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Posts posted by Mutti

  1. On 5/22/2024 at 6:39 AM, Pifferfish said:

    1. I recommend hell's kitchen bc where's the lamb sauce!

    2. What the hell is a Eurovision or a "the Code" and how do I avoid ever considering it again?

    3. Sandman is a default choice.

    4. Remove Utah team to GTA... They need another team and the desert is dumb. Also new LTIR rules to stop abuse of it.

    5. Getting drunk with @Mutti

    6. Ask him how he is getting along in the equipment department, (I don't realize ehe is the AGM)



  2. Hello there, my dear, amazing readers!
    Today, I have a special treat for you. I finally managed to get to do an interview with legendary Lucy Leitner. How this thing went? Pretty nice, as you can read right now.


    Good afternoon, Lucy. First of all, thank you so much for finding time to do this interview.

    Second of all, even though actions speak louder than words and especially in your case, it is probably useless as everyone knows you, but.. Could you say a few words about yourself nevertheless? How would you introduce yourself?


    L: It's my pleasure! I guess I would say I'm a bit of a hockey nerd.  I love playing and watching the game, but I also have some pretty eclectic interests away from the sport as well.  I love music and creative writing and I really enjoy spending time with friends and teammates.  For me, that's the most fulfilling part of being on a team-- sharing those experiences with good friends.



    Everyone knows that you are an amazing hockey player and you are very valued amongst your teammates. You proved to be a very solid piece in the rosters of teams you’ve been part of. Do you think that you’re becoming a young idol for upcoming generations of hockey fans/players?


    L: I appreciate the compliment! I don't know if I'm any kind of idol, but I do want to be a good role model for anyone who might look up to me.  I just want to be the best I can be, both on and off the ice, and I think that comes with a responsibility to be a good person as well.  So I guess that's my ultimate goal-- be a good player and a better person.



    Life of a hockey player can be tricky due to numerous reasons. You can get stressed from upcoming games, the thrill of play-offs, the news trying to shame you down for even the tiniest mistakes. And to add to all this, you frequently have to travel. Both when the team is on the road and when you change teams. Last time you made a major change, you moved from Houston to Europe. How do you deal with those stress-inducing factors?


    L: A lot of that change and travel is still kind of exciting to me, though I'd be lying if I didn't feel any kind of stress or nervousness with new places and situations.  The best way to handle it, I've found, is not to dwell on any negative emotions, but just enjoy the excitement that comes with the stress.  I try not to get too ahead of myself and just enjoy what's in front of me every day, no matter where I am.



    As I mentioned, the last major change for you was a change of continents. To Västerås, Sweden, specifically. How do you feel about this town, Sweden or Europe in general? Do you hang out with your teammates?


    L: Vasteras is a great city!  I've really enjoyed being here so far and Sweden has lived up to every hope that I had so I can't complain at all!  We've got a great group as well and we've had opportunities to hang out in the town or go out for drinks.  Off the ice, I've had a lot of personal stuff going on so it's been a bit harder than usual to make time for teammates, but when I can, I love spending time with them.



    I believe that your career is steadily going up and up. And the leagues’ GMs think so too. After having an amazing season in Minors with Houston Bulls, you have been drafted in first rounds in both major drafts. That is VHL and VHLE, where you’re currently playing. Do you feel more star-ish than when you started?


    L: Haha, I guess I feel more star-ish!  Being drafted 2nd and 3rd in those drafts is definitely a great feeling, but I also feel like that comes with a lot of pressure and responsibility to live up to the expectations and hopes of those teams that drafted me and used that high pick. I suppose that's what comes with feeling star-ish, but it's absolutely a great honor and I hope I live up to those expectations.




    I know your personality just flourishes, as if it didn’t flourish before, hehe, and that you like to socialize. However, hockey is a different thing and some people prefer to remain professional in the locker room. Do you often find yourself bonding with your teammates, both on and off the ice, or do you focus more on the practical things, like practise, talking about tactics, etc.? In the end, you have some Europeans on the roster, right?


    L: I do like to socialize, there's definitely a balance to strike between professional work and personal life.  I do love spending time with my teammates though and I try to keep things fun around the rink.  It is a game after all and it should always be fun, even if it is a job.  I do take time for practice and I'm always happy to talk tactics to make our team better, but  it's hard not to enjoy the company of teammates, especially with so many awesome people on the team.  We do have some Europeans and so far I've learned that I can't keep up with them if we go drinking, but I do my best!




    There was Easter last week. How did you celebrate, if at all? I am sure that Czech traditions must have scared you a bit, at least. Did Ondra tell or show you? He told me about it and it seemed fun.


    L: My family was in town and we had dinner together for Easter, but not much more than that.  It's just a good opportunity to be together as a family though, which is becoming a rarer thing as time goes by, so I do cherish those moments.  And if Ondra did tell me about Czech traditions, I honestly can't remember, but my imagination goes to wild places!




    You’re a defenseman, a very good one, and that means you are in a direct connection with your goaltender. Do you find Jorgen and Ondra as good pieces to the defensive side of Iron Eagles’ game? That is, if Ondra is finally sober.


    L: I don't care what Ondra's drinking, he can do whatever he wants if he keeps playing like he has!  Both goaltenders have been absolutely unreal this season.  By far, I think we have the best goaltending tandem in the league with both of our goalies at the top of the league statistically.  They've been a huge part of our team's success this season so they deserve a ton of credit!  If Ondra's drinking, the next round is on me!




    Alongside Ondra, you managed to pull of some sort of a ‘miracle’ in the minors, where you made it all the way to the second round of the play-offs with Houston Bulls. I believe that the mood wasn’t filled with disappointment. More than that, you guys showed that you can fight and shocked some, to be sure! Do you think season will turn into a bigger success? Västerås is a much stronger team than Houston was at this point last season, currently sitting on a second place.


    L: I really hope that we can have some success in the playoffs this year with Vasteras.  It would have been amazing to have won with Houston, but I feel our chances this season are a lot better with the quality of our roster, so I am hopeful.  We can't be complacent though, and it's going to take commitment from our whole team to make a long playoff run, but I believe we have the pieces and people to accomplish it!




    Now for the final round of questions:



    Why is the vanilla ice cream light in colour, when vanilla itself is dark in colour?


    L: I have no idea... Aren't vanilla flowers white though? Maybe that has something to do with it.



    What would be the one and only thing that you’d eat for the rest of your life if you had only one option?


    L: I love Vietnamese spring rolls-- the kind with rice paper, not deep fried.  I could eat those every day forever!



    And if you had to spend a month on a shutter island with one of your teammates, who would that be and why?


    L: That's easy, I'd bring Ondra because I need someone I can trust, but also someone who's a lunatic in the best way possible! 



    Alright, that is all for this interview. Lucy, thank you so much for participating in this, even though you had to wait so long for it. I apologize for that. But it was amazing and sweet having you here, I hope we can repeat this joyful activity soon!


    L: Thank you! It was fun to chat with you and I'd love to do it again sometime!


    I hope you liked this interview, dear readers. Thank you for reading it up until here, I will see you next time with fresh news and articles from the hockey world!


    -        Ben Icio del Torro


    1543 words capped for week ending 04/21/24

    All answers of Lucy Leitner were written by @LucyXpher

  3. 8 hours ago, Fno said:

    I love the creativity on this post! The team branding you proposed is definitely unique to say the least. Thank you for taking the time to include your proposed logos in your post. It adds the visual appeal and shows you put effort into writing this. Due to the creativity and effort I will give this article a 10/10!

    (60 Words)

    Heheey, thank you! I tried to make this as entertaining as possible, haha!


    And the references can count down, if anyone feels like it, hehe.

  4. Hey there, Ondra here reporting for writing duty once again!


    It is one week after April Fool’s Day and following the absolutely genius tomfoolery we’ve all witnessed on the forum, we shall have some fun as well. And, as it is the Theme Week with the topic of ‘rebrand’, I was thinking how to approach this wonderful task.


    So, I wondered... Surely, we love our VHL, VHLE and VHLM teams, especially those we are/were members of. And some of us must also like, if not love videogames. And this lead me to the first idea for a team rebrand:



    And now you all have raised your eyebrows, questioning yourself: “Ondrej, what the fuck have you been smoking again?”

    Please, let me explain.


    I know that at first, this just sounds stupid. How the hell could a Swedish team have any connection to deserts? Well, my dear readers. If you played at least one popular videogame, you surely know that with this rebrand, every other player would have “replica” written on the side of their sticks. While Västerås hockey players would have “Desert Eagle .50” written the side of theirs.


    These high-caliber beauties can offer striking power, which Västerås’ skaters also possess. And, it may not even be a necessary name rebrand, just logo-wise. Just remember the sentence: “Got some iron on you?” I am sure you know it doesn’t mean you’re going home from a shift in an iron mine. (That is unless you are, in fact, going home from a shift in an iron mine. Or unless you’re playing Minecraft with your buddies.)

    Having an iron on them, Iron Eagles with Desert Eagles could shoot their way through all the seasons with no issues!



    .. Maybe.

    Anyway, this is not all when it comes to my crazy rebrand ideas. Ladies and gentlemen, behold:




    Now I know, it may look gnarly at first but get this: Bullsquid as a creature has a powerful ranged attack, which can deal tons of damage. And just as an angry bull, it gets rather physical when in close combat. We have seen both well-aimed shots and some good ol’ goonery on the ice from the Bulls last season, even from goalies (I just got angry and was NOT AT ALL under any influence of any substance, I swear on my kidneys.), so I think this would be pretty fitting name and identity for a rebrand.


    And we could go even further, beyond the rink itself. Fans of Houston could be called “BullSquad”.

    We also have an alternative coming from the Half Life universe for the post of our GM. G-Man.

    We could also call for a Coach for our team, even though not from the Half-Life universum. But I am afraid that this fella has been Left for Dead.

    In any way, prepare for unforeseen consequences.


    If this has any potential, I leave for you to judge. But if this team turns out successful, we could say for sure that the Valves for goal gates have opened.


    So, these are my ideas for rebrands! I am sure current GMs of said teams will take my ideas into considerations. And if, by any miracle, we get to see new identities in the upcoming seasons, I will surely feel rather chippy chippy chappa chappa.


    Anyway, thank you for reading this bonkers article!


    Yours truly,




    566 words capped for week ending 04/14/2024

  5. Hello there, guys!

    It is Ondra again, this time to share with you how to catch a break after a day of catching pucks. Or, at least, to get an insight on how I deal with my time after games and practices.


    If you’re a gamer like me, you can get behind your laptop, tabletop PC or gaming console and let every stressful thought about the upcoming games vanish with a videogame of your preference. Many genres and many games have many advantages. For example, competitive multiplayer can help you understand your Polish friends, with lessons completely for free! And if you want even more, try free-to-play multiplayer games! That way, you will learn both Polish and Russian super quickly. Thus, you will be able to small talk with your Russian colleagues in nets, thanks to the internets. Basically.


    I also recommend to stay in touch with people around you. Socialize, go to pubs. There, you will find the biggest experts in hockey. Or in any other sport or, basically, in any branch of human knowledge imaginable. Depends on the time of the year.
    You are guaranteed to get valuable and honest advices and as night progresses, you may end up in a brawl, which tests your physical preparedness for future games! That is, if refs actually let you participate in a line brawl.


    Other than that, you should do what you want and what you like. Just keep in mind you have to be ready for future games!

    Take care, I will write another article for y’all soon!




    (See coach? I am not recommending pubs only. And I am definitely not writing this with a beer and a cigarette in my hand. Don't bench me plz.)


    288 words capped for week ending 03/31/2024

  6. Hello, hi, how are you?
    I hope this article finds you in a pleasant mood! I certainly am in a pleasant mood because I can bring you news from and surrounding the hockey world that I have gathered for you in the last week! Because gossiping is my business and business is booming.


    Iconic Ikea.. Ikeaonic?


    Last week I have talked about how I ventured on a trip to Västerås, Sweden. Now, there are many things that are happening in this wonderful country everyday that I cannot possibly cover in here. However, an interesting proposal in terms of meals for Iron Eagles players. Local chef Mikeal Mëatbålls proposed to deliver fresh, warm and traditional Swedish cuisine to players during trainings. The meals would be designed to be balanced in nutritions, to give enough energy and strength to play like beasts.
    It is said, however, that a minor side effect may occur. That is chronic furniture-shopping.


    Litvinov? More like Litvinoff.


    Do you remember the jerseys I showed you in my last article? Did you like them?
    Well, too bad. The ownership of Litvinov hockey team does not even want to hear about a possible sharing of ideas for logos, jerseys’ designs, etc.
    I am fairly disappointed and I am sure, many fans will be as well. No matter, though, because this unwillingness is probably caused by stress and focus on their local play-off games, where Verva made it to the semifinals. So, best of luck to them, I guess. Västerås has far superior jerseys anyways.




    As spring, and with it the whole season, is in full motion, all teams try their hardest to show what they’re made of. Some to impress their friends and relatives, some to show off in front of VHL scouts or representatives of the teams that drafted them, or, like our favourite goalie Ondrej, they just love to try their hardest for their team to shine and to succeed.

    Yesterday, during Iron Eagles’ training, I came up to the bench to talk to the young goaltender and asked him what strategy is the team working on/with:


    “I’d say that guys are focusing on tactics that is divided into three phases, sort of:


    1.      Pew – you shoot at the net however you can. The opposing team’s net, that is. Once this succeeds, it goes into the second phase.

    2.      Die – if your shots are well-aimed and you build up a big lead, the dreams of opposing team about winning simply pass away. Die, we can say.

    3.      Pie – After successfully implementing those two phases, you should be able to win the game, which leads to a treat in form of a cake as a reward. Mostly, we can count on a local pie.


    So, when you combine these phases, you get PewDiePie. And the biggest advantage to this tactic is that if you try to look it up on YouTube, you only get some weird man screaming at barrels or playing Happy Wheels. Thus, no one can take inspiration from us on how exactly are we making it work.”


    Well, there you have it. Let’s hope that this innovative tactic brings success in the regular season and especially in the post season. Fingers crossed to the first series not becoming a T-Series. Yuck.




    And that is all for this week of gossips, wonders and hockey. Stay tuned for next time, I will bring you more and fresh news next week!


    -        Ben Icio del Torro

    578 words capped for week ending 03/31/2024

  7. 5 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

    Actually, Orlen is a Polish Petrol Company (almost having the monopoly for gas stations in Poland). The name is composed from 'Orzel' (Polish for 'Eagle') and 'Energia' (Energy).  

    Well would you look at that!
    Thanks for providing the additional info!

    Or more like.. Clarification! Haha!

  8. Hello there, my dear, beautiful and amazing readers!

    It is my great pleasure to welcome you to next edition of my ‘Gossiper’ articles. This time, it is a whole new chapter of this hockey book we started in Houston. Today, we’ll take a look at what happens when the final countdown reaches zero in Europe!


    First of all, let’s take a look at the town in question. Västerås is really nice and cozy, though a bit too cold for my taste. I mean, my name is Ben Icio but.. I get enough of ice at the rink, I don’t need to freeze my bottom on a daily basis every time I want to go get a couple of Falcons.

    But it is safe to say, other than the temperature, the place is gorgeous. And the people are surprisingly warm-hearted, even though their faces may look colder than the local climate. Swedes are, of course, passionate about hockey, that goes without a saying. But what surprised me was that football has a strong support in here as well. I mean football that is played with feet, not the one that is played with arms. Thanks to the weather, however, the football pitches can seem and feel like ice rinks. When it snows, it can get a bit slide-y.

    Another interesting thing about Sweden is the way they deal with stress. I visited one sports match and I saw numerous players walk into the dressing room, each with not one but two ladies by their sides. Swedish.. In an oddly specific trio.. Hmm..


    Anyway, now it is finally time to get to talk about the team itself. Västerås Iron Eagles, a team that may not have a certain level of punch to its name as other European sports teams. But trust me, they sure as hell can put up not only a show, but also play some proper, stunning hockey. The team is stacked from forwards to goaltenders (if Vencko is sober and manages to catch sth else than a flu, that is), from left to right, through all the lines. And the entrée this team had to begin the season? Absolutely fabulous! Let’s hope they can keep up the great work in future matches. We’ve seen some minor hiccups in the last games but.. That’s nothing that would end the season for them. Plus, the team is still getting used to playing together. So, good luck and fly, Eagles!


    And before I end this article, I want to share something interesting with you.

    I came across certain jerseys that are really familiar, especially for the Västerås roster..


    Interesting, right?
    This is a jersey of a Czech TELH team, HC Verva Litvínov, to be precise. Funny thing is that, as well as the same color scheme, these jerseys share a logo of Litvínov’s sponsor, ORLEN. The logo is in the shape of an eagle and the name ORLEN, in fact, is inspired by the Czech word ‘orel’ (to pronounce it, read it as if it was written like this: “orehl”), which means, you guessed it (except if you didn’t), eagle!


    How cool is that? Eh, it probably isn’t. But still, some coincidences happen and this one was so stupidly hilarious I had to share it with you.



    Anyway, that concludes this week’s edition of.. Västerås Gossiper? Damn, I have to think about the name..

    -        Ben Icio del Torro; freezing


    569 (nice) words capped for week ending 03/24/2024

  9. How I came from Europe to the US and back to Europe


    While sitting in a police cell, awaiting some sort of resolution in the case of helping a wanted felon and illegal candy possession, I though I could finally sit down and say warmly: “Hello, Europe!”


    As you might know, I come from the Czech Republic, which has a fair share of hockey history. You know.. For us, Nagano still feels like yesterday. But other than that, our hockey culture is still thriving! And for me, it is a great pleasure to be a part of this development. And even more so now, when me and some of my colleagues made a jump from VHLM to VHLE. European league can build up many expectations. So, what is it that I expect from this experience?


    Firstly, I am so pumped up about the team itself. I was drafted by Västerås Iron Eagles alongside with legends like Lucy Leitner or Jorgen Løvstrøm, just to name a few. Needless to say, I am so glad to be a part of this team. From my homeland, to the US and now Sweden? That’s a resumé one could envy! And, given the team I have around me, I am sure this will motivate me to bring some solid results to the table. That is, if I find some time to actually practise.


    Second thing that I already experienced a bit is going out to town. Sweden and especially Västerås has this cozy atmosphere, even though the climate here is still chilly most of the time. But that is nothing I couldn’t handle. I am used to harsh winters from my hometown. Plus, when you know where to go and especially what to drink, no temperature below zero can harm you. We already planned out some ‘warming sessions’ with my colleague in net, Jorgen. And Lucy will surely join us as well. I am sure we’ll make some rumble. Both on and off the ice. I got to take them on a trip to Prague, or somewhere else in Czechia. But we probably won’t be able to leave this town. It feels so nice and the drinks are so good.

    One of many beautiful and tasty bewerages you can have here in Sweden!


    Overall, I am so glad to be back on a more familiar continent. I can visit my family much more often and in return, they can go to some of my games as well. This team is stacked with talent and with amazing people. Right when I first stepped off the bus in Västerås, I knew that this season is going to be special, full of wonderful experiences. My expectations are at an all-time high, especially concerning my goaltending abilities. I am sure we’ll make an impact! That is.. If they release me.


    Fly, Eagles!


    -        Ondra


    (450 words) 

  10. 19 hours ago, Tetricide said:

    :prg: Prague Phantoms Press Conference :prg:

    Week ending 24 March, 2024


    1. What's poppin', Prague?! This week is season start week! How excited is your player?

    - Hey there! I am so, so excited! I am so glad to be Prague's prospect and I am looking forward to self-development, to be ready to play for Prague in the future!

    2. What has your player been working on in the off-season?

    - I have been upto both practising and fun stuff! Coming back to Europe, I visited some familiar places for me, alongside with a trip to my hometown in the Northern Czechia. I also improved as a musician, haha!

    3. What are some interesting things your player learned in Training Camp?

    - That on a night out, once you go higher in alcohol percentage in your drinks, you shall not go lower. Or you'll end up low on your knees hugging the toilet.

    4. Welcome to the Phamily, Rip Wheeler @ScottyP! The team has recently made a trade involving Wheeler and is eager to see him play. What are you thoughts on the trade (link)?

    - I think this will work for us nicely. He is a solid piece!

    5. Do you have any Easter...or perhaps April Fool's plans?

    - Nah, not really. We have this whipping tradition in Czechia but.. I think I'll pass on that. I'll just be my regular drunk self.

    6. What is one of your all-time favorite movies?

    - Shawshank Redeption. BEST. MOVIE. OF. ALL. TIME. 


    Those have been some fun questions! Haha!
    Thanks for having me!




  11. 1. What's poppin' Prague?! This past Saturday was the VHL draft and we welcomed our newest prospects goalie Ondrej Vencko @Mutti, defenseman Chuck E Cheese @a_Ferk, winger Jack Dickins @Mystery_boy98, and centerman Charlie Klepacki @chuck.hockey7

         Prospects: Are you looking forward to playing for Prague?
          - I sure do! It is a great pleasure to be a part of a team that is located in my homeland! I am so pumped, it is going to be a phenomenal ride!


    2. We said our farewell to an amazing GM Acyd Burn @Acydburn and welcomed in our newest GM Leonard S. Kinnard @Tetricide. Going into season 93 his first time as a VHL GM, how do you think Prague will do this season?

    - I think the Prague will do just fine. And perhaps, it will shock some. However, I believe the team has an amazing future ahead of itself!


    3. With Prague veterans John Jameson @Frank, Nikolas Kauppi, and Matt Murdock set to retire after this upcoming season, what kind of future do you see for the team in the next few seasons?

    - I think we should focus on building the team depth, which would in turn become a solid basis for a very competitive team that would dominate the league, haha!


    4. Do you think Jameson will go into the VHL's Hall of Fame?

    - I would certainly love him to go! Fingers crossed!


    5. Are you like me and your allergies are really messing you up?

    - Not really, mate. I am not allergic to anything. Lucky me, I guess. :D


    6. What are you doing for spring break? If you're celebrating it.

    - I am doing the usual: playing videogames, drinking and smoking cigarretes. Also, I love playing my bass!


    That was fun to answer! Thank you for your questions!



  12. Hey hey hey!
    You all thought Ben Icio is long gone? You were wrong! I am back and I got some news for you, my dearest readers!

    Houston Bulls are getting ready for the next season! And they have some returning faces to compliment the impact they are planning to make, especially after the unforeseen success they had in the play-offs.
    One of the returning players, Herald Benson, will surely make a huge impact on the team’s roster. This young and very promising goaltender made a name for himself in the last season already, and will surely secure a nice spot in the future drafts if he keeps up the great effort!

    Let’s hope this goaltender doesn’t follow the similar trend to the one of the other Houston’s goalie in the last season. I heard that one, Ondra, has some issues with candy. Perhaps.. He distributed it on Willy Wonka’s turf? We’ll see.


    Speaking of Ondra, he is currently in custody, held by DEA for questioning. Reason being the unexplained journey to Czechia and back, while returning with a suspect the DEA had a fair share of troubles some months ago.

    However, rumor has it that the authorities have little to no evidence that would show Ondrej in a negative light. So, let’s hope he’ll be able to shine in front of the Vasteras net and not behind Houston’s City Jail bars.


    That is all for this week concerning news, my loyal readers! The waters are relatively calm, with the offseason and all.. But fear not, I will keep the news coming and they won’t stop coming, back to the rules and I hit the ground running.


    Take care out there!


    -        Ben Icio del Torro

    286 words capped for week ending 03/17/2024

  13. Hey there! I am sure some, if not all of you know about me. My name is Ondrej Vencko and I am a goaltender. And no, this isn’t some AA club for sportsmen who LOVE to tend the goal. Even though I might have a fair share of connection to that place is your eyes, right?

    Anyway, today, I would like to share a little story with you. The story of blood, tears, hard liquor, swearing and disappointment. You guessed it (except if you didn’t), I am going to tell you about my journey to an TELH hockey game in my homeland, the Czech Republic!


    Coming back to my homeland’s capital, I was feeling pretty nostalgic. You know.. All those memories from my childhood and teenage years.. Things would often get pretty wild in here, just like in Minnesota. I took this opportunity to take a look where my future VHL team will play its home games. It was quite difficult to find the stadium, it was quite hidden. It was like a phantom.

    But then I realized.. The main arena was where one of the Prague teams plays hockey. One of the TELH (Tipsport Extraliga Ledniho Hokeje) hockey league teams. So, I went there and what do you know, I was just in time to see a local play-offs match!

    However, the match turned out to be much wilder than I thought it would be. Especially because one of the teams playing was Liberec White Tigers. I stayed for the whole regulation, but then a line brawl took place. I guess us, Czechs, still prefers non-verbal communication. You cannot say that about the fans, who instead opted for sounding like a giant herd of cows, with their synchronised ‘BOO’ resonating probably through half of Prague.

    No matter, though. I calmly went inside, where the brawl continued and my personal drama began. Two bald-headed, mute guys crossed my path and struck me down with a huge punch in my gutter, which was quite rude if you ask me. Especially with all the beers I had at the game.
    Anyways, I am down on my belly, when I noticed the luxury boots these guys were wearing. Certainly a crocodile skin or something. Must have been, as those shoes are called ‘crocs’ or something.
    That’s when I realised that these two are some crazy Mexican cartel members that got me mistaken for someone else. Definitely because of the unfortunate inconveniences in a certain parking lot in front of a certain arena of a certain hockey team in certain Houston, TE.


    .. I was in a bad situation. Certainly.
    But you know, sometimes it is best to do nothing, so I just closed my eyes and waited for things to happen. That’s when I heard a meme-ish bonk noise followed by two Ijustgothitwithaplank stunned falling noises. I looked up and saw the man who rescued me. He said he remembers me and that he needs to get back to states. And that he’s sure I’ll take him with me.

    So.. That’s how I went on a trip to Czechia, enjoyed my time, almost lost everything and got rescued by an old guy in a funny hat. He even got me a huge bag of blue candy as a reward!

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to explain this to the DEA.

    Take care, see you at my next spot!




    568 words capped for week ending 03/17/2024

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