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Everything posted by kirbithan

  1. WARSAW, PL — It has been a week since Lachlan Summers, Davos' Cup-winning goaltender and team icon for so many seasons, had been dealt to the Warsaw Predators in a blockbuster deal that saw Davos sending Summers and two 4ths in exchange for Warsaw’s S95 1st round pick, Karl Pedersen, Sunset Moth, and Dwight Shcrute. The move may have come from a surprise to some, but Davos has committed to a full rebuild and had to part with their veteran goaltender. “There’s no hard feelings with the move. I think this was the best decision for both teams and I respect that as a player. I also appreciate that I wasn’t blindsided. I was told about a week in advance about a possible trade and got time to sort of come to terms with that,” commented Summers as he arrived at the Warsaw rink for the first time. Summers had just come off an extremely disappointing 17-40-6 season, with a .922 SV% and 3.04 GAA, although it was no surprise that Davos would struggle during S92 after losing most of their veteran players aside from Summers and fan favorite: captain David Jokinen. “It was an unforgettable run with Davos and I can't thank everyone in the organization enough for my time there, and I just want to play well, no matter what city I’m in. I want to be an asset to the Preds and bring home a championship for the team and the fans. They’ve offered me a warm welcome and I hope to make them proud.”
  2. It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these, and since there’s lots to talk about and catch up on: let’s get this ball rolling! To start, holy crap— college has been kicking my butt. I hate that I haven’t been as active as I would like on the forums and Discord, which really hurts because I’m in that Davos AGM role and don’t want to let the team down, but I know at the end of the day, that getting my degree is my ultimate goal and I know I can’t put my grades on the backburner. On Monday (which is tomorrow at the time that I’m writing this), I have my dreaded three hour night class that runs from 7PM to 10:40 PM and starts with a quiz that I may have been procrastinating studying for. Yay. Good thing is, we only meet in person three times and the class ends mid semester: for the two quizzes and final which is next week, and starts my second hell week of the semester with four exams (send help). This Thursday, I also have a presentation that I have yet to finish, but have written out the script for, luckily, so that’s one less thing to worry about. Asides from college beating me to the ground, there has been a TON of things going on in the VHL, as expected during draft YPE season. Starting with the fact that Lachlan Summers is no longer a member of HC Davos Dynamo. While it was difficult to let him go, it was the best for our team and honestly, at this point, I was looking at this move from more of a GM perspective than a player one. I would have liked to have spent my first player’s career on one team, but he’s aging and Davos is in a rebuild. It makes sense to move him for pieces that can be used for our next cup window. I hope he can secure a place in the Hall of Fame with Warsaw, though that may be more challenging with the changes in goaltending for STHS coming up next season. Only time will tell! Transitioning into said cup window, I’m super stoked about our new prospects from yesterday’s exciting draft (complete with my favorite debate: is a hot dog a sandwich?). We snagged Antonia Bucatini, Forum Content, Aleksanteri Kaskiniemi-Kekkonen, Steve French, Billy Joel, Kendra Cavill, Russell Sprout, Masa Akimoto, Magni Jinn, and Blaze Thunderstrike, which marked our busiest draft since S87! It was exciting to see this was such a first-gen heavy draft and that teams were taking them high, and honestly, first-gens can have some of the highest ceilings of all players, if you take into consideration they may be more active and inclined to earn more than someone who has had two or three players. To round out this Kirby Rambles, I want to express how excited I am to be able to recreate for the first time. I do believe that picking goalie was the best thing I could have done as a first-gen because the TPE allocation isn’t as complicated as the hybrid system so it was easier for me to transition into things. It’s weird to think Lachlan will be retiring at S94’s TDL and that I'll have been a VHL member for two years soon, but I’m excited to bring my next player to the league! I have had my mind set on this since Lachlan was still in the VHLE and have decided to build an offensive defenseman as my next player. I know I’ll need a ton of help, but luckily, there’s many awesome people in the league that I’m sure will be happy to lend their advice! That’s all from me this fine Sunday evening, folks. Hope you have a great week and see you in the next edition of Kirby Rambles!
  3. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of March 3rd 2024 - March 10th 2024 1. We are officially in S93! Any last thoughts in reflection of last season? 2. Draft Day is also almost here, any prospects you want Davos to snag? 3. We are now rolling towards a full rebuild. Which concerns and holes in our team do you believe we should address first? 4. In a bittersweet turn of events, Lachlan Summers has also just been traded in a blockbuster after contributing six seasons to the team! Is he a certified Davos legend? 5. Thoughts on the current trivia system? 6. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 7. If you had a choice, which NHL team would you most like to see live? 8. Speaking of the NHL, what do you think about Fanatics taking control of jersey production next season after the Adidas contract runs out?
  4. kirbithan

    DAV/WAR; S93

    was an unforgettable run with davos! can’t say enough good things about the organization. should be an exciting fresh start with warsaw.
  5. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of February 25th 2024 - March 3rd 2024 1. Have you got London or DC to win the Continental Cup? 2. Is a team’s winning record the best reflection of their success? Or another attribute? 3. Which VHL team is due for a rebrand? 4. What is one suggestion you would offer to make the offseason more interesting? 5. Will you be participating in the ProAm? 6. What is your favorite type of point task to do? 7. Favorite ice cream flavor? 8. Any upcoming films you would like to see this year?
  6. Review: What is there not to love about this graphic? Clean, simple, and gets the job done! I’m always a sucker for poster formats for graphics and the usage of textures here really makes this piece stand out. Super clean jersey swap and text work that doesn’t take away from the focal point of the graphic. The only real nitpick I have with this piece is that the blue of the jersey could have been color matched to the brighter hue of the logo a little bit more. Other than that, amazing work as usual, Subject, and can’t wait to see more! 9/10
  7. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of February 18th 2024 - February 25th 2024 1. Who do you think will be this season’s Continental Cup champion? 2. Malmo has been SWEPT by London! Was this the work of the Victory Cup curse? 3. What was your player’s most impressive stat to end the season? 4. Do you have any ideas for what you want to do for your next player? 5. What do you think about the nine season length of a player’s career? Would you make it shorter? Longer? 6. The NHL trade deadline is looming. Any particular moves you want your favorite team to make? 7. Tell us a random fun fact that you know! 8. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  8. thank you so much all!! couldn’t have made it here without the help of some very awesome people.
  9. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of February 11th 2024 - February 18th 2024 1. THE TANK IS ROLLING. Which prospect are you hoping Davos can snag in this upcoming draft? 2. Who do you believe is our team’s MVP this season? 3. If you participated, how did your VHFL/Super Coach team fare this season? 4. Besides Davos, which VHL/E/M team name/branding stands out most to you? 5. Do you think the VHL could ever expand from 16 teams to more? 6. Have you ever attended an NHL game live before? 7. Thoughts on the outcome of this year’s Super Bowl? Who were you rooting for? 8. Do you currently have any pets? If so, what are their names?
  10. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of February 4th 2024 - February 11th 2024 1. The TDL is upon us and so are the recreates! Have any players/names in particular stood out to you? 2. Should the VHL bring back grading for point tasks? 3. Are you following the league’s social media? 4. Which STHS attribute do you think is most important to dump TPE into when building a player? 5. What would you like to see from your player in the second half of this season? 6. Nikita Kucherov was booed during the All-Star game for his lack of effort during the skills competition. Any thoughts or comments about his behavior? 7. What is your most anticipated upcoming video game for this year? 8. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, or Tekken?
  11. WOO JACOB WOO JILLIAN WOO MARLINS LETS GO super excited to see what jillian has to offer in her new, blossoming career!
  12. Lachlan Summers - HS
  13. this is a BEAUTIFUL graphic! honored to be the player featured and absolutely love the composition, layering, and the little details included like the initials on the mask! amazing work as always and thank you so much, subject!
  14. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of January 28th 2024 - February 4th 2024 1. Well, it’s sufficient to say the tank is on. What are your hopes for our next Cup window? 2. If you could play with any other player in the VHL, active or retired, who would it be? 3. Thoughts on this season’s theme week: All-Star? 4. Speaking of which, what do you think about the draft format for this year’s NHL All-Star game? 5. Which shot is more difficult for a goaltender to stop: a wrist shot or a slapshot? 6. What is one thing you enjoy about sim leagues? 7. Give us a movie, book, or show recommendation! 8. Where was your last vacation?
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