When I mentionned that possibilities were endless, it's an understatement. So many routes and even for one particular route there's other small branch depending on what you choose to do ( different persons, teams, etc.). Here's a list of ideas i've thought about in just a couple minutes of reflexion
    - a player on vacations ( every edition he's infront of another city / monument )
    - Hockey / HUT cards 
    - Mascots
    - Captains (a graphic of every team's captain with like a massive C and each week you do a different team's captain)
    - Goalie masks
    - Logo redesign
    - Draft graphic ( for every player you put the team they were drafted by, draft position, etc. and complete the draft class/ round) 
    - Legend ( a graphic of every team's legend ( one or many)) 
    And that's just a few !
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    Aimee reacted to sadie in HC Pürple   
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