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Solo podcasts


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Do people listen to solo podcasts? I’ve listened to a few and they are hard to follow most of the time, only a select few can do them good. I started recording a new idea for a solo podcast over a month ago but just can’t seem to bring myself to continue it. I do think it is a good idea what I came up with but just not sure if anyone would listen to it. Anyways just putting this out here because my graphic bank is depleted and I can’t be fucked with creativity so it’s either I pump out shit graphics, get back on the podcast train by myself or I just stop doing PTs altogether. This is my last week to decide what I want to do so we’ll see how we go. Might have to pump out a single 15 min podcast just to see what people think. Cheers 

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I do listen to @JardyB10's solo podcasts sometimes, mainly because they're short and sweet and he's also name dropped me in one. It's also been the inspiration for my "carcast" thing which I might turn into a series, where I record a podcast on the way back from work. Drive's about 30 minutes, I get 2 weeks from it. Some folks in Moscow listen to it, and I've generally gotten the feedback that people in the community like to have podcasts to listen to when commuting/at work/chilling.


Go for it!

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6 hours ago, Spartan said:

I do listen to @JardyB10's solo podcasts sometimes, mainly because they're short and sweet and he's also name dropped me in one. It's also been the inspiration for my "carcast" thing which I might turn into a series, where I record a podcast on the way back from work. Drive's about 30 minutes, I get 2 weeks from it. Some folks in Moscow listen to it, and I've generally gotten the feedback that people in the community like to have podcasts to listen to when commuting/at work/chilling.


Go for it!

I wouldn't classify most my podcasts as either short or sweet, even my 3-point ones are routinely ~40 minutes, and I'm constantly rambling on tangential trains of thought and swearing at members and forgetting what I'm talking about mid-sentence and getting distracted by activity on the road. I don't think they would fall in to Boot's category of "can be good if done well," hahaha. But they're convenient and a lot of fun and sometimes people listen and enjoy which is cool!


That said @dasboot, definitely do it up! I listen to every dang podcast that gets posted, regardless of length or amount of people recording them. I definitely love it when a couple of blokes can get together and shoot the shit, but the solo podcasts are great, especially @Tate's. Plus, if you have a good and cool idea, unleashing it into the world may inspire other would-be podcasters, which could create a bouncing effect of ever improving podcasts. Or you could spread a dangerous virus of something like driving podcasts like I am. Either way it's nice.

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8 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

I wouldn't classify most my podcasts as either short or sweet, even my 3-point ones are routinely ~40 minutes, and I'm constantly rambling on tangential trains of thought and swearing at members and forgetting what I'm talking about mid-sentence and getting distracted by activity on the road. I don't think they would fall in to Boot's category of "can be good if done well," hahaha. But they're convenient and a lot of fun and sometimes people listen and enjoy which is cool!

Huh. Well I didn't even realize they were all that long, maybe the variability within them makes them easier to listen to. I usually don't listen to podcasts because my attention span is too short, just can't stay interested in them. Yours was maybe the only one I actually stuck around for longer than 20 minutes on.

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I don’t do them anymore since I obviously have enough job pay from everything to cover it but my CoDCasts were always solo. I think I had a guest on once in like 80some episodes or however many I wound up with. I think it just takes someone either being really good at talking to themselves (like @JardyB10 or @Phil) or it takes a unique spin (like mine were gameplay videos h eh at I just turned into podcasts) to make it work. It definitely can though, you don’t need to have anyone else to make a good podcast.

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