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So with the E league being revealed this week, the question of "which teams will there be" is floating out there. Truth be told, we don't know yet. Nobody knows yet. At least part of it will be left up to the public, while some part of it may be left to the commissioners or the stupid idiots who sit around dreaming up ways to make their own lives easier BoG, for the more obvious teams like Vasteras who should end up running away with any public vote among people who were there to see them.


The Stockholm Vikings are a team who I believe will likely end up in the E league one way or another, either by executive decision or by public vote. They were a part of the league for a good while, and they have one of the league's more iconic logos among defunct teams. But there are things I dislike about them as well...


-Bringing in Vasteras and Stockholm gives us two Swedish teams, which probably gives us the only two teams in one country in the E league. I don't personally care about this, but some might find it weird.

-Unpopular opinion: I don't like the logo. I've seen people gushing over it but I don't get it.

-Vasteras and Stockholm are the same franchise. This is the thing that's most weird to me--Vasteras relocated to Stockholm later on, so we'd really be bringing the same team back twice.


And were my article only about that, it would just be an unpopular-opinion piece on how I'm not a huge fan of one of the presumed obvious choices. But it's not just about that.


I love the idea of bringing back the Madrid Thunder. It's probably my favorite out of all the teams with a smaller chance of getting in. It gives us a team in a cool country (having studied Spanish for some time and gotten some understanding of the language and culture I'm possibly biased, but it is a cool country), in a cool city, with a cool name with the potential for some really cool branding. The thing is...Madrid is also the same franchise as Stockholm and Vasteras. So for me to advocate for them, I'd have to be in favor of bringing back Stockholm as well as Stockholm existed for a good while longer. Both would involve me needing to throw out my main point of contention...except I don't want to do that.


Damn Vasteras screwing things up already.

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2 minutes ago, Ahma said:

makes sense

would be willing to go with something like Tampere if they were to be considered the successor to Kolari, and carry over the history etc

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  • Commissioner

As someone who loves the Stockholm logo (they could also use the alternate if people don’t like the main, we have both) I would want to see it back even if the circumstances are a bit strange. Ultimately 2 teams out of Sweden doesn’t bother me and I don’t find the “they were the same franchise” argument holds much weight either. They were the same in the VHL, the VHLE is more or less a whole new beast, why limit it? Ultimately we’re using old teams to save ourselves the time, effort, and money of a whole expansion while also bringing back some old favourites. I don’t think we should limit those favourites because Vasteras was a miserable franchise that moved around a bunch.


As for Madrid… IMO it’s worst than Stockholm by every metric.

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