After meeting up with Chris, Kyle, and Ryan, I thought it would be a neat idea to see where everyone is from.
So mark it on this map! Just go to Additions and add a simple marker.
Since Molholt needs something to listen to at lunch:
10K Post Party
Also if you like my post at the top of this thread you will be in my new 11/12/13K post party which is like the one provided in the link
Episode #40
Run Time: 73 minutes
Player Profile: Bismarck Köenig
Notes: I think this may be my favourite KnightTime of All-time. Fantastic music, great questions and a great profile. Thanks for listening and be sure to ask questions! .Also: Like my Facebook page!
Facebook Page: KnightTime Podcast
Previous Episodes:
we gave Riga a point You're welcome Jaime
Also, man, I am disappointed with the lack of blocked shots I'm an making. Hopefully I can give Mikaelson some more support in that respect soon.
My Birthday Drink tonight is Tequila Pink.
2 shots of Tequila
1 shot of vermouth
and a dash of grenadine.
It masks the alcohol nicely. Well done sweet grenadine, well done.