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Everything posted by Cookie

  1. 1. I do belive that the players have been able to play with a clear mind thanks to being free from most pressure. 2. It is amazing to see how coherent the team has been. 3. My thoughts? That he has been putting in a lot of work to achieve an amazing season and he do deserve some rest until the next one starts. 4. I believe that my performance has been really good, although I can't wait to make it to the VHL. 5. I am feeling opportunistic that it will go well for D.C. Dragons, thought it will certainly not be an easy fight. 6. You did amazingly well and I hope that your fortune shall continue.
  2. Thank you for the confidence.. I... I did not expect to be mentioned this early in an VSN post, nor for it to sound so promising, but it will motivate me! Also... "Go Rome or Go Home" sound so good.
  3. 1. D.C. Dragons do seem to have a powerful roster. 2. I have no clue what secrets he has been whispering. 3. If the goaltender can deliver on the promises then I can see a huge success! 4. it is difficult to tell right now, but I think Mark Calaway can bring a really good defensive play, this could inspire the other defencemen to up their game. 5. My expectation? I expect a rocky start for sure, having to play with and against more experienced players, I do however expect to stay consistant during the 93rd Season. 6. I am not sure, but I would love for Keegan Gamble to be a hidden jem. He certainly have talents.
  4. Cookie

    VAS/BRA; S92

    Thank you sir, it was an honor to be in the locker room with you.
  5. Happy (late?) birthday, @Josh
  6. What is this?
  7. I wanted to help... So I did. Transaction ID: 6NF868346C7831210
  8. Woo! I am a good shot! Thank you for these kind words, @McLovin I really appreciate it, who knows? Perhaps I shall become better, either in play-off or in VHLE? I hope so.
  9. Sorry, @emidas I most certainly am not jealous of your player... maybe a little bit... I mean he is consistant... at least compared to mine. o_o
  10. Hello, I know you might be confused why I told you to meet me here in this dark alleyway but I have good reasons for it. People are starting to suspect that I might be involved with spreading the information about the meetings... and the stuff I have seen outside of it so please do not tell anyone that it was I. Okay with that out the way let me tell you that I saw Lucas Grey during his last match and that lets say that it was more than just a brutal result for such a competent player but... That maneuver he tried was not only... not working but he got a penalty for it, and I swear I could see a smile in his face as he did it. That's right... what? No I am not saying this because I am jealous of him and his success... why would I be? No don't answer that question! Uh... *cough* Thank you for joining me here in this dark alley. What do you mean you wanted some juicy rumours? Who do you think I am, a rumour spreader? Alright alright, I shall give you some... the Dragon D.C. accidentally ordered Dr. Pepper instead of Pepsi so they decided to do a Dr. Pepper giveaway during their last match, some sources say that Lucas drank from it before the match... Hey that can you are holding is not from the match is it? *Runs away while you looked at the can*
  11. Don't worry, it'll get better! I hope. If not then you can stay tuned for my next article, now what rumours shall I spread...uhh I mean ... what maneuvers shall I disrespect?
  12. @Jason kranz and @dustywilson22 Sorry for starting this rumour... but it had to be done! Think of the TPE!! (Also I hope you enjoyed the little story about you two, haha)
  13. Hello again! This is Cookie...wait you are not supposed to know that, erase! Wait that is not how it works? Well let's just pretend that never happend, and I am most certainly not Cookie, alright? Good... phew So I have returned to bring you some... stories from the Dragons weekly meeting. I saw two of their players together, I am certain that what it was that I saw was them... holding their hands, now you might wonder whom they were but before I tell you I need you to give me a box of cookies, no this is not a scam nor is it a bribe... well maybe a small bribery but anyways, I shall wait. Thank you for the brib...Cookies, let me now tell you the answer! It was Jason and Ben Laas! That's right! I saw them both holding hands, and this is not even the juicy part. What is the juicy part? Well, I saw them go into a movie theater aswell. I still to this day do not know what it was all about, but I shall keep my eye out.
  14. 1. I believe it makes sense, yes. 2. I have no idea, I were too occupied eating a cake! 3. Perhaps it is just a slow start combined with overconfidence from last seasons result. 4. Just promise him a pizza! That should be enough of a motivation, if not then just throw in a box of cookies in the offer. 5. While my player is not in D.C Dragons, I would like to say I am a bit nervous of his performance, though he have performed better thus far compared to his short play time last season. 6. Frankly I got no idea what makes a good defensive performance, perhaps someone with more knowledge could answer this one for me.
  15. Sad Cookie noises. I need to get better..
  16. Tom Dufour +10
  17. Alright, so to begin I just want to make sure that, if anyone asks you did not hear this from me, alright? Well, since I cannot read your mind I will just trust that you said yes, anyways onto one of the weird things within the Dragons' weekly meeting, at least that I heard... I hope that I heard it correctly because if I didn't, oh well. So, I was having a couple of drinks with the team and I heard something spicy! One of the players that plays for the D.C. Dragons wears a pyjamas under their team clothes, can you imagine that? Playing with pyjamas under your... like that is so bold yet it sounds so comfortable, I mean the idea of just being ready to fall asleep like that directly after every match does not sound so bad, maybe I should try it... Oh wait you did not hear that! Huh? Do you want to know something else? Well apparently Someone said that they put pineapple on their ice cream! Can you imagine doing something so horrible to an innocent poor little ice cream... wait... Was it pizza? I cannot seem to remember it very well... Well off with you, before someone realises what I am telling you!
  18. @FrostBeard did indeed invite me to the sweet VHL, I cannot be more excited for it!
  19. 1. I think it would be best to let them play with both rosters to get a better idea who matches with who the best, if the GM are not sure then I am sure there are good enough reason for it. 2. This is news to me, we better keep an eye on them. 3. I like the second option best, so I will have to pick that one. 4. I think VLG have done some great work, so he should have a good chance. 5. No, My answer might be a bit biased, but I would like to get to know the GM more before he retire. 6. I am afraid that I have not performed as best as I could, however I believe to have improved recently.
  20. This is awkward, I were not home for this...
  21. Thank you, @FrostBeard I appreciate your attention.
  22. 1. I think it is difficult to predict just how influential someone can be, but I would assume The Frenchman will have a positive influence on the roster. 2. Do not let them get the puck into the goal... Another one? Hmm... Do your best and pay attention to your surroundings. 3. I love it! I have most certainly no reason to love it... 4. I dare not even think about such horrors! - Also I got no clue they are keeping it a secret for now.. 5. Frostbeard is a very experienced and excellent GM so I am sure that he have picked as good of a roster has he could, I can only hope to watch D.C. Dragons repeating their performance. 6. That is a real hefty role to fill, I can only hope that ESD have that capability.
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