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Everything posted by kirbithan

  1. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of January 14th 2024 - January 21st 2024 1. We have already had a plethora of ups and downs this season, but we continue to push through! What are your thoughts on your player’s performance thus far? 2. What goals do you hope to achieve by the time your current player’s career is over? 3. How did you come up with your VHL forum username? 4. How long have you been a member of the VHL? 5. What are your thoughts on fighting in hockey? Staple of the sport or something that should be phased out entirely? 6. Which VHL team has the worst logo? 7. Tea or coffee? 8. What is the most random object/trinket you have in your room right now?
  2. Not old in the literal sense, since I’m only 21, but seeing as how our latest recruitment drive was a success, it warms my first gen heart to see so many new promising members who will hopefully stick around for the long term! The VHL has changed my life in so many different ways and I thought now was a good time as ever to start reflecting on my journey in the league and how I’ve grown. I have been a member of the illustrious Victory Hockey League for close to a year and a half now, which is insane to think about. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. Like many users, I discovered the VHL in July 2022 through a YouTube ad, particularly on Alyssa Hope’s channel. When it was advertised as a simulation league where you could make your own player and watch them progress from start to finish? I was instantly sold. Well. . . kinda. I ended up stalking the forums after a while later that day, lingering as a mysterious ‘Guest’ user and browsed through the posts and threads I saw. Wow, I thought, people are making awesome graphic designs and writing some awesome works about their players on a consistent weekly basis! Looks a little intimidating, if you ask anyone. There could have been a timeline where I chose NOT to join the VHL and honestly, I can’t even imagine that now that I’m looking back. As someone who has social anxiety in regards to the internet, it was difficult for me to imagine myself fitting in with a bunch of strangers and joining multiple Discord servers for it (as of right now, I’m in 14 different VHL-related servers). But I did it anyway, and thus, Lachlan Summers was born. He was already a pre existing character of mine and despite the dreaded goaltender crisis of the mid-S80s, I would say it worked out great. I came out of my shell and tried to be as active as possible on both the forum and multiple servers and to my elation, everyone was extremely kind and welcoming! My player has also secured multiple individual awards, a Continental Cup, and two Victory Cups with Davos! I was also given the honor of becoming AGM for Davos and have learned a lot under Alex. Speaking of GMs, the ones I have played under have been absolutely fantastic and I can’t express my gratitude for them enough. With Jacob @jacobcarson877 of the Marlins in the M, Mubbles @MubbleFubbles of the Vikings in the E, and Alex @Alex of the Dynamo in the VHL. All three have impacted me positively and I wanted to express my appreciation! Without their kindness, encouragement, and support, I don’t think I would be nearly as engaged as I am now. This gratitude also applies to the many friends and acquaintances I’ve made that keep giving me reasons to explore new techniques with my graphics from admiring their work and seeing what I could improve on for my own, like those of Frank @Frank, Jason @Jason kranz, Sadie @sadie, Subject @Subject056, Triller @Triller and all the other wonderful and talented members we have in the league (we have too many to name!). This extends to those that I have built friendly player rivalries with: my fellow goalie pals Aimkin @aimkin and Animal @animal74! Always fun comparing how our tendies do at the end of each season and celebrate each other’s milestones. Hard to believe my first player is only three seasons away from retirement and I will officially not be considered a first gen anymore. Hopefully Lachlan can ride off into the sunset with at least another Cup and some other accolades, but overall I'm extremely happy with how his career has panned out and my experience in the VHL thus far. Thank you all for reading this edition of Kirby Rambles and I will see you all in the next one!
  3. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of January 7th 2024 - January 14th 2024 1. Are you participating in VHFL, Super Coach, or both this season? 2. What keeps you motivated to earn TPE every week? 3. What is your one bold prediction for our team this season? 4. What is your favorite type of point task to do? 5. If you were GM for the day, what would be the first thing you would do? 6. Do you collect anything (trading cards, action figures, games, etc.)? 7. Thoughts on the recent Jamie Drysdale/Cutter Gauthier trade? 8. Do you speak more than one language? If so, what languages?
  4. i may make this a series. . . who knows?
  5. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of December 31st 2023 - January 7th 2024 1. The first week of the new year is coming to a close! How did you spend your New Year’s eve? 2. S92 will be starting soon! How excited are you on a scale of 1-10? 3. Are you participating in VHFL this season? 4. Do you feel offseasons in the league are too long? 5. We have made quite a few trades in the past few weeks! Any particular move that stands out to you? 6. What is your favorite part about being a part of Davos? 7. Do you watch any other hockey leagues besides the NHL? 8. What do you think is the most important aspect to take into consideration when running a successful sim league?
  6. So. . . I am currently writing this on my phone on New Year’s Eve, which kinda sums up how hectic these past few weeks have been for me, but please bear with me! Lachlan just had his first experience with depreciation this offseason and I can’t say I’m pleased, especially as a first gen. Not that I dislike depreciation as a concept as it does a great job balancing out the league and the latter seasons in a player’s career. But I do mourn the hard-earned TPE that I lost, and this is only the first of four seasons. Technically, I should be able to bank enough TPE with uncapped opportunities and then purchasing fighters, which is a relief. The thought of my player getting worse honestly rattles me, ‘tis but a simple cycle in a player’s career and everyone is in the same boat, at least. With that being said, Lachlan lost 136 TPE, but I was able to save his HS attribute with a Jagr purchase. This means I’m a few seasons away from recreating, though, which is a daunting prospect (no pun intended) in itself! I’ve had the name and render for my next player in mind for a little close to a year now and while I’m excited, it’ll be bittersweet having to see my dear Aussie netminder hang up his skates. Alongside the outstanding career he’s had, Lachlan is well on his way to being a solid HOF candidate alongside his good friend Jesse Teno, which is one of the coolest things ever, hands down! First gen goalers unite. Hopefully I can continue earning consistently enough to fight off old age! Thank you again for joining me for another edition of Kirby Mini Rambles. Happy New Year, everyone!
  7. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of December 24th 2023 - December 31st 2023 1. The offseason is now upon us! What is one suggestion you would have to liven it up? 2. What attribute will you focus on the most this upcoming season? 3. Per tradition, what is your bold prediction for S92? 4. How do you feel about the nine season length for player careers? Would you make it shorter or longer, or is it just right? 5. Which VHL team do you think has the best branding (besides Davos)? 6. How is your favorite NHL team doing so far this season, if you have one? 7. How did you spend your holiday season this year? 8. Do you prefer summer or winter weather?
  8. HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions Week Of December 17th 2023 - December 24th 2023 1. Well. Our playoffs didn’t end the way we hoped. What do you believe we could learn about this experience for next season? 2. Will you be participating in the Pro Am? 3. If you could change one thing about the Davos team branding, what would it be? 4. What is your player’s plans for the holidays? 5. Do you have any way-too-early predictions for next season? 6. What is your current favorite video game? 7. Do you prefer watching TV shows or movies? 8. What is your favorite breakfast food?
  9. happy holidays, everyone! here’s to another successful donation drive. Transaction ID: 6BX95489JF800753T
  10. DAVOS, CH — The DBC is currently here in Davos at the arena of beloved team HC Davos Dynamo, after their playoff exit at the hands of the Helsinki Titans, who were one of their bitter rivals the entire season in the fight for the top of the EU. We were able to catch a few Davos players during locker room cleanout day, including goaltender Lachlan Summers, who has just concluded his fifth season with the team and firmly establishing himself as a grizzled veteran. “I don’t know what you want me to say, honestly. It sucks to go out in the first round like that, but we put up a hell of a fight against Helsinki and I couldn’t be prouder of what this team has accomplished,” said Summers with a firm nod. “I just wish we could’ve given Pete, Thunder, and Leandro a brighter send off.” He was also asked what his plans were for the near future, as his contract expires in two seasons. “I’m not too worried about that right now. More focused on staying healthy for next season and regulating my potassium consumption like I have for the past nine years.” What does the future hold for Lachlan Summers? We can only eagerly await the answer.
  11. — Welcome to Lachlan Summers’ S91 recap with your host Kirby! This was another solid year for everyone’s favorite Australian netminder. However, he unfortunately took a step back in terms of stats from his multi-award-winning season just a year ago, but that didn’t mean his performance was something to overlook. At the end of the 91st season of the Victory Hockey League’s existence, Lachlan had helped lead HC Davos Dynamo secure their second Victory Cup in a row, after one of the longest droughts in VHL history! They managed to edge out the Riga Reign by a single point after a rough start to the season for the Dynamo, but they were able to right the ship and finish atop the competitive EU conference and the entire league once more. Lachlan concluded his fifth season (holy crap, already?!) and his fourth as Davos’ starter with 64 games played, sporting a 46-12-6 record. He finished with a .933 SV% and 2.24 GAA with 5 shutouts, and while these stats were not as insane as his previous season, this was still a competitive season for Lachlan that will have him battling for awards with the likes of Jesse Teno (his close friend and rival), Joel Castle (A fellow S86 standout who has blossomed into a stud and another rival), Henry Tucker Jr. (longtime goalie for Riga), and Art Vandelay (art vandelay). Unfortunately, there was a roadblock during Davos’ first series in the form of the Helsinki Titans, who had been a thorn in their side the entire season. Although VSN predicted that Davos would take the series in 7, the Davids were ousted in 6 games, much to the team’s chagrin, as it was the final season of the likes of Pete Mitchell, Jake Thunder, and Leandro Goncalves. Lachlan concluded the series with a 2-3-1 record, a .925 SV%, 3.08 GAA and no shutouts. It was a difficult series for the Aussie and he was well aware his performance was not up to par with the standards that have been set by the Davos team and staff. Now they must work hard to stay competitive and start to rebuild the team in the coming seasons. This is also the first offseason where Lachlan is facing depreciation since he will now be going into his sixth season (that is so strange to think that he’s been around for this long) and I have been forced to spend hard-earned contract money on my first and certainly not last Jagr to save his HS attribute. It pains me that he’s already considered an aging player and will be approaching retirement in the next few seasons, but with how he’s stayed consistently solid throughout his tenure in the VHL and with Davos, I don’t expect that to change, even with a new core of players next season. I am fully confident that Lachlan will stay in top goalering form and help keep Davos near the top of the standings. It’s still hard to believe I have to worry about banking more TPE for depreciation now, but all good things must come to an end eventually. But today is not that day! Thanks everyone for coming to this season’s recap and I’ll see y’all again soon!
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