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  1. Like
    Aimee reacted to Phil in Sass with Stras #5   
    Sass with Stras #5

    Treat me like a joke and I'll leave you like it's funny.    KnightTime Radio is proud to present an all-new Podcasting series!!   Today we stole my own questions to @JardyB10 lol     Sass with Stras Podcast Question Thread   Songs: Right Above It - Lil Wayne (ft. Drake)   This is a division of KnightTime Radio.    Run Time:  20 minutes
  2. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Games: 149-160   
    Game 159 Recap:
    Given the second-place position of Mississauga vs basement dwelling Saskatoon, this game ended up being a proper spanking on Thursday night. After a volley of shots resulting in three goals in the first period, the Hounds continued to dominate the rest of the game. Saskatoon was unable to get anything going between the barely-there offense and a defense being held together with some string and gum. It’s possible that not even MacGyver himself could have helped the Wild through this one. This was probably one of the least stressful games for the Hound’s goalie Boudreaux.
    95 words for week ending 7/24
  3. Cheers
    Aimee reacted to AJW in New Player TPE Checklist Guide   
    I am noticing often that when players join the league and choose a team, they have no idea what to do or where to start. I am sure there are multiple articles posted to address this, but I am going to make my own for my own locker room. So here is a checklist for beginners on what they should do to earn TPE once they join the league.
    I will be explaining how to do this checklist further down in the article and how to claim your TPE!
    Collect Practice Facility Do a Point Task Do Supplemental Tasks Write Your Junior Review Player Store Purchases Join the league Discord  
    Step 0: Understanding what Capped TPE vs Uncapped TPE is
    Capped TPE is your 12 weekly TPE you can earn by doing specific tasks such as Point Tasks and Supplemental Tasks. 
    Uncapped TPE is not part of your 12 weekly capped TPE. Uncapped TPE is earned by doing tasks such as Practice Facility, Career Tasks, Fantasy, etc. There are multiple ways of earning uncapped TPE at different times of season. Your GM should inform you when these uncapped TPE opportunities occur as they are not always a set date.
    Step 1: Collect Practice Facility
    The first thing you should do each week is collect Practice Facility. It is free weekly Uncapped TPE worth 2 TPE in the VHLM/VHLE, and 1 TPE in the VHL. To claim Practice Facility, go to the portal, then click Player > Manage > Practice Facility. This TPE will automatically apply to your player and does NOT count towards your weekly capped TPE.
    Step 2: Do a Point Task
    Point Tasks - 6/12 TPE
    Clicking that link will direct you to the Point Task thread. There you will see Media Spots, Graphics/Videos, and Podcasts. Choose which task you would like to do then read the guidelines/rules thread. The guideline thread will tell you exactly what to do in order to earn your 6 TPE. Once you understand the requirements, go back to the Point Task thread and click which Point Task you would like to do, create a new topic, and post it there. To claim a Point Task, go to the portal, then click Player > Manage > Claim Capped > then select which type of Point Task you completed. You will need to wait for updaters approval. If approved, your TPE will be applied to your player through the portal.
    Media Spot: 6 TPE
    Graphic/Video: 6 TPE
    Podcast: 6 TPE
    Welfare: 4 TPE
    Welfare: Welfare is a 4 TPE task which is equivalent in weight to a Point Task. When collecting Welfare, your weekly capped TPE total drops to 10 instead of 12. So you can still do 6 TPE worth of supplemental tasks + welfare, but no more than that. To collect Welfare, go to the portal, then click Player > Manage > Welfare.
    Step 3: Do Supplemental Tasks
    Supplemental Tasks - 6/12 TPE
    *Supplemental Tasks are not worth 6 TPE each. Doing multiple supplemental tasks will add up to earn you the other 6 TPE you need after doing a 6 TPE Point Task, to get you to the 12 weekly capped TPE*
    Clicking that link will direct you to the Supplemental Task thread. There you will see Vhl.com Articles, Vhl.com Graphics, Vhl.com Radio, Trivia, and Press Conferences. Choose which task you would like to do then read the guidelines/rules thread. The guideline thread will tell you exactly what to do in order to earn your certain amount of TPE. Once you understand the requirements, go back to the Supplemental Point Tasks thread and click which Supplemental Point Task you would like to do, create a new topic, and post it there. Game Recap and Reviewing guidelines are not found in that thread. To claim a Supplemental Point Task, go to the portal, then click Player > Manage > Claim Capped > then select which type of Supplemental Point Task you completed. You will need to wait for updaters approval. If approved, your TPE will be applied to your player through the portal.
    Game Recap Guidelines: 
    Reviewing Guidelines:
    As a secondary point task, members may complete a review on any sort of forum content. This review must be at least 75 words, is worth 1 TPE, and may be claimed up to two times per week. Reviews must examine or assess content formally with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary. 
    Step 4: Write Your Prospect Scouting Report
    Career Point Tasks are essentially tasks you can complete throughout your player's career. These tasks are worth Uncapped TPE and are to be done at certain points of your player's career. When joining the VHL, you are only eligible to complete the Prospect Scouting Report and Biography. As your player grows through the seasons, you will be eligible for more career tasks.
    Clicking that link will direct you to the Prospect Scouting Report thread. Read the guidelines/rules thread. The guideline thread will tell you exactly what to do in order to earn your 5 Uncapped TPE. Once you understand the requirements, go back to the Prospect Scouting Report thread, create a new topic, and post it there. To claim your Prospect Scouting Report, go to the portal, then click Player > Manage > Claim Uncapped > Career > Prospect Scouting Report. You will need to wait for updaters approval. If approved, your TPE will be applied to your player through the portal.
    Step 5: Player Store Purchases
    Once you have joined a team, you would have accepted a $1.5 million contract. This contract may not have applied to your player right away, but once it is applied, you can use it to make purchases in the Player Store. As a First-Generation Player (this meaning you have only created one player or have not created a player in over 3 seasons), you are eligible for two player store purchases:
    The First Generation: $500,000
    First Gen Doubles: $1,000,000
    Both purchases are worth uncapped TPE. "The First Generation" is worth 5 Uncapped TPE, which you can buy with no requirements, and "First Gen Doubles" is available for purchase once you submit and are approved of a Point Task. It is called First Gen Doubles because it "Doubles" your point task TPE (6 capped TPE) of 6 Uncapped TPE. To get to the Player Store, go to the portal, then click Player > Manage > Player Store. You will need to wait for the Player Store Manager's approval. If approved, your TPE will be applied to your player through the portal.
    Step 6: Join the League Discord
    This step is obviously optional but highly recommended. We have a great community on discord with 700+ members. Here you can easily connect with mostly everyone in the league and ask for help if needed. Here is the link to the league's discord: Click me!
    No More Steps!
    There you have it! These are all the steps you can follow once joining the VHL to earn maximum TPE for your starting week. Here is a breakdown of how much TPE you can earn in your first week of joining the league:
    Capped TPE Point Task: 6 TPE Supplemental Tasks: 6 TPE Uncapped TPE Practice Facility: 2 TPE Prospect Scouting Report: 5 TPE Player Store Purchases: 11 TPE Total TPE: 30 TPE  
    Welcome to the league and best of luck on your player's career!
  4. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Abaddon in The Saskatoon Struggle   
    S84 seems to be a struggle year for the Saskatoon Wild. A light roster and a 2-8-0 start during their first week probably isn’t where the team had hoped to be. Going into week two of the season, Saskatoon currently sits dead last in their conference and in the overall standings for the VHLM. Not only are they on a 5 game losing streak, but they have the greatest goal differential of any team, -16. Though thankfully goals for the Wild are 3rd to last instead of last here as well with a total of 22 goals.
    So what can Saskatoon do to hopefully turn this season around and just maybe make it a winning one? In the immortal words of every impatient hockey fan - SHOOT THE PUCK! 
    It would seem that Saskatoon’s weakest point is their shooting. Low numbers lead to low production and even against weak teams the Wild struggle to out-shoot anyone. In all first 10 games, Saskatoon has been out-shot every single time. Their biggest gap in shots was game 6 against the Las Vegas Aces where they were out-shot 37-12; a differential of 25 shots. Their closest attempt on the other hand was game 9 against the Ottawa Lynx where the shots were 25-23 with only a differential of 2. Over all 10 games, the most shots Saskatoon had was only 24.
    Overall, Saskatoon was out-shot 2:1 by an average of 14.2 shots per game. Among their first 10 games, their shots only accounted for 35.91% of the total shots taken. Not great numbers and it’s really showing on the scoreboard. Asked about the stats, GM @Bulduray_1 said “We’ve looked at the numbers and we’re not thrilled. But I know our guys can come back from this and have a better season moving forward.”
    That’s not to say, however, that the players are not trying. Astro Singh ( @8Ovechkin8 ) is tied with Morpheus Destructious x2 ( @Abaddon ) to lead the team with 4 goals in the year so far but Astro also leads the team with 7 assists. Nikolas Kauppi ( @Tetricide ) who has 3 goals and 4 assists so far leads the team in shot percentage with 18.75%. Clearly the guys are putting some effort into the season.
    So the question has to be, with players who are capable of shooting and scoring, why does Saskatoon struggle to get the puck on net so much? It’s quite simple actually; the lack of players. With only 6 players and 1 goalie, the Wild have very little man power and those players can only make such an impact. When your team lead shooter is only 31st among shooters, it’s still a sign of a low production team. With very little backup and support, it’s easy to see why Saskatoon cannot produce.
    Another major factor could be that aside from the goalie Jesse Teno ( @aimkin ), Saskatoon’s roster is split between their forwards and defensemen; 3 a piece. Compare that to the current number 1 team Las Vegas Aces who have 7 forwards and 3 defensemen. It really shows in production how much having so few forwards hurts Saskatoon. If they could pour some money into their forward line in trades or during the off season, then perhaps they would have a better chance of making an impact.
    547 words for week ending July 10
  5. Love
    Aimee reacted to jhatty8 in James Webb Telescope sig   
    For those who don't know, NASA launched a powerful space telescope last year to try and discover more about our universe. The first pictures are coming back and they look pretty beautiful, so I decided to see how one would fare as a sig stock.
    This is the picture I used (the first one released in fact) and this page has more of them if you want to try your hand or just see some cool space pics
  6. Like
    Aimee reacted to Shindigs in (S85) D - Grigoris Polyhronidis Jr, TPE: 78   
    I make no such promises!
  7. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in Barrage of Pucks? "Puck That"   
    After a serious slew of losses result in 17 goals against over three games, Jesse Teno may finally be seeing a turn-around. Three brutal losses (Game 102 vs Mexico City Kings [4-2], Game 106 vs San Diego Marlins [3-6], and Game 117 vs Mississauga Hounds [7-1]) with a combined total 100 shots again, can only hopefully give Teno the experience they need. Despite their personal stats and impressive rise among first-gen players, the on ice stats and production do not seem to be able to match up. This major gap has left Teno wondering where all of their hard work is going if it isn’t showing where it matters – on the ice.
    Game 102 against the Mexico City Kings was a close one with a final score of 4-2 and shots on goal 24-22. It’s one of the closer games that Saskatoon has managed in regards to shots on goal. Teno let two in from Halvar Torbjorn during the first period, though managed to hold off Mexico City during the second, with the other two goals coming in the third period. Saskatoon was able to rally a bit in the second and third periods, matching Mexico City in number of shots, but they just could not seem to get enough past Mexico City goalie Jeremy Swayman. An easier game shot wise for Teno and one they could be happier with given how even it seemed to be for most of the game.
    Game 112 against the Mississauga Hounds, however, is a totally different story. With shots against being 24-45, it was a constant onslaught of pucks that resulted in an ugly 7-1 loss. It also showed in the number of penalties from Mississauga, including goalie interference. Though that didn’t seem to bother Teno. In fact, after that penalty call, they seemed to be on the ball, not letting any other pucks cross their net for the remainder of the game. It might have also fired up Nikolas Kauppi as well, who scored the lone Saskatoon goal 2 minutes and 19 seconds later. Teno seemed a bit shaken after the penalty but brushed it off and held the score where it was.
    And the turn-around mentioned earlier? Well that came in Game 117 against the Miami Marauders. It was the first time this season that the two teams met; and both being at the bottom of the VHLM standings meant that it was a more even match than any previous game could have been. Despite that, Saskatoon once again was outshot 20-40; one of the highest shots games that Teno has been in. They managed to hold off yet another onslaught and only let in 2 goals. Thankfully, with the hard work of their teammates, Saskatoon managed a 5-2 win. The barrage was light but the aim was spot on. Yes, the Saskatoon Wild have been out-shot in ever single game. But what matters, and what we can all see from this game, is that it’s the quality and not quantity of the shots.
    If Saskatoon can keep making quality shots and if Jesse Teno can hold things together in the net, it’s possible that the Wild could make a significant turnaround in the second half of the season.
    538 words for week ending July 17, 2022
  8. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Barrage of Pucks? "Puck That"   
    After a serious slew of losses result in 17 goals against over three games, Jesse Teno may finally be seeing a turn-around. Three brutal losses (Game 102 vs Mexico City Kings [4-2], Game 106 vs San Diego Marlins [3-6], and Game 117 vs Mississauga Hounds [7-1]) with a combined total 100 shots again, can only hopefully give Teno the experience they need. Despite their personal stats and impressive rise among first-gen players, the on ice stats and production do not seem to be able to match up. This major gap has left Teno wondering where all of their hard work is going if it isn’t showing where it matters – on the ice.
    Game 102 against the Mexico City Kings was a close one with a final score of 4-2 and shots on goal 24-22. It’s one of the closer games that Saskatoon has managed in regards to shots on goal. Teno let two in from Halvar Torbjorn during the first period, though managed to hold off Mexico City during the second, with the other two goals coming in the third period. Saskatoon was able to rally a bit in the second and third periods, matching Mexico City in number of shots, but they just could not seem to get enough past Mexico City goalie Jeremy Swayman. An easier game shot wise for Teno and one they could be happier with given how even it seemed to be for most of the game.
    Game 112 against the Mississauga Hounds, however, is a totally different story. With shots against being 24-45, it was a constant onslaught of pucks that resulted in an ugly 7-1 loss. It also showed in the number of penalties from Mississauga, including goalie interference. Though that didn’t seem to bother Teno. In fact, after that penalty call, they seemed to be on the ball, not letting any other pucks cross their net for the remainder of the game. It might have also fired up Nikolas Kauppi as well, who scored the lone Saskatoon goal 2 minutes and 19 seconds later. Teno seemed a bit shaken after the penalty but brushed it off and held the score where it was.
    And the turn-around mentioned earlier? Well that came in Game 117 against the Miami Marauders. It was the first time this season that the two teams met; and both being at the bottom of the VHLM standings meant that it was a more even match than any previous game could have been. Despite that, Saskatoon once again was outshot 20-40; one of the highest shots games that Teno has been in. They managed to hold off yet another onslaught and only let in 2 goals. Thankfully, with the hard work of their teammates, Saskatoon managed a 5-2 win. The barrage was light but the aim was spot on. Yes, the Saskatoon Wild have been out-shot in ever single game. But what matters, and what we can all see from this game, is that it’s the quality and not quantity of the shots.
    If Saskatoon can keep making quality shots and if Jesse Teno can hold things together in the net, it’s possible that the Wild could make a significant turnaround in the second half of the season.
    538 words for week ending July 17, 2022
  9. Like
    Aimee reacted to Dil in VHL Minecraft SMP IP:   
    Hello friends, there has been some talk of starting up the VHL minecraft server again, so here is a series of polls to figure out how to proceed!
    Whatever the poll results are, the game will run on Minecraft Java Edition on version 1.19
    If you have any other suggestions for the server, please reply below
    EDIT: Server has been setup. IP:
    Since the last poll was close, I went through a few randomly generated ones and picked the best starting spot and moved the spawn to a good place as a compromise between both!
  10. Cheers
    Aimee got a reaction from AJW in A Sad, Sad Interview   
    Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate it. 😃
  11. Like
    Aimee reacted to AJW in A Sad, Sad Interview   
    Being on the last place team sucks I get it, my first team in the VHLM was the same. But your player is great, honestly the main reason Sask won 5 games. You beat us in Houston twice and both times it was because of you lol! Keep earning like you do and move up in the leagues and you’ll see lots of wins in the future. 
  12. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in A Sad, Sad Interview   
    Jesse, sorry to bother you after such a bad week. I promise I won’t take up too much of your time. You’re now 6-15 for your rookie season in the VHLM. Last week a lot was said regarding the shooting you’re facing being a major factor. How do you feel about that?
    I think it’s right. I think if you look at the current stats, I am number one for Shots Against and I’m leading by a large margin too. I’m not blaming the team. They can’t always prevent other players from taking a shot. But there’s only so many times a goalie can face shots like that and manage to stop them.
    And despite that, most games have been quite close and tight. You only let a few get away from you against top teams. But I guess this is taking quite a toll on you, isn’t it?
    Yea it is. It does a lot for a player’s morale when their one job is to stop pucks and the stats are what they are. I knew I would face some real adversity coming here right out of college but I never imagined it going this way. I guess it did feel good to keep those Mexico and Vegas games tight. 
     211 words for week ending July 17
  13. Like
    Aimee reacted to jacobcarson877 in VHLM Power Rankings (25%ish way through)   
    VHLM Power Rankings – Slightly Past the first Quarter
    1. Las Vegas Aces (-)
    Vegas hasn’t gotten any worse, and no one can say they’re at the Aces level yet. If they can grab a 4th D, I’m not sure who could catch them. I figure if I keep writing amazing things about the Aces, the Shindigs jinx will take place. Although as a 2-time Aces Alumni I guess I don’t mind seeing them continue to do well.
    2. Mexico City Kings (+2)
    Mexico has held onto their depth players so far, and as they continue to get better over time, they look like the best option to compete with the Aces. They are getting extraordinary goaltending and great scoring from their top unit. They are currently the top scoring 3rd period team, and it has led to a great campaign so far.
    3. Mississauga Hounds (+2)
    So I really didn’t expect this one. One might notice the work that the MIS bots have put in so far this season, but the team looks significantly better than it did at the start of the season. The (re)-addition of Quinn Clark solidifies the top pairing, and Felix St-Laurent looks like an incredible earner. A couple more players and this team could be a championship contender.
    4. Houston Bulls (-1)
    It isn’t that Houston has gotten any worse, its just that they haven’t gotten better at the same pace as the teams above. I think with another top forward and another D, this team is a lock for the final 4. Their bottom forwards could certainly be worse, but look for them to earn a bit more to keep up with the other top teams.
    5. Philadelphia Reapers (-3)
    I don’t truly believe this team is the 5th best team, but they’re certainly playing like it. They have great skaters, although they could use a few waivers for depth, but their woes seem to be entirely in net. Their goaltender has been earning welfare inconsistently and their build doesn’t seem to have been getting the results the Reapers will need to succeed. They should either be in the market for a top goaltender or pushing for better earning. As I said last time around, they will only go as far as Evan Bihler will take them.
    6. Ottawa Lynx (+4)
    Much better ranking than the last time around. They have recently picked up 2 waiver goaltenders, and that should be able to keep them in the playoff mix. They’ve got a really nice top unit, and hopefully they can get at least one top goaltender from their options and gather some more back-end depth for a push this season.
    7. San Diego Marlins (+1)
    Although the standings strongly disagree with this placement, the Marlins schedule has been incredibly tough to start the season. Since the second week has gone on, San Diego has been splitting and winning sims regularly. Still quality over quantity, and finishing a second unit would make this team a sneaky playoff team.
    8. Halifax 21st (+1)
    The standings have loved Halifax so far. Maybe it knows something that I don’t but I can’t see this team getting anywhere at this point. They have been getting exceptional goaltending, which has kept them close to even in goal differential. Their top unit has been playing well so far, but will need to keep earning to keep up with the other teams. Hopefully they can have some nice pieces for either a firesale or a little playoff bout.
    9. Saskatoon Wild (-3)
    This team once was the epitome of defensive depth, but after some inactivity, the team has shown what it really is. Jesse Teno and Astro Singh have been especially exciting so far, and I hope to see them on a playoff team at some point. A couple waivers and they could have some fun, but don’t expect too much from the Wild this season.
    10. Miami Marauders (-3)
    The longer the Marauders go without picking up a goaltender, the more they fall down my list. I like their top players, but they stand no chance without a goaltender. I actually think this team could compete in the playoffs with even a ~150TPE goaltender. The sooner they get on that, the more likely it is they can save their season.
    719 words idk if I'll claim or not
  14. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Bulduray_1 in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Jesse is doing pretty well considering the circumstances. They have kept most games pretty tight. I think with some more time they will really get a handle on their skills.
    2. I think Nikolas Kauppi ( @Tetricide ) since as of the end of the first week, he had the highest shot percentage at 18.75% which given out low shot numbers, is pretty impressive.
    3. Jesse was feeling frustrated after the first game. So close yet so far with that 5-4 loss. They felt good for being able to keep it such a close game but it was still a disappointment.
    4. Old school Mighty Ducks! But modern, Seattle Kraken. Love me a good teal.
    5. I love traveling. My dream vacation is a cruise up to Canada during the spring or fall. Beautiful colors, great food, and always a fun trip on land.
    6. Hamburgers for sure. But it's gotta have thin sliced swiss.
  15. Fire
    Aimee reacted to Tetricide in Low Points, High Hopes For Kauppi   
    After 16 games, the Saskatoon Wild find themselves near the bottom of the standings. It's been a tough uphill battle for the Wild, but it hasn't broken the spirits of one particular player. Nikolas Kauppi, a forward for the Saskatoon Wild, has 13 points with 4 goals and 9 assists and is here with us today so we can pick his brain a little bit. Welcome to the league, Kauppi! How has the season treated you so far?
    Thank you! I wasn't expecting to get drafted as early as I was, but I'm proud to represent the Saskatoon Wild. The season has definitely been tough for us. Some games have been incredibly frustrating the way we lost, but we still have plenty of opportunities to rise to the top by the time the regular season ends. The season has no mercy for mistakes and I've been learning that the hard way, so I'm working on getting more shots in net and assisting a teammate with a pass so we at least have a chance to make it to playoffs.
    Anything is still possible at this point! Speaking of points, you recorded 3 assists leading up to the Wild's 5th game where you scored your first goal. How did it feel when you saw the puck hit the back of the net?
    There's just absolutely no words to describe everything I was feeling in that moment. It wasn't a home game, so the arena was pretty quiet with the exception of my teammates and the few fans, including my parents, in the stands. It was also my first powerplay goal, but I couldn't have done it without the passing plays from Astro Singh and Robert Overmeyer. 
    That's awesome that your parents were there to see it. I bet they were very proud! Are you proud of your progress so far in the league or do you think there's some room for improvement?
    Oh, man, I have two of the most supportive parents I could ask for! They've been to every game. As far as my performance I'm not gonna lie, I feel it has been pretty disappointing. I think Jesse Teno has given me a little more credit than I deserve in that last press conference. There's definitely a lot of room for improvement on my end and hoping my practice sessions with Singh and Overmeyer help bring my A-Game to every game. I just need to push myself a little more and maybe cut down on the penalties a bit. I'm not doing them intentionally, of course!
    Of course! I don't condone violence, Kauppi! The other guy is just in the wrong place at the wrong time, right?  Also don't be so hard on yourself! I think Teno is right in their praise for your scoring chances for that first week.
    You're right about wrong place, wrong time. Sometimes, my stick just gets caught up in another player's jersey or their face somehow ends up in the boards. I swear that's not on purpose!  You're probably right about me being hard on myself. I can't help it sometimes, but I think it also pushes me to be a better player. Teno's a good person and and even better teammate, so praise from them definitely boosts my ego a little bit.
    What team are you most worried about right now and why?
    The Las Vegas Aces, hands down. They're dominating the league in points and wins. It's kind of funny, actually. The Aces GM was the only one who approached me before the draft with interest in drafting me, but it was the Wild who actually drafted me first. So, now I have more determination to beat them every chance I can get. It's nothing personal against them. If anything, I just help deny league points so someone else gets to the top.
    Wow, if I hadn't known any better I'd say it was personal, but I'll take your word for it! Nikolas Kauppi, thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk with me today. Is there anything you want to say to the folks at home listening in?
    Thanks for having me! I could get used to this whole interview thing. To the people at home, thanks to everyone watching our games. Your support is appreciated! I'm hopeful to see someone with my jersey in the stands one day, and even more-so hopeful to raise the Cup this season!
    743 words, using for PT week ending July 10.
  16. Like
    Aimee reacted to Shindigs in Low Points, High Hopes For Kauppi   
    Those few picks from 30-32 were a heartbreak. The two players I was hoping so bad would still be around at our pick at 33 (I had tried to trade for SSK's pick at 32 earlier, but it was a no-go) was you and Teno (pronouns for Teno is they/them btw). And SSK ended up picking both of you at 30 and 32. With that 30th pick actually being Vegas' pick that was traded to SSK before I took over the team, and the 32nd pick being a pick I had tried to trade for.😅
  17. Like
    Aimee reacted to 8Ovechkin8 in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. I feel good about my performance so far. I feel like I'm doing everything I need to do to help my team and get my name out as a real contender in this draft. 
    2. Jack the Ripper has been pretty awesome so far. I feel like when we turn it around, he will play a huge part in the success the team will have.
    3. Feeling good! I think that I am learning the game a little more each time we play. I want to be able to maximize my assets and skills each time I come out there and with more experience comes better decision making in terms of where to put my efforts.
    4. Vancouver Skate Jersey and this isn't even a debate. Hands down best jersey in the history of the NHL. Logo, colors, a sleek black look. What's not to like?
    5. My team vacation is probably going around Africa. I would like to experience a safari, as well as all the variations of local cuisine. People don't realize how many religions and cultures reside in Africa so there is literally something for anyone. 
    6. Hamburgers. I'm a big dude so I need something that is filling. Hammies all the way. 
  18. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Tetricide in Saskatoon Wild Press Conference   
    1. Jesse is doing pretty well considering the circumstances. They have kept most games pretty tight. I think with some more time they will really get a handle on their skills.
    2. I think Nikolas Kauppi ( @Tetricide ) since as of the end of the first week, he had the highest shot percentage at 18.75% which given out low shot numbers, is pretty impressive.
    3. Jesse was feeling frustrated after the first game. So close yet so far with that 5-4 loss. They felt good for being able to keep it such a close game but it was still a disappointment.
    4. Old school Mighty Ducks! But modern, Seattle Kraken. Love me a good teal.
    5. I love traveling. My dream vacation is a cruise up to Canada during the spring or fall. Beautiful colors, great food, and always a fun trip on land.
    6. Hamburgers for sure. But it's gotta have thin sliced swiss.
  19. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Tetricide in The Saskatoon Struggle   
    S84 seems to be a struggle year for the Saskatoon Wild. A light roster and a 2-8-0 start during their first week probably isn’t where the team had hoped to be. Going into week two of the season, Saskatoon currently sits dead last in their conference and in the overall standings for the VHLM. Not only are they on a 5 game losing streak, but they have the greatest goal differential of any team, -16. Though thankfully goals for the Wild are 3rd to last instead of last here as well with a total of 22 goals.
    So what can Saskatoon do to hopefully turn this season around and just maybe make it a winning one? In the immortal words of every impatient hockey fan - SHOOT THE PUCK! 
    It would seem that Saskatoon’s weakest point is their shooting. Low numbers lead to low production and even against weak teams the Wild struggle to out-shoot anyone. In all first 10 games, Saskatoon has been out-shot every single time. Their biggest gap in shots was game 6 against the Las Vegas Aces where they were out-shot 37-12; a differential of 25 shots. Their closest attempt on the other hand was game 9 against the Ottawa Lynx where the shots were 25-23 with only a differential of 2. Over all 10 games, the most shots Saskatoon had was only 24.
    Overall, Saskatoon was out-shot 2:1 by an average of 14.2 shots per game. Among their first 10 games, their shots only accounted for 35.91% of the total shots taken. Not great numbers and it’s really showing on the scoreboard. Asked about the stats, GM @Bulduray_1 said “We’ve looked at the numbers and we’re not thrilled. But I know our guys can come back from this and have a better season moving forward.”
    That’s not to say, however, that the players are not trying. Astro Singh ( @8Ovechkin8 ) is tied with Morpheus Destructious x2 ( @Abaddon ) to lead the team with 4 goals in the year so far but Astro also leads the team with 7 assists. Nikolas Kauppi ( @Tetricide ) who has 3 goals and 4 assists so far leads the team in shot percentage with 18.75%. Clearly the guys are putting some effort into the season.
    So the question has to be, with players who are capable of shooting and scoring, why does Saskatoon struggle to get the puck on net so much? It’s quite simple actually; the lack of players. With only 6 players and 1 goalie, the Wild have very little man power and those players can only make such an impact. When your team lead shooter is only 31st among shooters, it’s still a sign of a low production team. With very little backup and support, it’s easy to see why Saskatoon cannot produce.
    Another major factor could be that aside from the goalie Jesse Teno ( @aimkin ), Saskatoon’s roster is split between their forwards and defensemen; 3 a piece. Compare that to the current number 1 team Las Vegas Aces who have 7 forwards and 3 defensemen. It really shows in production how much having so few forwards hurts Saskatoon. If they could pour some money into their forward line in trades or during the off season, then perhaps they would have a better chance of making an impact.
    547 words for week ending July 10
  20. Like
    Aimee reacted to youloser1337 in S84 Fantasy Zone - Week 2   
    Btw, payout is max only 4 TPE. Not my decision. Closes on Friday
  21. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Bulduray_1 in The Saskatoon Struggle   
    S84 seems to be a struggle year for the Saskatoon Wild. A light roster and a 2-8-0 start during their first week probably isn’t where the team had hoped to be. Going into week two of the season, Saskatoon currently sits dead last in their conference and in the overall standings for the VHLM. Not only are they on a 5 game losing streak, but they have the greatest goal differential of any team, -16. Though thankfully goals for the Wild are 3rd to last instead of last here as well with a total of 22 goals.
    So what can Saskatoon do to hopefully turn this season around and just maybe make it a winning one? In the immortal words of every impatient hockey fan - SHOOT THE PUCK! 
    It would seem that Saskatoon’s weakest point is their shooting. Low numbers lead to low production and even against weak teams the Wild struggle to out-shoot anyone. In all first 10 games, Saskatoon has been out-shot every single time. Their biggest gap in shots was game 6 against the Las Vegas Aces where they were out-shot 37-12; a differential of 25 shots. Their closest attempt on the other hand was game 9 against the Ottawa Lynx where the shots were 25-23 with only a differential of 2. Over all 10 games, the most shots Saskatoon had was only 24.
    Overall, Saskatoon was out-shot 2:1 by an average of 14.2 shots per game. Among their first 10 games, their shots only accounted for 35.91% of the total shots taken. Not great numbers and it’s really showing on the scoreboard. Asked about the stats, GM @Bulduray_1 said “We’ve looked at the numbers and we’re not thrilled. But I know our guys can come back from this and have a better season moving forward.”
    That’s not to say, however, that the players are not trying. Astro Singh ( @8Ovechkin8 ) is tied with Morpheus Destructious x2 ( @Abaddon ) to lead the team with 4 goals in the year so far but Astro also leads the team with 7 assists. Nikolas Kauppi ( @Tetricide ) who has 3 goals and 4 assists so far leads the team in shot percentage with 18.75%. Clearly the guys are putting some effort into the season.
    So the question has to be, with players who are capable of shooting and scoring, why does Saskatoon struggle to get the puck on net so much? It’s quite simple actually; the lack of players. With only 6 players and 1 goalie, the Wild have very little man power and those players can only make such an impact. When your team lead shooter is only 31st among shooters, it’s still a sign of a low production team. With very little backup and support, it’s easy to see why Saskatoon cannot produce.
    Another major factor could be that aside from the goalie Jesse Teno ( @aimkin ), Saskatoon’s roster is split between their forwards and defensemen; 3 a piece. Compare that to the current number 1 team Las Vegas Aces who have 7 forwards and 3 defensemen. It really shows in production how much having so few forwards hurts Saskatoon. If they could pour some money into their forward line in trades or during the off season, then perhaps they would have a better chance of making an impact.
    547 words for week ending July 10
  22. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Bulduray_1 in Quickie Post Week 1 Interview - Jesse Teno   
    One week and ten games into their first professional season, I sat down for a quick interview with Jesse Teno of the Saskatoon Wild. 
    Jesse, your first week is under your belt. How are you feeling?
    I’m not feeling too bad, actually. I know my team is struggling right now but I think if we just worked on our on-ice production we could be a great team.
    You’ve started every game so far. Do you feel like you’re being overworked?
    Not at all, actually. It always feels great to get the nod each game even if the wins are hard to come by.
    You stated in a previous interview that one of your weakest points was rebounds. It seems you cleaned that up pretty well. Are you happy with your progress?
    Yes, very. I was able to put a lot of work into it not only the week before the season but also this week as well. I think I really managed to reel that in.
    166 words for week ending July 10
  23. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in The Saskatoon Struggle   
    S84 seems to be a struggle year for the Saskatoon Wild. A light roster and a 2-8-0 start during their first week probably isn’t where the team had hoped to be. Going into week two of the season, Saskatoon currently sits dead last in their conference and in the overall standings for the VHLM. Not only are they on a 5 game losing streak, but they have the greatest goal differential of any team, -16. Though thankfully goals for the Wild are 3rd to last instead of last here as well with a total of 22 goals.
    So what can Saskatoon do to hopefully turn this season around and just maybe make it a winning one? In the immortal words of every impatient hockey fan - SHOOT THE PUCK! 
    It would seem that Saskatoon’s weakest point is their shooting. Low numbers lead to low production and even against weak teams the Wild struggle to out-shoot anyone. In all first 10 games, Saskatoon has been out-shot every single time. Their biggest gap in shots was game 6 against the Las Vegas Aces where they were out-shot 37-12; a differential of 25 shots. Their closest attempt on the other hand was game 9 against the Ottawa Lynx where the shots were 25-23 with only a differential of 2. Over all 10 games, the most shots Saskatoon had was only 24.
    Overall, Saskatoon was out-shot 2:1 by an average of 14.2 shots per game. Among their first 10 games, their shots only accounted for 35.91% of the total shots taken. Not great numbers and it’s really showing on the scoreboard. Asked about the stats, GM @Bulduray_1 said “We’ve looked at the numbers and we’re not thrilled. But I know our guys can come back from this and have a better season moving forward.”
    That’s not to say, however, that the players are not trying. Astro Singh ( @8Ovechkin8 ) is tied with Morpheus Destructious x2 ( @Abaddon ) to lead the team with 4 goals in the year so far but Astro also leads the team with 7 assists. Nikolas Kauppi ( @Tetricide ) who has 3 goals and 4 assists so far leads the team in shot percentage with 18.75%. Clearly the guys are putting some effort into the season.
    So the question has to be, with players who are capable of shooting and scoring, why does Saskatoon struggle to get the puck on net so much? It’s quite simple actually; the lack of players. With only 6 players and 1 goalie, the Wild have very little man power and those players can only make such an impact. When your team lead shooter is only 31st among shooters, it’s still a sign of a low production team. With very little backup and support, it’s easy to see why Saskatoon cannot produce.
    Another major factor could be that aside from the goalie Jesse Teno ( @aimkin ), Saskatoon’s roster is split between their forwards and defensemen; 3 a piece. Compare that to the current number 1 team Las Vegas Aces who have 7 forwards and 3 defensemen. It really shows in production how much having so few forwards hurts Saskatoon. If they could pour some money into their forward line in trades or during the off season, then perhaps they would have a better chance of making an impact.
    547 words for week ending July 10
  24. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Shindigs in Quickie Post Week 1 Interview - Jesse Teno   
    One week and ten games into their first professional season, I sat down for a quick interview with Jesse Teno of the Saskatoon Wild. 
    Jesse, your first week is under your belt. How are you feeling?
    I’m not feeling too bad, actually. I know my team is struggling right now but I think if we just worked on our on-ice production we could be a great team.
    You’ve started every game so far. Do you feel like you’re being overworked?
    Not at all, actually. It always feels great to get the nod each game even if the wins are hard to come by.
    You stated in a previous interview that one of your weakest points was rebounds. It seems you cleaned that up pretty well. Are you happy with your progress?
    Yes, very. I was able to put a lot of work into it not only the week before the season but also this week as well. I think I really managed to reel that in.
    166 words for week ending July 10
  25. Like
    Aimee reacted to Shindigs in Bo Johansson Veteran Presence   
    From Rags to Riches
    It feels like only yesterday when Bo Johansson came into the VHLM as an undrafted prospect with little fanfare. But he was dedicated to give it his best, and after landing the sponsorship with Clue Glue™ early in his VHLM due to his amazing flow. More so than his skill at hockey. It lead to his getting opportunities that he never imagined he would have. Top of the line practice facilities and the ability to truly focus on hockey as a full time job for the first time in his life.

    An Evolving Game
    With this new setup his growth skyrocketed, and the previously fully defensive defenseman started to see more and more offense in his game. But despite that he didn't quite know what to expect heading into his first VHL season. He set his sights at 60 points on the season. Other than that there weren't really any plans or goals. So he was equal measure surprised and overjoyed when the Chicago Phoenix named him as their Captain in his rookie season. A role that he took quite seriously and as much as Bo is mostly the kind to lead by example on the ice. He also started picking up a bigger role in the Locker Room.
    "If you have Johansson on your PP unit you should ponder where your life went this wrong, and how to remedy it. NOW!" - Richard McLargeHuge, Head Scout of the ASS (Amateur Scouting Service) S80
    Rising from the Ashes
    With Chicago filling up on new rookies as well as trades in S84 Bo suddenly found himself as one of the veteran players on the team. Still the captain and now a sophomore player it wouldn't do to have a flash in the pan rookie season anymore. He had to continue to work harder than everyone, stay longer in the gym and show the new members of the Phoenix that we will rise from the ashes of S82 and soar to the top of the standings again.
    So Bo was quite distraught when he started the season with 2 points in 4 games. That's not how you lead by example, not at all. So heading into games 5-8 Bo was on a mission, and quite a successful one at that. As he put up a quite mindblowing 15 points in those 4 games. Showing that he has grown into the leadership role that comes both with the letter on his chest and his growing experience in the league.
    A long way left to Go
    So does Bo consider himself a Veteran? No, that's probably a long way out. After having signed a max extension with a NTC earlier in the off-season Bo signaled to everyone that he's in Chicago to stay. Hopefully one day he can look in the mirror and actually see himself as that veteran presence, someone for the younger Phoenix to look up to. But for now Bo's focus in on growing to a point where he feels he deserves the role that has been given to him.

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