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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Accept. Mog's probably a better player than Lessio, but if it gets him away from Cookie, it's probably worth it.
  2. Me, TPE-wise (player success-wise, not so much)
  3. In the name of Shero the Father, Shero the Son, and Shero the Holy GM, I do hereby profess the faith of the Penguins. For it is written that one such incarnation of the Shero (Shero the Father) hast lain with the enemy in order to strike more truly at its soul. When one walks in the path set before us by the prophet Lemieux, one can truly see the hockey world for what it is, and one can be strong in denouncing Flyers and walking in the path of the Penguins, now and until the end of time. (Yes, I think Shero is amazing, no, I'm not serious about the religious bit. It's a running joke between me and a friend of mine that if either of us were to ever join an organized religion again, the only possibility would be if someone invented Sheroism.) In other news, I really do feel bad for all the Canucks fans on here, this was a terrible day for you guys, and even as a fan of another team I have to hope you bounce back some, get guys to run the organization in a set direction and not a little of this, a little of that, a whole lot of nothing at all.
  4. N, O, T, space, B, R, A, X, T, O, N.
  5. Let's be fair here. Not everyone can have Shero himself as a GM. There is no Shero but Shero.
  6. limiting the populations of the poor and lower middle class so that it's easier for the rich to stay on top
  7. Yeah it's never a bad idea to welfare it if article concepts just aren't coming to you. Once you're drafted, it'll be easier. EDIT: Oh, and I'm on the baseball league too. Lasse Viren Jr, of London, username RunnerOfSteel. I agree it's probably going to die, but until then it's a fun little diversion. This place is forever though.
  8. CGY Gets 15th pick S38 TOR 2nd COL Gets 12th pick 20th pick Accept. Some of you are going to be out there facepalming this, I'm sure. I just look at it this way: 12 and 15 will be similar quality players, just giving up some of the choice really. Any gap there is in talent between the picks (and sure, there's probably some) could be completely made up if the S38 2nd gets anything. I'm basically banking on Kendrick and the Reddit crew, which to be fair has yielded impressive results so far. Even better if TOR gets beat in next year's playoffs, which with a conference with three strong teams, is a decent chance. (That's the one part of this where I'm torn - I want to root FOR the Legion next year, I think Green deserves a cup, but this trade will benefit me more if they get beat). As for 20th pick this year, it's essentially nothing. I've scoured the draft more than I ever expected to, and there are exactly 19 guys I think would be worth having. 20 is like losing in the finals. Romanes knows this, and isn't suddenly going to turn it down just because I'm explaining it now.
  9. That's why I use "extends" instead, saves any confusion
  10. NOOOOOOO The rest of it I don't care, but don't kill the rhinos, rhinos are my favorite
  11. First off, I'd like to state that this will be a stream of consciousness, Meg-style Fan 590. There will be no paragraph breaks and it'll all kind of loosely tie into the thing right before it, except for this sentence and the prior one. So I just got back on the staff for the VHLM Mag. I say "back" on the staff because I was on it initially, and left due to the uncertainty of whether things were going to be done in a given week, as some weeks an edition would come out and other weeks one would not. This was extremely frustrating, so I started writing regular articles and just posting them for grades. Just recently, they seemed to have everything back together, where an edition would come out once a week, so I joined back up. Ideally, the VHLM Mag is the job I most want in the league, even over the VHL Mag, because I feel like the VHLM is underappreciated. So naturally, I was rather excited to get back in when they were coming out with regular editions. Except then it stopped. I wrote an article for 23 and there has been no 23. 22 came out on February 20, which means it's been 9 days since an edition came out. Surely a few extra days won't be an issue in the long run, I'm sure, but then again it's making me rather nervous. Did I break the VHLM Mag again? If so, can I be trusted to play hockey with it in the house or will I always break it?
  12. That's fine, there will still be someone decent at 12, this is a good enough draft for it
  13. CGY Gets: 8th pick (Que 1st) 12th pick (Rig 2nd) RIG Gets: 5th pick (Sea 1st) Accept Sorry other team that was interested, this was a better deal (Edited to change 11th to 12th)
  14. ATTN VICTOR: Whether I draft Munk or not, I'd like to keep him in the LR.
  15. Delphi has closed its gates to the nonbelievers. The Oracle will no longer be seeing you.
  16. Michelle Jenneke sent to the gulag, Bruce Wayne has to go save her
  17. I told you what happens with a 3-1 deficit
  18. I got the sushi too. Personally, I think it fits me, given the description
  19. Fools! Have you so easily forgotten the power of the 3-1 deficit? The 3-1 deficit has slain many a team in recent years. I should know, Calgary has been the beneficiary in many of these instances.
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