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  1. Like
    Triller reacted to Gaikoku-hito for a status update,   
  2. Like
    Triller reacted to The goat of hockey for a status update, merry christmas   
    merry christmas
  3. Like
    Triller reacted to Tetricide for a status update, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!   
  4. Like
    Triller reacted to Ricer13 for a status update, Happy Holidays VHL Family!   
    Happy Holidays VHL Family!
  5. Cheers
    Triller got a reaction from sadie for a status update, Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are enjoying it with someone you love!   
    Happy Holidays everyone!  I hope you are enjoying it with someone you love!
  6. Like
    Triller reacted to Girts for a status update, We are the Champs!   
    We are the Champs! 
  7. Like
    Triller reacted to SleepyPlayz for a status update, Wow, Martinez scored his first goal!   
    Wow, Martinez scored his first goal! 
  8. Fire
    Triller reacted to SleepyPlayz for a status update, Martinez played his first 2 games today! Games 301 and 307, he didn't do much but pla   
    Martinez played his first 2 games today! Games 301 and 307, he didn't do much but playing time! I get to watch my creation play games! 
  9. Like
    Triller reacted to SleepyPlayz for a status update, Wow, they actually show status updates here! I might use this little timeline for rol   
    Wow, they actually show status updates here! I might use this little timeline for roleplay purposes! If you see something about Agustin Martinez, ignore it unless you want to keep up with my player's career!
  10. Haha
    Triller reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, ucy doesn't take Ls anymore?   
    ucy doesn't take Ls anymore?
  11. Like
    Triller reacted to AJW for a status update, Goodbye for a while VHL 🤝 Best of luck to every Houston Bulls team to hit the ice. Th   
    Goodbye for a while VHL 🤝 Best of luck to every Houston Bulls team to hit the ice. Thank you for all the memories these past 3 years, changes need to happen for myself.
  12. Fire
    Triller reacted to Berocka for a status update, My guess for the bday party a huge block of text from Beketov giving everyone 6 free   
    My guess for the bday party a huge block of text from Beketov giving everyone 6 free tpe if they comment there best present they ever received and a triples week for a total of 18 free tpe
  13. Fire
    Triller reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, Happy 4th VHL birthday to me!   
    Happy 4th VHL birthday to me!
  14. Sad
    Triller reacted to Aimee for a status update, Tomorrow I will have my first recreate. I can't believe I'm saying goodbye to Teno.   
    Tomorrow I will have my first recreate. I can't believe I'm saying goodbye to Teno.
  15. Like
    Triller got a reaction from Subject056 for a status update, I am more addicted to the forums that I initially thought. The absence proved it to m   
    I am more addicted to the forums that I initially thought.  The absence proved it to me.
  16. Like
    Triller got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, I am more addicted to the forums that I initially thought. The absence proved it to m   
    I am more addicted to the forums that I initially thought.  The absence proved it to me.
  17. Like
    Triller got a reaction from Aimee for a status update, I am more addicted to the forums that I initially thought. The absence proved it to m   
    I am more addicted to the forums that I initially thought.  The absence proved it to me.
  18. Fire
    Triller reacted to AJW for a status update, @jacobcarson877 and @Daniel Janser have been the GOATs of updating these past few wee   
    @jacobcarson877 and @Daniel Janser have been the GOATs of updating these past few weeks 👏🐐 Thanks for the quick work gents
  19. Fire
    Triller reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, United Forever!   
    United Forever!
  20. Fire
    Triller reacted to The goat of hockey for a status update, Just scored my first point in game vs reapers lets go   
    Just scored my first point in game vs reapers lets go
  21. Fire
    Triller reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, and that's a wrap on Landon Wolanin. Thanks for the last 2 years everyone!   
    and that's a wrap on Landon Wolanin. Thanks for the last 2 years everyone!
  22. Like
    Triller reacted to Aimee for a status update, Re-read my latest .com and realized my quality of writing has dropped. I think the st   
    Re-read my latest .com and realized my quality of writing has dropped. I think the stress from the wedding planning has just zapped me of any ability to write normal. 
  23. Like
    Triller reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, I keep hitting the middle of the week and craving more TPE, so I write the next week'   
    I keep hitting the middle of the week and craving more TPE, so I write the next week's content, and then I have nothing to do the next week and I crave TPE all week. It's a vicious cycle.
  24. Like
    Triller reacted to jacobcarson877 for a status update, 1900TPE in the books, on the hunt for a few (hundred) more!   
    1900TPE in the books, on the hunt for a few (hundred) more!
  25. Fire
    Triller reacted to Masu Chan for a status update, Just noticed September 1st 2021 was when I joined this league. It's been 2 years!   
    Just noticed September 1st 2021 was when I joined this league. It's been 2 years!
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