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  1. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1) No, rooms full of leaders! Excited to get things going this season! 
    2) No, I think we just have to find our grove. Big games coming up against Calgary! 
    3) Time will tell, they definitely have a solid squad. Goaltending has been good for them, but I can’t see that lasting. 
    4) I like the changes, seems to be more user friendly and I like the “night” or dark mode. 
    5) Near the top, tough start, but things are looking up! 
    6) Nine fingers has been a stud, dunno if that surprising though. Hoping Rip can build on solid back to back outings. I think my TPE output has probably been most surprising to a few mopes (Scurvy/Thunder!) haha 
    7) Yeah, I was in high school during the big Nisqually earth quake back in early 2000s. Pretty scary, especially on the 3rd floor of an old crappy high school building. Felt like the earth turned into the ocean, everything rolling and rocking! 
  2. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Smarch in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1) No, rooms full of leaders! Excited to get things going this season! 
    2) No, I think we just have to find our grove. Big games coming up against Calgary! 
    3) Time will tell, they definitely have a solid squad. Goaltending has been good for them, but I can’t see that lasting. 
    4) I like the changes, seems to be more user friendly and I like the “night” or dark mode. 
    5) Near the top, tough start, but things are looking up! 
    6) Nine fingers has been a stud, dunno if that surprising though. Hoping Rip can build on solid back to back outings. I think my TPE output has probably been most surprising to a few mopes (Scurvy/Thunder!) haha 
    7) Yeah, I was in high school during the big Nisqually earth quake back in early 2000s. Pretty scary, especially on the 3rd floor of an old crappy high school building. Felt like the earth turned into the ocean, everything rolling and rocking! 
  3. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Smarch in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:    
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  4. Fire
    ScottyP got a reaction from Thunder in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:    
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  5. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Smarch in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:   
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  6. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Frank in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:   
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  7. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:   
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  8. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Scurvy in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:   
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  9. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Thunder in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet:   
    Vancouver Wolves Press Conference - June 1, 2024 TSN Sportsnet: 
    Moderator: Thank you all for joining us today. Here with us today is Vancouver Wolves winger Rip Wheeler to address some questions regarding the team's recent performance so far in season of the Victory Hockey League. Ripper, the floor is yours.
    Rip Wheeler: Hey uh, yeah, thanks, uh everyone for taking the time. Feels a bit like a firing squad sittin’ uh up here…but uh, let’s go to it! Look, you know uh, let's not sugarcoat it. We haven't gotten off to the uh, start we were hoping for this season. You know uh, we've faced some tough opponents, but uh, that's the VHL, solid clubs top to uh bottom. Point blank period, our excuses don't win games, and right now uh, our execution simply hasn't been uh, where it needs to be.
    Reporter 1: Rip, some fans are pointing fingers directly at you for the lack of production on the ice. How are you addressing that within the room?
    Rip: Look baud, We have a big ‘Ol mirror in the locker room, and we're all taking a long look right now. Myself included. I was brought it to get the boys going and produce offensively and uh ya know, I take responsibility the lack of performance. We have a strong leadership group led by Cally, Frenchie and Niners, and we're having some tough conversations about what's not working. Things haven’t gotten physical, but it’s been close buddy…We need to be better at uh, ya know holding each other accountable, myself first and uh foremost. 
    Reporter 2: There seems to be a lack of chemistry on some lines. Is there any consideration for shaking things up?
    Rip: That’s way above Ol Rippers pay grade baud…Coach will make those decisions, but yeah, we're definitely looking at some uh, line combinations in practice. Sometimes a fresh look can spark something new and light a fire under But at the end of the day, it's uh, not about who's playing on what line, ya know it's about each player doing their job within the system.
    Reporter 3: Rip, some critics are saying this team lacks the grit it used to have. How do you respond to that?
    Rip: First off, I take exception to that question…especially as one of the off season addition’s. If you wanna call me out, take a shot baud! I’ll drop the mits with anyone, on or off the ice pal!
    Look, the guys in the uh, room have a ton of heart. We uh yah know, wouldn't be here if we didn't. Maybe we're not throwing our bodies around as much, but damn man, the game has changed, it’s gotten softer that’s just uh ya know, the facts…but it’s also gotten faster and more skilled. We need to figure out ways to be physical within the new tiki tac rules. We’ve uh got a bunch of meat eaters on the club man, and we uh play on that uh edge…But, I’ll be the first to uh admit ya know uh, there's no question, we need to bring that edge, that desperation to win ya know, every battle, every single night.
    Reporter 4: There's been a lot of talk about frustration amongst the fans. What message do you have for them?
    Rip: I understand their frustration. We share it. Everyone, the boys in the room included want to see the Wolves play winning hockey. We uh, owe it to our fans, to uh this city, to ya know turn things around. And let me assure you, we're working our asses off to do just that. We love the crazy riot type atmosphere and the continued support….ya uh, we uh need them behind us now more than ever.
    Reporter 5: Rip, is there a specific area where you think the team needs to improve the most?
    Rip: It's a combo uh ya know of play in all three zones. We need to be better defensively. We're giving up too many easy chances in the D zone. Offensively, we need to be more uh, creative. We're ya k o uh, not generating enough high-quality looks, and not hitting the net like we should be. And in the middle of the uh rink, we’re not clogging it up and taking away uh the space from the other teams. Bottom line is we gotta uh, ya know put more pucks in net and on the back end support my boy Dalkr between the pipes. 

    Moderator: Thank you, Rip, for your time.
    Rip: Thanks guys. Ya know, We'll be back on track, uh i can tell ya that. We uh, know we can do it and just need that continued uhh support from Van City and the uh fans around Canada. We’ll get ‘er goin, that’s a promise. Rip, out. 
    805 words 
    600 - Media Spot 
    205 - VHL.com Article 
  10. Cheers
    ScottyP reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S94 Vancouver Wolves Captains   
    Vancouver Wolves Captains
    After a quick incident in the Vancouver Wolves locker room this morning when it was suggested that the team would only vote for an assistant captain this season. Not mentioning any names but a veteran player gabbed a rookie member of the team and flipping her upside down with her head between his legs with the threat of completing a signature Tombstone piledriver on her if the AGM @Gaikoku-hito didn`t open up the voting to have all members available to be Captain and assistant Captains also rumored to have added,” The last time I was Captain I won the cup!! Just saying”

    Where was the General manager @Frank when this was all taking place? Well, in the corner drinking Soju of course finding the whole events rather entertaining to say the least. To save the life of said rookie the AGM @Gaikoku-hito was forced to allow the team to vote for this season Captains.
    Here are the final results:
    Congratulations to this years Captains and assistants; remember you will be held accountable or rewards based on the season results.

    Now lets get the job done!!
    @Frank@OrbitingDeath @Noodle Enjoyer@Scurvy@traphag@Smarch@ScottyP@Subject056@Girts@okochastar@Beketov@KaleebtheMighty@Thunder@Trepagoat@Demko@ethan tustain
    *Note: Events of today’s actives in the LR might be exaggerated or even fabricated for purpose of entertainment as the AGM is also known to be a bit of a Joker!! Also note no rookies were harmed in the LR wrestling incident early today. Can we also start the season before the wolves tear each other apart out of boredom as I cannot take Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts continuing to gift Rip Wheeler @ScottyP in apology over a single fight last season!!
  11. Love
    ScottyP reacted to Girts in Ninefingers Card   
  12. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Smarch in TSN 1040 AM - VHL Season 94 Training Camp Spotlight: Rip Wheeler   
    TSN 1040 AM - VHL Season 94 Training Camp Spotlight: Rip Wheeler
    Host: Welcome back to TSN 1040 AM Training Camp Radio! Today we've got a very special guest joining us live from the Wolves' practice rink - it's the one and only, Rip Wheeler! How's training camp treating you this year, Rip?
    Rip: What’s up brother?! ☝️(Tuesday! Tuesday!)…man’s, It's always a grind out here ya know uh, but that's what gets you ready for the season, right? You know uh, Frank is pushing us hard, but that's what we need. Iron sharpens iron baud, ya know? We've uh, got a some new faces in the, uh locker room this year me included, and uh, so building that chemistry with the boys is a big focus.
    Host: That's a great point. You guys brought in some big names this offseason including yourself. How do you think that will impact the team dynamic?
    Rip: First off, ya know, I gotta give a special Rippy Dubs shoutout! Damn!…what a huge pick up in the draft, Bollos de Trueno…aka the baker, aka buns of thunder! What a beauty! Excited to uhh, watch him destroy the E and be up with the big club in no time!
    Second buddy, I’m well known as a “T-Triple G”... that’s “Team Guy, Glue Guy” for those that don’t uh, know…yeah, so The boys had a good thing going last season, but you uh, ya know uh, in this league, you gotta have a short memory. I know uh, ya know uh the new guys are gonna bring that dougie fresh energy baud! It's going to be legit to see how it all comes together. And I personally, ya know uh I can’t wait to get out there and do what I do! 
    Host: Speaking of new energy, there's been a lot of buzz around last year’s rookie of the year runner up, Logan Ninefingers. What kind of impression has he made on you veterans?
    Rip: Ol’ Niners got some serious talent, and he’s not afraid to ya know uh, throw his weight around for the boys. He's got a knack for putting the puck in the net. But what's really impressed me is his work ethic. He’s a total rat to play against, and I’m, you know I’m happy to uh, not have to muck it up against him this year! He doesn't shy away from the battle areas, even going up against guys twice his size, and guys with all ten fingers! He’s a dog, straight up…he wants to win, he uh, ya know wants to bang and uh, that's the kind of attitude that's contagious.
    Host: We all saw the highlight clip of him going toe-to-toe with you in practice the other day. Any pointers for the young guy?
    Rip: Someone leaked that out huh?! Well first baud, I don’t think “toe to toe” is super accurate…he wanted the smoke, and now he knows…I look at him like a little brother ya know? But uh, yeah a little healthy competition never hurt anyone! And uh ya know, Logan has got all the tools. Just needs to keep his head down, nose to the grindstone, one day at a time and uh work hard, and listen to the coaches and the boys in the room. 
    Host: Shifting gears a bit, you've are quickly becoming a fan favorite here in Vancouver…What's your relationship with the city like?
    Rip: Vancouver has been nothing but good to me. The fans here are incredible, a riot really. Don’t think I’ve paid for a beer since I’ve been here! They're loud, they're uh, ya know passionate, and they know their hockey for sure. They make coming to the rink every day, even for practice a a wild experience. We uh, owe it to them to bring home that, uh Continental Cup trophy home! 
    Host: I see what you did there Rip…moving on, which brings us to the upcoming season. What are your expectations for the Wolves this year?
    Rip: We've got a bunch of ya one uh, talent in the room…a deep roster, and a hunger to win. The Frenchmen is a total stud, we also got Oaksie, Laz, Marty and Niner up front…all gamers…Slates, Gavi, Lefty, Cally on the back end, ya know, studs in their own right…and with Dalker in between the pipes, what a beauty!…feels ya know uh, almost like an all star team! Lots of credit goes to the brass, Frank and Gaikoku-hito…this guys really put together a group that’s built to win. This year, ya know uh, up and down the roster, we're coming in with a championship mentality. Season 94, ya know, it won't be easy, but we're ready to put in uh, the hard work to uh, be the last team standing at the end. 
    Host: Sounds like a confident bunch in that locker room. We are excited to see what the Wolves can do this season. Thanks for joining us today, Rip, and best of luck on the ice!
    Rip: Thanks for having me baud, i always love talking to my fans, even you hosers in the media..Now, if you'll excuse me, Logan’s taking me out to Earls and the Roxy, the pappys is gonna flow!…Frank told us ya know uh, this is last weekend out before ya know uh, getting back in total grind mode baud! 
    894 words total. 
    - 600 for Media spot 
    - 294 for VHL.com article 
  13. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Scurvy in TSN 1040 AM - VHL Season 94 Training Camp Spotlight: Rip Wheeler   
    @Scurvy @Thunder
  14. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Thunder in TSN 1040 AM - VHL Season 94 Training Camp Spotlight: Rip Wheeler   
    TSN 1040 AM - VHL Season 94 Training Camp Spotlight: Rip Wheeler
    Host: Welcome back to TSN 1040 AM Training Camp Radio! Today we've got a very special guest joining us live from the Wolves' practice rink - it's the one and only, Rip Wheeler! How's training camp treating you this year, Rip?
    Rip: What’s up brother?! ☝️(Tuesday! Tuesday!)…man’s, It's always a grind out here ya know uh, but that's what gets you ready for the season, right? You know uh, Frank is pushing us hard, but that's what we need. Iron sharpens iron baud, ya know? We've uh, got a some new faces in the, uh locker room this year me included, and uh, so building that chemistry with the boys is a big focus.
    Host: That's a great point. You guys brought in some big names this offseason including yourself. How do you think that will impact the team dynamic?
    Rip: First off, ya know, I gotta give a special Rippy Dubs shoutout! Damn!…what a huge pick up in the draft, Bollos de Trueno…aka the baker, aka buns of thunder! What a beauty! Excited to uhh, watch him destroy the E and be up with the big club in no time!
    Second buddy, I’m well known as a “T-Triple G”... that’s “Team Guy, Glue Guy” for those that don’t uh, know…yeah, so The boys had a good thing going last season, but you uh, ya know uh, in this league, you gotta have a short memory. I know uh, ya know uh the new guys are gonna bring that dougie fresh energy baud! It's going to be legit to see how it all comes together. And I personally, ya know uh I can’t wait to get out there and do what I do! 
    Host: Speaking of new energy, there's been a lot of buzz around last year’s rookie of the year runner up, Logan Ninefingers. What kind of impression has he made on you veterans?
    Rip: Ol’ Niners got some serious talent, and he’s not afraid to ya know uh, throw his weight around for the boys. He's got a knack for putting the puck in the net. But what's really impressed me is his work ethic. He’s a total rat to play against, and I’m, you know I’m happy to uh, not have to muck it up against him this year! He doesn't shy away from the battle areas, even going up against guys twice his size, and guys with all ten fingers! He’s a dog, straight up…he wants to win, he uh, ya know wants to bang and uh, that's the kind of attitude that's contagious.
    Host: We all saw the highlight clip of him going toe-to-toe with you in practice the other day. Any pointers for the young guy?
    Rip: Someone leaked that out huh?! Well first baud, I don’t think “toe to toe” is super accurate…he wanted the smoke, and now he knows…I look at him like a little brother ya know? But uh, yeah a little healthy competition never hurt anyone! And uh ya know, Logan has got all the tools. Just needs to keep his head down, nose to the grindstone, one day at a time and uh work hard, and listen to the coaches and the boys in the room. 
    Host: Shifting gears a bit, you've are quickly becoming a fan favorite here in Vancouver…What's your relationship with the city like?
    Rip: Vancouver has been nothing but good to me. The fans here are incredible, a riot really. Don’t think I’ve paid for a beer since I’ve been here! They're loud, they're uh, ya know passionate, and they know their hockey for sure. They make coming to the rink every day, even for practice a a wild experience. We uh, owe it to them to bring home that, uh Continental Cup trophy home! 
    Host: I see what you did there Rip…moving on, which brings us to the upcoming season. What are your expectations for the Wolves this year?
    Rip: We've got a bunch of ya one uh, talent in the room…a deep roster, and a hunger to win. The Frenchmen is a total stud, we also got Oaksie, Laz, Marty and Niner up front…all gamers…Slates, Gavi, Lefty, Cally on the back end, ya know, studs in their own right…and with Dalker in between the pipes, what a beauty!…feels ya know uh, almost like an all star team! Lots of credit goes to the brass, Frank and Gaikoku-hito…this guys really put together a group that’s built to win. This year, ya know uh, up and down the roster, we're coming in with a championship mentality. Season 94, ya know, it won't be easy, but we're ready to put in uh, the hard work to uh, be the last team standing at the end. 
    Host: Sounds like a confident bunch in that locker room. We are excited to see what the Wolves can do this season. Thanks for joining us today, Rip, and best of luck on the ice!
    Rip: Thanks for having me baud, i always love talking to my fans, even you hosers in the media..Now, if you'll excuse me, Logan’s taking me out to Earls and the Roxy, the pappys is gonna flow!…Frank told us ya know uh, this is last weekend out before ya know uh, getting back in total grind mode baud! 
    894 words total. 
    - 600 for Media spot 
    - 294 for VHL.com article 
  15. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Thunder in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1) No…both are great players…especially excited for Thunder! 
    2) Iron sharpens iron! I don’t think they’ll be a controversy, but hopefully a little competition with bring out the best in everyone! 
    3) Every closed door is a new opportunity to smash it open! Make the best of whatever team you go through. 
    4) I did not, having Sharky bust my balls more would probably help. 
    5) Same as #4. 
    6) No, I’ll look into it though! 
    7) Why is sharky aka thunder so obsessed with throwing stones at the king (rip)…his player isn’t even in the show yet and he’s the biggest hater I know! 
  16. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1) No…both are great players…especially excited for Thunder! 
    2) Iron sharpens iron! I don’t think they’ll be a controversy, but hopefully a little competition with bring out the best in everyone! 
    3) Every closed door is a new opportunity to smash it open! Make the best of whatever team you go through. 
    4) I did not, having Sharky bust my balls more would probably help. 
    5) Same as #4. 
    6) No, I’ll look into it though! 
    7) Why is sharky aka thunder so obsessed with throwing stones at the king (rip)…his player isn’t even in the show yet and he’s the biggest hater I know! 
  17. Haha
    ScottyP reacted to Thunder in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1.     Did you actively take part in watching this season VHL draft? And what did you think about the two players that Vancouver selected?
    I got onto twitch late because my fat ass was late coming home from the fruit stand and by the time I got on, the picks were in for Vancouver.  As far as the picks, I think Frank is taking a big risk picking Bollos de Trueno before Soju.  
    2.     Broadcaster mentioned Goaltending controversy likely coming to the Vancouver Wolves due to our second pick of Soju; Do think this will be the situations? Why or Why not?
    No, I think there is a good reason Frank picked Soju and things will work out real good for Vancouver with however it plays out.  Other than Dalkr Vidarsson having a long fricking name that makes it hard to spell, I think Frank will make sure Dalkr is successful with Vancouver.
    3.     Broadcaster also mentioned this AGM being disappointed or should be put out when his player was selected 3rd overall since he bleeds black & grey of the Wolves? Do you think this is situation that this AGM is disappointed and should managers be disappointed when they are drafted to a different team than the team that they are managing?
    There’s a reason Pierre was selected 3rd in VHL and 1st in VHLE, he’s a stud.  He should have been picked 1st overall.  As far as disappointed, yeah, he should be disappointed for being such a high caliber player!!  I can say this because my player got on Vancouver!!  But at least Trueno and Pierre get to play on Bratislava together for a season.  Who knows, Frank might be wheeling and dealing to get Pierre where he belongs, Vancouver.  Scurvy said Frank’s a magician.
    4.     Did anyone actively take part in the ProAM tournament or even know it was happening? What is a better way to make this tournament more engaging?
    I signed up and tried to pay attention to what was going on.  I look at it multiple times a day when I jump on discord.
    5.     JST is another interesting tournament that took place as it does most off-season and while I feel like it is a good idea to have a tournament to keep interest in new members higher, It feels like it is starting to fall flat. How would try to bring interest back into the JST tournament and what would you change?
    Maybe have it so that its not an extra sign up and all the juniors are in it.  I dont know…. 
    6.     WJC championship should have kicked off by now so are you actively following the tournament or any of the prospects in the tournament? Which team in any or which prospect if any?
    I look at it every time I get on discord.  There’s so much to look at these days!!  Team World of course!!
    7.     Bonus: Since I am being lazy this week, tell me what would be a great article for the VSN to cover during the off-season Or an article that might be interesting topic to cover in the future? Why?
    Are you a VSN writer too?  Well here’s a good one for you that could be interesting…. Why is Rip Wheeler so fickle with earning TPE.  Talks with a forked tongue and promises to start earning but he’s got pussy on the brain and can’t seem to get his hands off her long enough to build his player like he should be.  If VHL was a virtual sex game, he’d win every trophy.
  18. Like
    ScottyP got a reaction from Thunder in “Guess Who’s Back, Back, Back, Back Again”   
    As the off-season starts before season 94 began, Ol’ Rip Wheeler found himself in a rut after his brother from another mother, John Jameson retired. Prague was eliminated from the playoffs and everyone went home to rest.  Rip had his best season being surrounded by the stud players of the Prague Phantoms and he looked at his future with the team and contemplated a position change.  Wheeler was sitting in his 1980’s bean bag chair with a plate of White Castle cheese burgers on the one side, and a half empty bottle of Buffalo Trace on the other side of the sweat stained fake leather upholstery.  He was watching a rerun of Yellowstone Season 4 when he got a call from @Frank, Vancouver Wolves GM. Rip was headed back to North America, to the country where his VHL journey began…the great white north! 
    Rip Wheeler took the next thing smokin’ to Vancouver and met with Frank.  He soon found himself in a new uniform, a new locker room, and with a new focus.  Wheeler went to his hotel happy but soon realized he had to get his shit in order if he wanted to stay in the Wolfpack. Logan Ninefingers @scurvy, called him and told him to be downstairs in 5 minutes for a morning work out. Rip knows Ninefingers well and came down in Jorts and a Stetson because he was under the impression the “workout” was gonna be at the local whiskey bar…Unbeknownst to Wheeler, they were headed to Golds Gym for an “old school” workout. Wheeler left Gold’s two and a half hours later with dead legs and sore arms….even yacking in the bathroom trash can! Ninefingers took Rip to get some pedialite, and find his sense of purpose in life. 
    After a few weeks of pumping iron with the man who’s missing a finger (ninefingers), Rip had new attitude and was hitting the gym hard in preparation for a successful season VHL 94, and he’s even given up on the Buffalo Trace.  Rips the first one at the arena every morning and stays late every night working on his stick skills, and shots from the slot. Ninefingers has agreed to take the lanky, gangly armed Wheeler under his wings and has promised that Wheeler will improve. The motto has been “the beatings will stop, when the cardio and the wrist shot improves”. 
    As Rippy Dubs left the rink and stepped outside to his custom “Wolf Grey Harley”, he found himself amongst a group of hockey fanatics. The interaction went down something like this:
    Fan #1 - “Hey, I know you, you’re Rip Wheeler, you came from Prague.  Are you going to do as good for us as you did for the Phantoms?”
    Rip Wheeler - “You know baud…I do what I do.  You know uh, come by will call on the first game and uh tell them Rip has some uh tickets for you.  I got ya baud….I’m always looking out for the boys.”
    Fan #1 - “Wow Mr. Rip, thank you.  I’m gonna be just like you when I grow up.”
    Rip Wheeler - “You do what you do…like I do what I do…you know, uh, when I hop outta bed…I put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else…but uh, ya know buddy…the difference is when I hit the wash room, I piss excellence!”
    Fan #2 - “Mr Rip, what’s up Brother?…can I have tickets too?  I’m a left winger too and I think you’re the legit.”
    Rip Wheeler - “What’s up Brother?! Special teams, special plays. special players…Tuesday, Tuesday! Damn Son, you know it.  I’ll hook you up with some uh, ya know some uh sweet tickets too.  In fact, how many of the boys ya got standing here?”
    Rip Wheeler begins to count the fans who have circled around him. “Uh, one, two, three, four, five, six, uh, uh, uh.”
    Fan #2 - “Seven?”
    Rip Wheeler - “Yeah, that’s it baud. Seven.  I will get y’all boys all tickets for the first game.  You guys are absolute beauties! Come down to the rink and see Ol’ Rip light up that lamp bar-downski…sitting right uh, ya know behind the tendy.”
    All the fans can be heard cheering and chanting  “Rip! Rip! Rip!” as Wheeler walks away.  Rip throws in an upper decky, turns and gives them the Vancouver hand (🖖) gesture and yells, “NO Ragrets.” Rip has the makings of quickly becoming a fan favorite! But, only time will tell if his hopes and dreams will come to fruition. 
    758 words - 500 Media Spot / 158 VHL.com Article
  19. Haha
  20. Cheers
  21. Haha
    ScottyP reacted to Thunder in Wheeler has “No Ragrets”   
    Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP is on vacation after coming off his best season in the VHL.  Prague GM @Tetricide, received Wheeler in a trade with Calgary at the beginning of season 93.  Tetricide sat down with Wheeler and had a heart to heart talk with the talented winger.  Leaving the interview Tetricide could not get Wheeler’s credo out of his mind, “NO RAGRETS” and Tetricide knew he’d get the best out of Wheeler for one season.   And that’s what he did.  @Scurvy was the most surprised of Wheeler’s performance.
    After every goal Wheeler scored, he celebrated with his signature smile, looked at the crowd, and yelled, “I do what I do.”  Someone in the crowd must have gotten his attention because he’s not the hockey player of season 93.  Could it be the long flowing auburn hair, the geometrical curves of the souvenir jersey, the allure of the penetrating eyes, or the claws of this mantrap that has kept Wheeler off the ice once the season ended.
    We will miss Rip Wheeler’s on ice antics, and can only hope that he snaps out of this trance and puts on skates again.  Perhaps Wheeler could put up even bigger numbers next season.  Come back from vacation Rip.  Please!
    208 words
  22. Love
    ScottyP reacted to BOOM in Wheeler has “No Ragrets”   
    I know the title is based on it, but I wanted to see the gif lol

  23. Haha
    ScottyP reacted to Gaikoku-hito in Wolves making moves !   
  24. Haha
    ScottyP reacted to Scurvy in Wolves making moves !   
    Were almost to the promised land of the start of another season and a lot has happened in Vancouver.  The city known for his fanatical hockey fans, amazing night life, and Roxy burger has been buzzing lately with some great (and questionable) moves this off-season and draft.  Let’s dive in.
    First, in four separate trades the Wolves picked up some real veteran talent in Owen Lazaro @traphag, The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath , Mark Calaway @Beketov, and Rip Wheeler @ScottyP.  The first three were absolute gold mine trades with each offering wining experience, offensive prowess, and outstanding defense.  It’s the last trade that has fans scratching their heads since Vancouver gave up a 1st rounder for him.  
    Who is Rip Wheeler?  Most would consider him a journeyman VHL player that has shown glimpses of talent but longer stretches of disappointment.  The 14th overall pick in S88 his first two seasons showed the forward have a total of 15 goals and 15 assists in 144 games.  30 POINTS in two seasons on a team of absolute hall of fame caliber players.  AND let’s not forget his post draft VHL post he told the league (out loud) that he was going to be the next Eric Lindros.  We just didn’t know he meant Eric Lindros today, not 1992 Eric Lindros. 
    Now after many of those Hall of Famers left Calgary, Rip was forced to step up and he did.  The next two season he hovered around 30 goals before being traded to Prague to play with all-start forward John Jameson @Frank.  Rip excelled with Prague and had the best season of his career with 34g 45a 79pts.  
    With depreciating hitting Rip this season and the fact that he hasn’t updated much lately it leaves some Vancouver fans (and teammates) concerned.  While in his trade interview via a group text with @Thunder and myself Rip assured us that he would be max earning as to not let the Wolves down.  Only time will tell, and history should note he said the same when he was traded from Calgary to Prague.  Vancouver fans will expect the best from him, and he will be afforded the opportunity to play alongside Lazaro and The Frenchman so he better have his A game.  
    On a related note, the S94 draft came and went, and Vancouver was able to draft defenseman, Bollos de Trueno @Thunderwith the #4 overall selection.  Trueno brings all-star pedigree to the club with the the guarantee he will max earn for the length of his career.  The ultimate team-mate and locker room presence he was thrilled to end up on a club with two of his real life buddies in Logan NInefingers and Rip Wheeler.  He was heard murmuring that come training camp he was going to smack Rip in the face if he dares skate into the crease.  Ninefingers too said that smacking Rip was the thing he was looking forward to the most this season.
    But all shit talk aside it is nice to see three buddies get to play on the same club, best of all in Vancouver. 
  25. Fire
    ScottyP got a reaction from Frank in “Guess Who’s Back, Back, Back, Back Again”   
    As the off-season starts before season 94 began, Ol’ Rip Wheeler found himself in a rut after his brother from another mother, John Jameson retired. Prague was eliminated from the playoffs and everyone went home to rest.  Rip had his best season being surrounded by the stud players of the Prague Phantoms and he looked at his future with the team and contemplated a position change.  Wheeler was sitting in his 1980’s bean bag chair with a plate of White Castle cheese burgers on the one side, and a half empty bottle of Buffalo Trace on the other side of the sweat stained fake leather upholstery.  He was watching a rerun of Yellowstone Season 4 when he got a call from @Frank, Vancouver Wolves GM. Rip was headed back to North America, to the country where his VHL journey began…the great white north! 
    Rip Wheeler took the next thing smokin’ to Vancouver and met with Frank.  He soon found himself in a new uniform, a new locker room, and with a new focus.  Wheeler went to his hotel happy but soon realized he had to get his shit in order if he wanted to stay in the Wolfpack. Logan Ninefingers @scurvy, called him and told him to be downstairs in 5 minutes for a morning work out. Rip knows Ninefingers well and came down in Jorts and a Stetson because he was under the impression the “workout” was gonna be at the local whiskey bar…Unbeknownst to Wheeler, they were headed to Golds Gym for an “old school” workout. Wheeler left Gold’s two and a half hours later with dead legs and sore arms….even yacking in the bathroom trash can! Ninefingers took Rip to get some pedialite, and find his sense of purpose in life. 
    After a few weeks of pumping iron with the man who’s missing a finger (ninefingers), Rip had new attitude and was hitting the gym hard in preparation for a successful season VHL 94, and he’s even given up on the Buffalo Trace.  Rips the first one at the arena every morning and stays late every night working on his stick skills, and shots from the slot. Ninefingers has agreed to take the lanky, gangly armed Wheeler under his wings and has promised that Wheeler will improve. The motto has been “the beatings will stop, when the cardio and the wrist shot improves”. 
    As Rippy Dubs left the rink and stepped outside to his custom “Wolf Grey Harley”, he found himself amongst a group of hockey fanatics. The interaction went down something like this:
    Fan #1 - “Hey, I know you, you’re Rip Wheeler, you came from Prague.  Are you going to do as good for us as you did for the Phantoms?”
    Rip Wheeler - “You know baud…I do what I do.  You know uh, come by will call on the first game and uh tell them Rip has some uh tickets for you.  I got ya baud….I’m always looking out for the boys.”
    Fan #1 - “Wow Mr. Rip, thank you.  I’m gonna be just like you when I grow up.”
    Rip Wheeler - “You do what you do…like I do what I do…you know, uh, when I hop outta bed…I put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else…but uh, ya know buddy…the difference is when I hit the wash room, I piss excellence!”
    Fan #2 - “Mr Rip, what’s up Brother?…can I have tickets too?  I’m a left winger too and I think you’re the legit.”
    Rip Wheeler - “What’s up Brother?! Special teams, special plays. special players…Tuesday, Tuesday! Damn Son, you know it.  I’ll hook you up with some uh, ya know some uh sweet tickets too.  In fact, how many of the boys ya got standing here?”
    Rip Wheeler begins to count the fans who have circled around him. “Uh, one, two, three, four, five, six, uh, uh, uh.”
    Fan #2 - “Seven?”
    Rip Wheeler - “Yeah, that’s it baud. Seven.  I will get y’all boys all tickets for the first game.  You guys are absolute beauties! Come down to the rink and see Ol’ Rip light up that lamp bar-downski…sitting right uh, ya know behind the tendy.”
    All the fans can be heard cheering and chanting  “Rip! Rip! Rip!” as Wheeler walks away.  Rip throws in an upper decky, turns and gives them the Vancouver hand (🖖) gesture and yells, “NO Ragrets.” Rip has the makings of quickly becoming a fan favorite! But, only time will tell if his hopes and dreams will come to fruition. 
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