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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. I need to get on one of these where you guys do accents. I'm not bad at some of them, was a theater major for about half a semester.
  2. The advantages of working in a pharmacy, btw. (Even though I'm in "front end")
  3. As far as cough drops are concerned: Ricola Mountain Herb. I've heard that Cold-Eeze shorten the duration of you being sick but honestly, when I'm sick I care less about the duration and just want something to make me feel better, even if the sickness itself is still there but just being masked. If you get dried up skin in places (I get it on my elbows and knees sometimes) Aquaphor is best. Regular lotions aren't bad (I have a Nivea I got when it was on sale, it's pretty decent) but nothing can match an Aquaphor.
  4. If he didn't drop the points, and claimed them at a later date, he should be made to drop them. (Fong that is)
  5. Then you can stay down, IF you don't add anything else that you have earned prior to the cutoff. That means you don't add them at all, not that you add them at the end of the season. You can add points you've earned after the cutoff at any time you want, but if you earned them before, you can either not use them, or you can be up. Based on the rule, of course. I personally don't know of people getting away with it since the time the rule became a rule, which was with Jaroslav Oslig in my first season, but I've never been one to really look for it. There was talk of something with Fong two seasons ago, but I don't know what result came of it. Pretty sure he was down, I assume then that he dropped the points, but never really looked into it at the time.
  6. If you need someone to write official posts regarding things that we could then post on sites, I'd be interested in doing that, just tell me what you want included in the posts, where the post is to go (or I can send it to you if I don't have an account on said site) and when you need it done by.
  7. I hate to be the guy who calls for hard and fast rules, but this is my understanding of how it worked with Molholt, and if he's going to have to lose out, then it should just be the rule. You have to be under 175 at the beginning of the season. If you are over, you go up. You can simply not claim things in order to be under, but if you don't claim them in order to be under, you can't claim them. It doesn't matter if it's next season. The points are gone. Player Store was the one thing I disagreed with how they dealt with it for Molholt, if you purchase something and then have to forfeit it, it should be as though it was not purchased and the money should return to the bank account. Player Store is not a required purchase season by season, many people don't buy Player Store until they have enough for the max package. Actually, same deal with donation money, donation money is for a given season (S36 for example) not an offseason. If you purchase points with donation money, it's up to you when you use that purchase. TC, media articles, prediction points, those all have a specific time when they're due. TC is at the beginning of the season when TC comes out, still considered offseason, still before the cutoff. Media articles are considered to be of the week they were done. If it's the following Monday, those points are considered earned and apply toward your total, whether updated or not, unless you choose not to use them at all. That doesn't mean you get them at the end of the season, and it doesn't mean you have to update everything at that week (I mean everyone knows I update in large chunks) but let's say the following is the case: Player A has 170 TPE. Player A writes a media article in the week that ends before the cutoff date. Several weeks and several articles later, Player A does a big update with 40 TPE to go to 210. All of this is valid, he is allowed to do this, BUT he is considered over the limit because the article for the first week would give him 176, EVEN IF HE DOESN'T UPDATE IT FOR A MONTH like I do.
  8. For the record, I (Brookside) am S36, not S37, and did have a VHL team, and could have played for my VHL team. I also had exactly 163 TPE at the cutoff date last season, with everything I'd done to that point having been updated, and so therefore legitimately stayed down. It was not because of not having a team, etc.
  9. #RollinsFor2ndOverall (it's more common to say 1st overall, but Svoboda is in this draft so there's no real chance of that)
  10. Two of these have concerts here in the same week (Bastille, June 1st, Naked and Famous, June 5th) Definitely going to at least one, probably both
  11. Svek Fresko, FIFY
  12. yes
  13. Kendrick to create Kolin Kaepernick E5 Someone else to create Colin Caepernick and get into a rivalry with him E3
  14. Hashtag Manning
  15. Victor will need to give you Calgary LR access, since Sandow is on Calgary (even though he's now retired, he still plays the season, just can't be added to)
  16. You can be A, but CAL FUCK YEAH is pretty well established as captain. I mean he's been on the team for longer than just about anyone...
  17. C: CAL FUCK YEAH A: Henrik Larsson A: Milan El Shaarawy
  18. The last one (Nova Scotia and Alberta. - Nova Scotia, and Alberta.) is the Oxford comma, which is still widely debated. (The Oxford comma, to be specific, is the usage of a comma between the second to last and last item in a list of three or more items.) It's correct in some writing styles and incorrect in others. There's no universal agreement among academics, so it can't technically be considered wrong in either usage. I almost brought it up earlier, decided it wasn't worth bringing the debate to the article when it's probably getting a 6 anyway, but now that a debate has already been brought, I'll add that one in there.
  19. Sterling would know, because he's Anderson. By virtue of him not being you, he can safely deduce that you are not Anderson.
  20. I wanted to wait to see if Helsinki would sign him and give him a chance to start, since he does still come in periodically and thus deserves more than a backup role. Helsinki's posted their roster though, and there is no Rock Star, so I'll take him and split games with him myself. S37 2,250,000
  21. Since I've done the 20 for S36 and the 20 for S37 (which is 40 total, not including giving back in like S33 or something) can I get the little red square for 25 donor?
  22. The Calgary Wranglers, a team with many ups and downs across its franchise history but mostly known for its dominance at its peak, is in the doldrums at this point. This is a well-known fact, and many people haven't hesitated to point out things they may have done differently at this point or at that point in recent history. What's done is done, but in any case, the S37 Draft gave the Wranglers the first step back toward its best times. Going into the draft, the team only had two picks (Seattle's first rounder, 5th overall, as well as Davos' second rounder, 20th overall). After trades, the picks became Quebec's first rounder by way of Riga, 8th overall, Seattle's second rounder by way of Cologne, 15th overall, and a second rounder next draft (Toronto's). At the draft, these picks became Travis Boychuk and Jack Ryan. The Boychuk selection has been met with minor criticism since the draft, but the Wranglers are more than confident in the pick. The Ryan selection has not been met with the same criticism, and in fact several people have lauded Ryan at that point in the draft. Regardless of other teams' opinions, however, the Wranglers are more than pleased with both players, giving them the opportunity to develop an additional season in the VHLM.
  23. diamondace121@gmail.com
  24. It's just Wong to see Helsinki run by someone other than Higgins.
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