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Everything posted by STZ

  1. Seattle signed Faraday to write Trifecta material. QC Signed Wylde to beat the dead horse.
  2. shhhhh
  3. James Faraday softer than 5 ply toilet paper
  4. Still lookin for my Hall.. Erryone on QC too young for rasslin. Kesler thought Xpac was green lantern
  5. Don't turn to back on da wolfpac - you might end up in a bodybag.
  6. Syxx, actually. #thug #wolfpac
  7. A god damn honor
  8. RIP Higgins
  9. Not all of us can claim 8 TPE as Commish just to create a Skype chat #pewpewpew
  10. Omg Bears captains combo breaker
  11. Can't stomach any of these three bozos.. Well, maybe Fill.. And Holmolt..
  12. Seattle gettin mad too easy, I'm just gettin warmed up. #preseason #seattlemissedsomuchclasstheystayedbackayear
  13. Seattle way too classy.. I'm surprised no one wants to sign there..
  14. We need to be better.
  15. You thought NWO had to do with the UFC, and that Xpac was the green lantern.. You've broken me.
  16. two HOFers tbh
  17. Need to get you an NWO Wolfpac avy tbh
  18. Welcome to the Mute! #momentofsilence
  19. Not Active picked yet? I have a really good feeling about him..
  20. wat i miss
  21. Player Name: Jake Wylde VHL Team: Quebec City Meute Cash you have: 21,750,000 Purchase Name: Triple Predictions Cost of Purchase: 5M Cash Left: 16,750,000
  22. Why does Sandro make games sound amazing.. I have Alien: Iso from when I bought my new GFX card.. I never started it, but hearing him makes me wanna give it a shot.. @Jackim I know it's late but I play Cities: Skylines. Pretty badass game. I like it cuz I can just chill the fuck out and listen to podcasts. Fun game some of the mods are pretty badass. I don't think I've played in a while.. Kinda have a hankerin for more. Pretty fired up for Witcher 3, it's going to be my first console game I bought since Mordor (I bought Ori but it wasn't $70).. Really hope this game is good lol, I don't want to climb any fucking towers to unlock maps.
  23. I bet postin that feels like farting after holding it in for a full first date.
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