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Everything posted by kirbithan

  1. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of April 14th 2024 - April 21st 2024 1. Happy TDL week! What trade surprised you most leading up to it, if any? 2. In your opinion, do you think putting TPE into the LD attribute has any impact on sims? 3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season? 4. Are you a member of any other sim leagues? 5. In the spirit of last week’s theme week: which VHL team is most due for a rebrand? 6. Did your favorite NHL team make the playoffs this year? 7. Connor McDavid has just amassed 100 assists this season! Any thoughts about this feat? 8. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  2. Lachlan Summers - HS
  3. Review: What is there not to love about this Wolves/Canucks mashup? The logo is extremely clean and eye catching with the combination of the yellow and red color combo instead of the typical monochrome we see with the Wolves. The addition of the Canucks skate-style word art and doesn't look garrish or out of place, but complements the logo and adds to it. Overall, extremely well crafted and would love to see this on a full jersey render soon! I expected nothing less from a Frank piece! Rating: 10/10
  4. the NYA are the victims to this rebrand. sorry not sorry.
  5. this media spot made me cackle. great read, my friend!
  6. You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of April 7th 2024 - April 14th 2024 1. Happy theme week, everyone! What do you think of this season’s theme: rebrand? 2. Now that we’re halfway through the season, are we performing as you’ve expected? 3. The rebuild is still going strong. Any draftees in the upcoming class catch your interest to add to our squad? 4. If you had the duties of coming up with a theme week topic, what would you choose for it? 5. How many goals and assists has your player scored this season? 6. Predict the NA and EU conference champion! 7. I went to a San Diego Gulls game last weekend! Have you ever gone to a professional hockey game live? 8. How well would your player fare in an Easter egg hunt?
  7. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of March 31st 2024 - April 7th 2024 1. Happy belated April Fools! Any jokes stick out to you on the forum or elsewhere on April 1st? 2. How big of an impact do you think the STHS tweak to goalies has had so far? 3. How is your VHFL/Super Coach team doing, if participating? If not, any particular reason why you didn’t sign up this season? 4. Did you get your VHL predictions in on time for this season? 5. If your player was an animal, what would they be? 6. What is your favorite thing about the sim league experience? 7. What is your favorite song currently? 8. Have you ever traveled internationally? If so, to what countries?
  8. great read, misty! i definitely have a lot of the same opinions as you when i first joined the league in 2022, now with a player who is about to retire next season. anxiety was also one of the things holding me back before i also decided to full send it and join. can definitely attest to the fact that the people in the league are wonderful! i've made some great friends and it's great that we can all bond over a shared love of hockey! hope to see you stick around.
  9. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of March 24th 2024 - March 31st 2024 1. With one week of sims down, is the team performing as you’ve expected? 2. Who do you predict will be Davos’ MVP this season? 3. What are your thoughts on our current prospect pool? 4. If you are participating, what does your VHFL or Super Coach team look like? If you aren’t participating, any reason why you chose not to sign up this season? 5. What is your most controversial VHL opinion? 6. If Davos had a mascot, what would it look like? 7. What sports do you enjoy watching besides hockey? 8. What was the last video game you played?
  10. love the comic panel overlay on this one! really makes it pop and catches the eye. great artistic choices as usual here, subject! love watching your work evolve.
  11. You may be thinking: another edition of Kirby Rambles already? Yes, that is indeed the case. So buckle your seatbelts because here we go! School’s still been killing me, given this is being written after a week of four exams. I have one more exam tomorrow afternoon and a quiz on Wednesday (don’t procrastinate, kids), then I should be free for spring break next week! It’s a break I have been looking forward to, because I am exhausted, both mentally and physically if I’m being honest. One of the worst parts of it all is that my friends and I all go to different schools, and they decided to stagger all of our breaks so none of us were off at the same time. Wow, thank you, California universities. Absolutely fantastic. On the bright side, went out to brunch for one of my friends’ birthday and the food and service at the place was absolutely amazing. That was something nice to come out of this week, at least. ANYWAYS, back to the VHL-related stuff after that quick rant! Lachlan’s got his first few games as a Warsaw Predator under his belt and it’s looking solid so far, with ten games played on the season and sporting a 7-3-0 record. Save percentage is at .934% with a GAA of 2.48, so not bad at all for an old geezer like this Aussie! No shutouts yet on the season but I’ll be eagerly awaiting the first, and hope I don’t regret picking myself for VHFL this year. But as they say, if you want something done, just do it yourself! I still got a good amount of banked TPE for one last push before Lachlan rides off into the sunset at the TDL next season and I’m excited yet anxious for that. Like I’ve said before, it’ll be bittersweet to part with my first player, who’s made himself a household name, brought home hardware, and helped secure Davos their first Continental Cup in what seems like ages, but it’ll be fun to receive a fresh start and go through the process of being a prospect once more! I truly hope Lachlan will have done enough to secure him a spot in the Hall of Fame. Now wouldn’t that be legendary? Going through the VHLM after picking a team and the entire prospect pipeline is probably one of the most fun things about the VHL and I really enjoyed my first-gen experience (and hopefully I’ll be less nervous about draft interviews now that a fair amount of folks know me and what I can bring to the table). It will also be my first with the new waiver system! Glad that the already hardworking GMs don’t have to bombard all the new player create threads to send their pitch, which definitely saves them a lot of time and energy. I’m still strongly considering building an offensive defenseman but after this season’s recreate class, I’ll see where things stand in terms of position and consult some other opinions to see what would be the best option for me. I’ve learned that I can truly talk a lot when writing these Kirby Rambles media spots and honestly, I think it’s because I just like dumping my opinions and thoughts somewhere where I can revisit them in a few months, maybe a year’s time, and then see how far I’ve come and where I was at at the time of writing. I’ll be signing off for now, folks! Hopefully the next time you hear from me, I’ll actually have the energy of someone my age.
  12. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of March 17th 2024 - March 24th 2024 1. As per tradition, what is your one bold prediction this season? 2. Who do you think will be this season’s league scoring leader? 3. What have you done to keep yourself busy this offseason? 4. What keeps you active and motivated as a member of the VHL? 5. What are your thoughts on meme player names? 6. Are you following the league on its social media platforms? 7. Creamy or crunchy peanut butter? 8. What are your thoughts on reality TV?
  13. this was the most difficult decision in our GM careers for both myself and alex, but our captain this season is. . . @Ahma david jokinen! our first alternate is. . . david jokinen! and our second alternate is. . . david jokinen! it took lots of thinking and discussion to come to a consensus, but davos is extremely pleased with our captaincy core this season. GO DAVID!
  14. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of March 10th 2024 - March 17th 2024 1. We are coming off one of our most busy drafts to date recently! What do you think about the prospects we were able to snag? 2. Describe what it feels like to be a member of Davos in one word! 3. What are your thoughts on the team’s logo? Would there be anything you would change about it? Or bring back a retro logo? 4. Are you going to sign up for VHFL and/or Super Coach this season? 5. What is your favorite part of being a part of a sim league? 6. Were there any moves made at the NHL trade deadline that surprised you? 7. What was your favorite subject in school? 8. Any movies/tv shows/games you are looking forward to this year?
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