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VHLE: More Ideas for Vic and Acyd


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It's theme week and for this go around we get to blab about one of the most recent announcements for the Victory Hockey League. In fact, one of the most recent probably has to be the biggest announcement easily since the expansions (and I'd say it probably tops those too by a tiny bit). This week has people throwing out written ideas for team names, locations and what they're all about, as well as graphic designs for logo ideas/names, jerseys and other creative things that someone might think of. They're a dime a dozen but a majority of them are super cool to see what people can think of and come up with. With all the logos coming out, it made me think of the time @Motzaburger and I were thinking up some ideas on logos that could maybe be added into the VHLM if it were to ever expand. A lot of them are pretty damn cool, so without further blabbing, let's get this done and out of the way so I can go back to gaming, lol.


Sardina, Italy


Or anywhere in Italy where the name fits... 



Firstly, apologies that they're so massive. I got them from his and my discussion and when you go to the imgur and then paste it here, this is what we get. I don't want to ruin it and am actually very lazy right now so am not gonna change them around. Either way, this is an amazing logo and it was actually in our minds to go with Miami when the idea first started kicking and before it ever actually gained traction. It was more when we were just shooting the shit and having fun talking and planning/designing. Sardina, Italy apparently is one of the best places in Europe and Italy to see the pink flamingo with their young and is quite the site to see. I don't know. The logo is just super bad ass and adding a flamingo's team would be pretty sweet!





Similar to above, sorry about the size but look at that detail! Also similar to the above, it was never meant for a team in Europe as we all know the VHLM moved to North America. We were thinking maybe something like Miami for the Flamingos and this team was actually supposed to be a Hawaiian team. It was motza baby! Waikiki Wasp or something like that, @Motzaburger? :P The logo is pretty cool, the team name has a lot of options and I'd imagine for the VHLME, it would fit all over the place. A team with the name Sting, Hortnets, Wasps etc, I would not fuck with!





I mean, we got the kings in the VHLM still, right? Maybe we can swap the name? I don't honestly mind the one with a word in it but don't mind the other one either. Motza did some excellent work with these and this was the one he was actually pushing to replace with the Mexico Cities old logo. Seeing the new logo the team got, we should of went with motza when he initially presented th eidea because I feel this one is a lot better with a less "Xbox One Fortnite" team vibe. It's not really too bad, but I find this one to be better, sharper and look more "bad ass".


I really like the idea of Stockholm and Cologne making a come back.. even Bratislava... Why not revive 3 old... and bring in these 3 magical choices? Lots of good options here ;) @Acydburn @Victor


+6 capped, +6 uncapped for theme week.

Also, hello SBA welfare claim :P 




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