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Everything posted by frescoelmo

  1. I won't post one at all, going camping this weekend in WA. Good luck all!
  2. I think I had more hits in this game than all of Season 36.
  3. I would put my hand in this. Okay I'll put my hand in this.
  4. If this made sense I would respond with a witty comment. But since the source is Kendrick... 'MURCAA!
  5. Yeah because you waited too long to get back to me! I'll be in SEA this weekend again. Make room damnit!
  6. Aren't you dating Netflix?
  7. IMO permaban all members with the first name Kyle IMO
  8. o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O
  9. Most have a minimal GPU but I wouldn't rely on it for any substantial gaming. Having an dedicated one for the extra $$ is definitely worthwhile. www.newegg.com is my go-to for all computer parts and whatnot. They have pre-built laptops and pc's from manufacturers on there as well. The ratings are legit too and have experienced reviews on them.
  10. 1750 for what you're looking for is a gigantic budget. You won't need anything crazy like a SSD unless you play a crazy amount of Civ 5 and want to be prepared for 6's release... Or if you just want one and don't need a lot of space for movies and such. A lot of the guys I work with have them because they run CAD and Revit simultaneously. An i7 is probably the biggest piece of property in what your suggested build is. Have you ever considered building your own rig? You could stay around or below the four digit threshold based on what you want. UI is whatever you make of it; I have both mac and PC but prefer the latter because its easier to upgrade. Both have been operational for 5+ years, although I cannot get certain MBP items in the more recent updates due to its release. There are pros and cons to both. FYI Dell has been falling for quite awhile if I remember correctly, I would not suggest them for a new computer moving forward. To give you some ideas if you're bored or just to fuck around: http://www.falcon-nw.com/ ( wouldn't suggest buying one but it's fun to get ideas at least).
  11. I would argue BF is much more realistic than the other titles, respectively of course. It's clearly not comparable to joining the armed forces. CoD is strictly an arcade style FPS in my opinion.
  12. Interesting, I might check it out later tonight. TBH anyone who thinks CoD or this Titanfall game is realistic, play any Battlefield title... At least there are vehicles in it (although admittedly Operation Locker is the CoD equivalent).
  13. I dabbled in Hearthstone a little bit, it was okay but I haven't invested much in it yet. Some of my friends are always playing it when I log onto battle.net.
  14. Championship round starting soon! #11 Boom from the AARP division after beating out Noah!! in a thriller #10 Flyersfan from the RSCEMIGT division in a close vote against AwfulHomesick Voting to go up soon.
  15. 1). It's called darwinism. 7 points are easy enough to get around here with a little effort, don't make the extra 2 points that separate the best from the rest a cake walk. I had no problem firing bums who didn't do their work when I was a head grader, you just have to create a competitive atmosphere. 2). This is a shot in the dark but unless that 'actual great people' list is established you will always have conflicts of interest because graders are a dime a dozen, and they don't know any better. There will probably be conflict of interest regardless of how that fleshes out. It is one grade and one opinion; it should not be assumed that it is how everyone views the point task.
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